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Roadhog rides again

Post Nana Amari memes

>Ana ult boosted whole hog

So, how's the game right now on the PTR?
Is it more balanced? More frustrating? What's cool and what's stupid?

is she team mom or team grandma?

Need some chill aus cunts to play comp with, rank 54 (highest 56 atm)

I just noticed that Tracer keeps her Pulse Bombs on her back. Isn't that fucking dangerous?


She's team Ana

team anal

Insta-lock D.va

I want to kiss her

Are you supposed to choose between twitch heroes and hitscan aiming heroes?

>try high sens (25" 360 degrees")
>do really well with genji, pharah and tracer because of easy 180 turns
>can't hit shit with soldier, mccree or ana
>try low sens (35" 360 degrees)
>do really well with soldier, mccree and ana but can't play genji, pharah or soldier because 180 turns are pain

should i bind a button to momentarily lower my sensitivity or something? i want to play both types of heroes

not sure asking here is a good idea considering most of you are sub rank 50 somehow

>never get angry at the game
>always have fun
>only thing that makes me mad is when the embodiment of Dunning-Krueger acts like an asshole on chat
>want to find them and kill them

Why do people have to be assholes?


>self healing will boost your ult
>every self healing character ult cost increased
>except Mei

Turn off chat m9

>want a rein legendary but dont want to pay for it
the struggle is real

says the guy that wants to kill a Dunning-Krueger specimen

I need an SFM animation of Ana cuddling Pharah in bed and massaging her clit.

What the fuck were they thinking about making self heals boost ults

I want Mei to eat food and then regurgitate it into my mouth like a bird feeding its babies.

dva and zenyatta are great but mercys damage buff is OP

mccree 1 shots 200hp characters with it and reinhardt does damage like genjis ult


One of the best voice lines in the game

you can change settings hero wise

Only thing negative i've seen is people bitching that D.va is as scary as Reinhard, Zarya, Hog. So she's a proper tank now. More of a strike tank than anything else. She has a proper place now and people can't just "lol ignore her and kill everything else first".

Now she makes a proper good "heavy tracer" if the enemy team has to much auto aim shit for tracer to handle.

Oh, someone compiled all of the different language Ana trailers into a single link for easy comparing.

>play game
>getting better
>lose sometimes
>take it fine
>play with friend
>lose often
>blames the game
>blames the team mates
>passive aggressively blames me
>living salt shaker
>always wants to duo queue with me
>his antics are making the game not fun
>End up telling him nah I'm just going to solo queue for a bit....

d.va ult is actually really fucking strong on open maps now

ana is strong as heck for attrition warfare, but can't do very well in short skirmishes unless she ults a genji or something. her healing is really fucking good if shes half decent at aiming and she has infinite range

ana's ult makes genji a ridiculous 1-shotting beast that will probably be nerfed once the pros get a hold of her (knowing blizz, they will nerf genji instead of their new waifu)

mccree is ok now

zenyatta is ok now

d.vas defense matrix is pretty ridiculous now since it's always up, expect d.va to be even better at stalling on defense

ana's sleep will probably be strong as fuck once people get good with it

Post Reinhardt

Shame Veeky Forums doesn't have sound because theres a perfectly timed SMACK sound when I killed Mercy

B-but that's a christian board here, you fucking pervert

who counters ana the hardest?

>get 50+ elims, gold
>get 20+ obj kills, gold
>get silver healing with whatever ability as a DPS/Defence after the single healer
>get gold objective time

>some retarded mobakiddy in his safespace with cardboard medals for everything on his zen/hanzo/torb/sym instalock starts crying about dunning-kruger when I point out he is the reason we lost

Fucking lol, stay mad lolkiddy or dotard

can anyone else see CIA in this pic

if you can play on multiple sens just change each hero to suit your needs. Tends to mess up your aim a bit tho. I'd just change the sens to a middle ground

Fuck you and your beliefs.

see but isn't that a really bad idea for establishing muscle memory? i mostly rely on twitch aim so changing the sensitivity even a little bit fucks me up for a couple of days

But then I can't use chat in the way it was intended, with the people who aren't sacks of shit.

>asshole tells everybody they're useless because he has 4 gold medals
>know he fucking doesn't because I have 3
>absolutely no way to call him out on this

I wish i could trade blackhardt for firefighter

chat has no positive aspects

finding people to play with is a meme, thats why everyone still plays with the dudes they met 10 years ago in "super realistic shooter 2006"

communities everywhere are trash and people are delusional, just like me, i still believe in teamplay and cooperating by being helpful and attentive even though ive been and are full of hate at all stages of my life

>not having 4chinX for sound

these threads move too fast
i cant keep up

i need some of you to leave

Wanna know something fucked? I just tested and can confirm it.

>Play as Roadhog
>Full self heal with a few HP short of a full bar
>20% added to Ult gauge


Go away Dr.Pavel, and yes I see it too.

Did Tracer get nerfed at least?

I won't play at my rank anymore because of fucking Tracer.

You can post .WEBM's with sound on the /gif/ and /wsg/ boards.


Sleep won't be nerfed
> they never nerfed a "breakable" CC in WoW

>rein height-shames torb
fuck this game

But this is the best place to talk about my pixelated waifus.


mccree is gonna be one of the strongest heroes in the game if his changes go through, he's not simply "ok"

then mute the people who you don't like and leave the rest

each type of hero plays differently. it will take a while to get used to, but its worth it to have 3 different sensitivity settings. Low for long range hitscan. Medium for mid and short range, and high as fuck for easy aim characters like symmetra, winston, and reinhardt

Well I can now

They just added a new character with a hit scan weapon that 2 shots her, as well as having a sleeper dart that essentially signs her death warrant.

Is there a way to actually turn it off or do you just have to mute everyone at the start of the game?

I think they just forgot about her because she's almost unplayed at high levels, and in retard league a semi-faster charging ult won't make her any more unstoppable than she already is.

flankers, real snipers

But thats not where we are

But I want to kill him.

>d.vas defense matrix is pretty ridiculous now since it's always up, expect d.va to be even better at stalling on defenseI can see it's cool down being extended by a second. one second is a little too quick for what it's able to do.

You're not the only one...

you can link to posts on other boards bud

Jesus, hopefully they fix this stuff before it goes live.





Oh good, another muslim character, just what we needed.

Hopefully every character from now added is a muslim and they can do a story arc where all the non-muslim characters convert, wouldn't that be lovely.

She's immortal now in the hands of a skilled player. Or ever since the McCree nerf.

True, ever since getting better at this game I haven't really had trouble with Mei anymore, only through random headshots when Tracer.

press P while in an active match and tick the small chat boxes you will see

the chat will be disabled for as long as you restart the game again or enable it yourself

>>mccree is gonna be one of the strongest heroes in the game if his changes go through, he's not simply "ok"

yeah maybe i was just playing him with a pretty high sensitivity since i main FAST heroes

i gotta figure out a way to have both low sens and high sens for my needs without fucking my muscle memory, i don't know if that's good advice. i guess i could try it out

whos this

we'll get icecream next time son

you can set things like key bindings and sens for every hero individually

Nah, they nerfed The Hog's ult rate to compensate, and since he has no actual defense other than his fat belly, that's just fair.


Ok so basically the game will just be a "one-shot everyone' soon?

I demand you give me a reason that junks tire can go through reins shield

EnvyUs.Taimou's Blizzard-endorsed aimbot!

lmao why would a white supremacist play overwatch, the most liberal game ever created

>caring about eceleb

um overtards?

isn't that Undertale?


Then stop shooting at her

>mfw most of my charges comes from Hanzo, Tracer, S76 and Junkrat
>Hanzos won't stop shooting no matter what

mercys damage buff will mean higher burst damage and harder recalls

>queue up for quick play
>pick whatever hero i want because im trying to enjoy the game
>one teammate chooses same hero, don't care too much desu
>game starts
>some guy starts telling one of us to change to a healer
>we don't
>starts getting mad and calling us shitters
>tell him to go play comp
>he flips his shit
>drops the "just because its comp doesn't mean i dont want to win"

i have friends like this too, it sucks because their bitching makes me not want to play anymore, not because i feel the same as them, but because its so annoying to play with someone that cant take their ego out of the game

i've been solo queuing and im enjoying myself, and when i do queue with friends i make them play quick play because they seem to not get mad at that

Bait harder, son.

ok i'm going to stop posting here because that's not the problem, the problem is that every time you change your mouse sensitivity, your muscle memory resets. and if you use different sensitivities on different heroes, your muscle memory will be resetting 20 times a day which is probably bad

It was just observer glitches!!!!

Cloud9.Surefour's Blizzard-endorsed aimbot!

what is this fucking gay maymay?

>mfw can't get any charge as Zarya now because everyone learned to not shoot at me
It hurts so much

It's funny not of the pro teams consistently run Trace in one hero limit. In fact many of them don't even use Tracer in koth but in no hero limit there is two and three of them. She is not very good in one hero limit.

once you get used to each sensitivity for each kind of character it wont fuck up your aim anymore.



Alejandra, the young girl from 76's short movie.

D.Va's shield counters her hard now.

Ah yes, the highly liberal Widowmaker design really caps everything off.

Are you okay, tumblrina?

Yeah but then I'd have to remake the webm with sound and also below 4mb and I cant be bothered desu

> typing while headshotting