- Update 1.1.6 now available for download!
- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com
- 1.1.5 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com
>Resources and Guides
Previous thread:
- Update 1.1.6 now available for download!
- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com
- 1.1.5 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com
>Resources and Guides
Previous thread:
>dead already
/ssbg/ has an OFFICIAL discord now made by Chronos:
It's open for everyone and has no moderation - If you can't get along with others use the blocking function.
This is the first decent thread in a while without useless links so let's not waste it and get right into talking about Smash AI. Not sure how it works in PM, but AI in Brawl works the best out of all the games. Don't know why they were so lazy with Sm4sh and made the CPUs only read inputs.
because other fighting games don't have to try with their AI, not much point for nintendo to
Why regress after creating Brawl's AI? Even if it's the case of not being able to directly port it over for Sm4sh, they have a framework for it instead of creating something entirely new to replace it to no one's benefit. Melee AI has a lot of flaws, but it's still better at attempting to simulate multiplayer than Sm4sh. I wonder if Shitposting Tourneyfag has any AI related webms to help validate that.
sure they could've used their previous work to make some great AI but they only really did that afterwards with the amiibo, it's easy enough to just make them respond to any given input you throw at them (le dodge all your aerials first frame xd)
however it has been noted that apparently after some patches the AI actually improved, so maybe there was time constraint issues
the best doc in the general can tell you all about the AI i'm sure
> they only really did that afterwards with the amiibo
I don't know about your or anyone else with amiibo, but I don't notice a worthwhile difference in AI between trained amiibo vs. level 9 CPU. They still can't really play offstage, and with Sm4sh's AI focused on inputting reading there isn't improvement to be had between a level 9 doing it or a level 50 amiibo. Any learning the amiibo does is minimal and doesn't seem to be up to anything close to the Brawl AI in my experience.
>however it has been noted that apparently after some patches the AI actually improved
Is that so? I haven't noticed but I haven't looked closely after my initial disappointment either. Part of it is I'm disappointed in how the smash community didn't take a bigger interest in exploring in-depth with amiibo training and AI in general. Any youtube videos on their learning behaviors are either sketchy or non-noteworthy.
>the best doc in the general can tell you all about the AI i'm sure
I never heard of this story, so I'm definitely interested.
just a memelord who had a ton of 3ds replays of him dunking on AI, nothing special
Oh I thought you meant it was tests or general experience that he was analyzing with the AI
Why has Leffen not left Sweden yet ? Isnt he going to EVO ?
Isn't EVO next week?
no evo starts on friday
Dont forget to report chazos tournies and pames shitposts
Adding on to how nips cannot into AI, amiibos actually start doing more knockback, damage as they reach higher levels as well as recieving less knockback.
Level 6 AI do react to things frame 1 they just don't do it all the time and they don't airdodge. I can't comment too much on level 7, 8 and 9 AI because they make me want to yell very angrily and loudly for sustained periods of time.
Smash AI literally cheat and if I want cheating AI I'll go back to XCOM or Fire Emblem (nips couldn't figure out FOW until past 2008)
amiibos just get stat boosts as if they were wearing a bunch of equipment, even though it shows they wear none. iirc its 50% boost in all stats
Palucina a cute!
would you hangout with oddish
If I could find him on pokemon go
come over my house theres oddishes here in my bedroom
>only have 3DS
>can only play 1v1 online because anything more runs like shit
>get online
>it's a cloud
>it's a projectilist that's not DDD
>every time
would you play /ssbg/-go
fuck off
who 1v1 here?
Wii U
Anyone playing on wiiu?
Anybody want to play?
host you piece of shit
Room is up.
nigga you aint even online but good trolling
The fuck you talking about
Hell if I know
GGs Dorf.
Don't ever shoryuken me or my wife's son ever again.
Neat games Chito
>Don't ever shoryuken me or my wife's son ever again.
Only if you don't get jv3 in under 20 seconds again
wow youre so much better than panchito its almost sad
Don't ever record that.
Don't ever post that.
>amiibos actually start doing more knockback, damage as they reach higher levels as well as recieving less knockback
What is the point of this, or is it only to give a false sense of strength? Amiibo were touted to be superior to the CPU levels, yet they don't learn or do anything a level 9 can't already do besides what you mentioned above.
>Level 6 AI do react to things frame 1 they just don't do it all the time and they don't airdodge
Another lazy aspect is the difference between AI levels. Can't more be done than just have various degrees of nerfed level 9 to fill in the range?
That's disgusting. if only they actually learned like they were supposed to.
at least you can spam them in true arena for more health
Is that true? Damn that's cheap.
what is with this game? i've been doing 1v1s for the past two days and it's like randomized skill. I don't think I can go further than what I am capable of but I was versing some guy using Cloud like me, and he is going so fast jut doing random attacks and everything like he knew my moves. It's like a bot was playing. The fuck.
I also hate these fucking chain attacks and shit. Mario is especially fucking dumb. Throw and up punch up punch up punch, thats fucking stupid. Me versus this asshole.
You don't need to record with your camera. Tr4sh actually has a replay uploading feature that uploads directly to your youtube account.
putting this on scrubquotes
i wish i knew that years ago
i also was versing some faggot named caroline pretending to be a girl. used bayonetta. all she did was fucking use witch time, and combo me and there was no way out of it. what a cheap fucking character.
>forcing another thread
Are you guys retarded?
Fuck off moxy
literally get gud
You can only upload to youtube if the replay is sub 3:15 in time, because Nintendo needs retarded restrictions to function.
Fuck off
i've been playing to try and get good. i want to know how people go super fast like jumping up and down faster and knowing when to dodge. you have to play this game 24 hours a day to get that good.
Will you ever stop humble bragging, asshole?
I watched your whole video and nothing is remarkable from either of you. You're running away, but do random aerials instead of charging limit which shows you not only have a sloppy grasp on Cloud but on spacing as a whole. Those taunts better be mistakes because you look like a salty shitter.
>taunting at every opportunity
>against a trashy mario
>even complains about him despite being trash
well let me tell YOU, buddy. I go against most people and beat most of them on 1v1. So either this game really doesn't take much skill or I'm just good sometimes. When I verse anybody who uses cheap tactics, sometimes I kill them and sometimes I don't. And no, those taunts weren't mistakes. I won the battle and got experience, so fuck off faggot.
Yeah, so after watching that vid, Sardine is literally smash cancer
>i want to know how people go super fast like jumping up and down faster
They press down quickly on the stick to fast fall after they do a short hop.
>knowing when to dodge
Guess what your opponent is going to do and preemptively react to it. It's practice reading your opponent which is found in not only fighting games but other competitive games.
>i've been playing to try and get good
>you have to play this game 24 hours a day to get that good
You need to practice, but with this attitude towards improving and challenges you won't even beat an average player.
And I'll spread my disease. I beat lots of people who go crazy and I piss them off with taunts. I fucking love it. Makes me laugh so hard. Then I leave.
anyone who uses the word cheap cant be good, sorry kid
>angryfag cocky cloud
I wish sakurai nerfed the shit out of cloud so those fags would go away
>For Gloryfags being cocky
Let me guess, someone will kick his ass back down to reality and he will act like he was humble all along
It doesn't work, there must be timing but people do it constantly and it's annoying. The Cloud I faced knew when to dodge in weird ways that he shouldn't have predicted. I've been practicing, and I have beaten a bunch of good players. If I have to brag I'll upload more replays but like I said I just have trouble with people who bounce all over the place and you can't keep up with them. I've only met one guy like that today and it was cloud.
What's your NNID? I'll play you a few and see what you need work on when I'm done eating.
Oh okay. it is ZehcnasX0
lol I knew it
i don't even browse reddit. people take my name all the time and i literally don't get how because its my name backwards
well i will probably play mario maker and then play the guy who is still eating later
Dont forget the unofficial official /ssbg/ discord
I got cancer from that match, you both need to git gudder
that was my intention. enjoy your death
stop advertising your fake discord every day, chazo
you really are a pathetic pedonigger
don't reply, just report discords and other shitposts
Post mains
my dick
evo isn't worth watching now
I saw it coming when he wasnt attending any of the recent majors in America, what a shame.
Do you have a 3DS you can play on?
Yes I do. My 3Ds is my baby.
Would you be up for a few games?
Yes, sure. I was just sitting here idling I don't even know what I was doing. I had some herbal supplement though. Friendcode is 0963-3627-4273
Neat. FC is 4184-2976-0132. I can play for around 12 games or so.
i remember you in a tourney once
Must have been a while, haven't played in a tournament for a very long time. Or at least a singles one, played dubs at me local though. Hi.
yes it was a long time ago
who 1v1 here?
wii u only
finnlaaalalalllyyy. howd i do pher
Are you retarded? No one likes you. Fuck off
awful, you suck
Hello Pher, wanna do dubs?