/pgg/ Pokemon Go General

Should I bother leveling him?

>About the game

>official FAQ

>What is it?
Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.

>Some questions answered
pastebin.com/spE64rbPw (embed)
Fresh with updates!
Feel free to add more to the pastebin, keep it in the OP though.

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2nd for spoofing im my pajamas with a ice cold chocolate milk

level 24

So at what point should I be powering and evolving my Pokemon? Should I be saving my dust and rarer evolves until I get something that's like 500+?

>Reach level 9
>Only 10-40CP pokemon appear in lure areas

Fuck this.

yes, save dust. Once you hit lvl 15 everything is 200-600 in the wild.

remember evolving is more important.

>NEETS actually leaving their rooms
>meanwhile I'm nice and cozy inside sat on my ass with snacks spoofing gyms

But I should still evolve everything when I get the chance as opposed to waiting until I'm 15 and get a good version to evolve?

Save your candies, then pop a double exp egg and evolve them all at once for gains.

I'm trying to take over a gym, but the battle won't start. It just says GO!! and then I wait, and I get booted back to the gym screen.
Is this the servers falling over again?

>catch a pokemon
>pokeball freezes

What the fuck, it's been five fucking days already

>tell mom about pogo
>brother installs it on her phone
>sends me a website with the best places to get pokemon and stops in our city
Is your mom this cool?

Is it just me or are all the links on OP dead?

Happened to me at least 5 times now. Sometimes the Pokemon actually goes to my pack

>tfw you live in the suburbs and bluestacks doesn't work
>tfw have no more pokeballs

Not quite, but she takes my little brother to pokestops
>Dad too much of a shut-in to take me to pokestops just to spend time with me before I move away for uni

I gave in, /pgg/, I was one catch from leveling up when this fucking Kakuna wasted my last 5 pokeballs and crashed my game to boot. I bought 20 pokeballs then caught a Nidoran (m) to top myself off. Now at 35 pokeballs.

>yfw closest pokestop is 3 miles away and closest bus stop is 2

banwave in one hour

end of day 4, almost lvl18

how am I doing /pgg/?

Why not share km instead of days?

43.1 km

Wait for the white loading thing to go away and restart. If you didn't catch it it'll still be on the map.

My family consisted largely of Ingress players, so the adoption was swift. Dad's already sending Clefairy pictures and my sister caught a Scyther recently.

She's also nine-months pregnant. I'm tempted to make her do the reverse of the "Wife in labor, too busy catching pokemon" meme.

Installed for my mom yesterday. She caught Bulbasaur in one throw.


pastebin has been removed

More lure that way

How to fix "failed to get player information..."?


Did you download the update?

If I have an Android Phone, but wanna upgrade to an iOS is there a way I can transfer my account without losing anything?

By signing in with the same account.

Yeah but there's no way to account transfer yet, is there?

first power up then evolve ?
vice versa
math niggs

No you literally just install the app and sign in with the same account

Yes, but it doesn't help.

Is there any way to mess with the GPS to get close enough to pokéstops you're just on the edge at? Got 2 outside my apartment and I can sometimes reach them, sometimes not.
Walking around the apartment doesn't work.

how do you see that? Started 7/7 and only 12

It'll take a Gmail on an iphone?

Click the icon on the lower left then scroll down to the Jogger medal

Saw loads of normies stood around with their phones out yesterday on my way to work, literally just realised they were playing pogo

Can I just toss out these garbage 2 km eggs

So I gave a newbie friend my phone to browse my pokemon list
>you know this item gives double xp? here let me activate it for you

It has begun.

Tackle vs quick attack and what's a good move set for a Hypno


>"Ugh, I don't want to actually have to play the game and stuff!"

You must be a real idiot to get caught spoofing your GPS.

>dumb nigger probably warping around the world
>fuk u y u ban me bich as nigas

I just stick to the areas near my house that I don't want to go near because of druggies and gangs. I also move rather slowly while doing it too. Never more than a moderate speed in a car

The demand for Pokemon GO Plus (bracelet) is ridiculous.

There are idiots buying "pre-ordered" Pokemon GO Plus' on ebay for $150+.

Try your local college campus. Pokespots EVERYWHERE.

I'm scared

Well the guy is from chicago I think, so I don't see why the hell you would even need to spoof that hard.

I want one.

My local college campus is right next to one of the worst places on this side of town. Thanks, but no thanks.

Went to UMW and kept a 5 pokespot circle lures for 2+hrs. Met plenty of cool dudes and dudettes and helped all the newbies. Was a lot of fun. Only downside was out of a group of 20+ people there was only 4 yellows, me included. Didn't stop us from taking down all enemy gyms for a while and having a good time bullying the blues a bit before we all went our separate ways.

Very high potential 10/10 game. Fix the bugs/servers, add trading, battling, and eventually more generations and you have a game that will likely revolutionize social media. Chat function isn't really necessary, but something like DS soapstones would be cool.

Post your damage.

To add to this and put it into perspective, until a few years ago paramedics wouldn't even respond to the area without police backup and you couldn't get anything delivered there. It's that kind of dangerous.

guys help, is the mobile data drain from this game just insane or is it just me?
I played for a bit today, caught one pokemon and walked for 1km to the bus, and it drained 20MB. I can't deal with this, I have a monthly limit of 300 total.
Can I really just play this at places where I have wireless lan?

Also, is it just the german launch, or are the servers always this obscenely unreliable? I can rarely even log in at home.

I went out walking for 2 hours and it used about 17MB.
I heard downloading offline maps from Google Maps helps with data and battery usage but I can't really attest to it myself.

are you sure its just this game and not other things draining your data?

>standing at a park entrance
>just gonna hit this pokestop once or twice
>dicking around in my bag waiting for 5 min cooldown
>suddenly hear footsteps
>look up and loli is walking towards me
>smiles and asks me if i'm playing pokemon
>"yeah I started a few days ago"
>asks if she can see my pokemon
>turn my phone toward her, but she walks over to my side
>sweat starts to form on my head
>"wow your pokemon are really strong!"
>"that eevee is so cute!"
>leans into me while looking
>make up some bullshit about having to check on my dog and gtfo

Never going to a park again.

Close the app, reopen and the pokemon will be in your bag

hm, I have an offline map of my university region and around my home.
Maybe it was the initial download of the pokestops and gyms?
It just seems to constantly drain data as long as it's active, it even has the white spinning icon there all the time.

as long as I can trust the Android data metrics, yes. it sorts it by app.

Also, how do I activate the energy save mode? It doesn't seem to recognize my phone position at all, neither does it for the AR stuff.

what is golduck actually good against? i've taken a few gyms and everytime i used him it said "not effective", i cant find any trend. the only time i didnt get "not effective" is when i use his water gun ultimate on a fire guy


PlayStation General #1 is inviting you to celebrate with us. Feel free to pass by, if not carry on and have a lovely day :)

Depends on his moveset. I have a water gun/ice attack golduck that is brutal

what are you celebrating?

On android I went to the play store and hit 'update' on PokemonGo and it said it installed successfully, but when I go into the game settings it still says version .29.2. Any idea how to force the update?

What... sort of loli....?

that is the current version in the app store, at least in germany.

yeah that's the current version

hows this?

i didnt even know movesets were a thing, i just figured they all got the same when they evolved..

Latest version is 1.01


You guys know 1.01 is out right?

probably never

look at how the gyms were designed. attackers have a SEVERE advantage to the point of defending being impossible unless you severely outlevel everyone.

they want the game to be "fun" for casuals

well, YOU do realize none of the links in the OP work?

Thats pretty good, psychic does decent damage and having a strong 2nd move is almost always preferable.

yeah same here. Meanwhile everyone around me from levels 7 to 18 have pokemons ranging from 150 to 600. My highest one is merely 150CP at level 8, and I get only Rattatas and Pidgeys.
Fuck this shit.

so has anyone discovered how the geomes influence pokemon?

i found 2 lured spots that are on land (green) but their radius goes into water (blue), and they spawn primarily water types.

fake gps creator is doing some kind of an ama or some shit on reddit didnt read you guys sum it up for me ty

So do you actually battle in this game? I don't really see the point in playing if you dont.

My camera won't center to turn with the direction I am walking. I can only get it to center north or be at a weird fucking angle where I'm basically walking into the foreground and can't see what's coming towards me. Should I assume this game is just buggy still or is my gyroscope fucked up?


there is no point, the game will die (aside from the aspie fucks that actually play pokemon games) once the media hype dies

right now we have every news station blasting "omg pokemongo everyones outside~!!!!" so everyone is rushing outside to try it. once they play it once they'll put it down and never play it again

what if it's a 600 cp pidshit

thread theme


I feel this games longevity entirely depends on where you live. Also who knows what kind of shit they'll add to this game to add more to the 'gameplay'.

>Car repairs 700 dollars
>spent all my savings at Christmas just to buy it
>have to pay car insurance this week, which is 200 dollars

>about to start school, 24 miles back and forth on interstate, probably way more since so can't bike along the interstate
>Pokemon go won't count bike riding as steps

How fucked am I?

glad that you friends don't know about the 4th team

Remember to tag as rival teams to make them look bad

Real Mystics would just do the Articundo logo and not write their name.

I have played now two days, during that time i have walked 29.8km.
I have not done anything heavier than carry six packs of soda into my apartment from my car for 4 years.
My walking is crooked due to gene lottery.
I dont know if my legs can take another day

I think it still only recognizes physical gyroscopes, not virtual ones.
Does your AR camera or battery save mode work?

that's good senpai

I'm going out Pokehunting tonight with some friends. Any recommendations for a drop leg holster for a CZ P07?

how do you do that?
Do you just hold the phone in front of you, or did you build some kind of contraption to hold it for you?
I walked my egg for 1km and I'm already sick of it.

So how do i join gyms of my own team? Do i need to fight it or can i just leave a pokemon behind?

every 2k prestiege someone can leave a pokemon (from the same team)

if theres not a spot open you have to fight "train" the gym until another one opens, and then try to join before someone else sneaks in.