Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Lore edition


>What's new?

Gul'dan, Auriel and a bunch of new skins:

>Where do I find you Sonya-loving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see what types you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into Ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Where the FUCK is Maiev????


Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

How are you guys liking the patch?

Gul'dan is fun as fuck, devour the frail makes his W real nasty. I think the minion buffs is ok, it doesnt change the game that much but makes opening a lane to the core more impacting to the game.

Good patch overall.

No Butcher buffs/10

Just make his chain ult 4 seconds again and he'll be golden

pretty good.
guldan is fucking great, it doesnt feel op or underpower, he is just right, if you are good your going to do tons of damage, if you suck your gonna be destroyed.

>Butcher, Kerrigan, Murky, Gazlowe and Nova will never ever be legitimately viable

Gul'dan OP as expected

Murky is fine as is.

>nearly 100k hero damage on Nazeebo

Is this as busted as I think it is?

Far too much of a one-trick pony with the Octo combo, and his talents suck ass as far as diversity goes. Said one trick he has is also very easily countered by any competent team.

The thing about Nazeebo is a large portion of it is DoT damage, which, depending on the enemy Support(s) can mean next to nothing. He sort of pads the meters a bit.

naz is stat padding trash

>tfw you don't die once as based murkle

tales from bronze

actually i am diamond 3 but yes that was qm

>implying i wont play murky in ranked RIGHT NOW and win

qm is always bronze

>page 10
ded game


Yeah we know, can something save it? Or it is really doomed, Waifus aren't enough

Who the fuck at Blizzard thought Rain of Destruction was a good idea?

Is Illidan still a good pick?

It ultimately depends on who can keep him alive in the late game. Even the simplest enemy team coordination will ruin any jump he tries to make an influence in. It's pretty damn hard to solo camps now if someone just gives you a love tap too.

So, with the right team he can shine

I mean like hammer, you have to build around him, more or less?

Sure, yeah. Those words.

what is that goo coming out of her mouth?

does kerrigan have bugs crawling in her vag?

Mmmm cool, I'll have him in mind when I play with my friends, thanks

>dead game
>not dead board

get a grip

Fuck off.

Well with mods going around deleting every other post, it's kinda hard to keep it alive.

>the general actually page 10'd
who's the best hero of the storm /hotsg/

me, the manlet on the pigeon!

did diablo just deep throat her in this picture? or was it raynor????

This general hits page 10 multiple times a day and gets bumped by someone posting something random

yeah is almost magic

how do i join the Veeky Forums chat in game?

but it actually DIED
it DIDN'T get saved for a change

Have you tried reading the OP?

Kerry still kinda works
shame for no ult

next starcraft hero when ?

if you do join the channel, remember to shit on senjinn and ipwnlocks

Anyone else really enjoying the new Zagara?

dead thread

Yes and no, I feel less like a auto attack bot with the choice of Q spamming. I guess it's just the idea of getting used to her new setup.

(I'll be honest I didn't notice the changes until I saw one baneling pop out of her spawn hole. THAT was an interesting match.)




Would Zug Zug/10

Auriel skills leak
hopefully it's accurate

>Axolotl left us because of reddit
Thanks, Reddit.

JESUS FUCK new Stiches is fun.

>see an overextended shitter
>see an ALLED overextended shitter about to get dunked on
>click 1 and then hook
>see camp about to respawn on enemy's side
>send in Sonya/Gaz/etc. to take in seconds, then click 1 and rescue hook them thru the wall
>save lives
>make plays
>never die


In the universe where Illidan is a girl would Maiev be a guy who is fucking her in every hole for 10,000 years?

>kill an enemy
>"Stopfucking kill-stealing"
>"Keep stealing my kills or I'm reporting you for trolling."

Did the League playerbase migrate over to HotS when I was paying attention?

Sounds great, I want my angel tits NOW

12yo babbies who don't know "Kill X number of heroes" quests don't actually require you to last-hit, it's summer after all.

>no stacks
>team mate low
>can't do anything
>"fucking heal me u shitter REEEEE"


>"Kill X number of heroes" quests
The what quests? Did they add new ones?

Gathering Power, Wizened Duelist, Queen's Rush, Seasoned Marksman etc.

Who's chair league team made ploffs?

trying to get lunara to level 5 and she killed my match history, literally lost every game with her so far


>team is throwing from draft onwards
>no tank, solo supp tassadar, ebin split push meta with Gazlowe and Zagara on Towers of Doom
>win with one (1) perfectly landed Lamb to the Slaughter (Slaughterhouse talent) at level 22
>enemy team forced to watch as we take 2 altars, all keeps and boss before they respawn

Memes do come real

>play all 10 placement games with friend
>he gets plat 5
>i get gold 4

thank you blizzard

Based of your preseason MMR too.

one more match with her win or lose and shes level 5 and then never again with her

never ever

Time to pay someone to boost you to plat 5

Our preseason MMR was less than 100 points apart

With the same amount of games played?

He has more I think, but only by like 30.

I have more QM than him.

Only thing that matters is HL games for your rank.

webm or didn't happen

>i don't know how to position and dodge skillshots
git gud before shittalking my waifu

mmr =| rank/rank points. don't ask why, it's a stupid, intransparent system system.

>call azmo out on being shit
>throws a bitch fit

Why can't people just accept that they are bad at a videogame and should uninstall, for the benefit of everyone else?

it's fake, you idiots

Some of those descriptions fit the video though.

Holy fuck, the new insight with monk is nice

A little slow at first but once you get it you heal a lot

ya, no shit. anyone can watch skill previews and make up descriptions based on what they saw

>webms of ~19 plays from 3 different matches

Just fuckin boot up HotS, select Stitches and queue for Quick Match. Try it yourself. Live a little.

cant tele as BW or fly as falstad with minimap now? the fuck?

You can tele as BW, test fal for yourself.
If you have tried and think you can't, you a dumb shit

How can I best play Medivh?

Every game I play where there's a loss the Medivh always gets blamed. Even though I usually in the middle of damage output, have the most assists, and a pretty high exp contribution.

I'm trying to play him as a support and of course there's no way for people to tell that I've constantly saved their asses with my portals and shield. Plus scouting. Plus pressure with my Q.

What more can I do?

There was something about being able to click through UI in the patch notes, that probably caused that

I've also had people leave the minute I pick Medivh?

Lunara is pretty hard to play well, a lot of people suck with her.

Team up with a Murky, Xul, Thrall, Illidan, or ETC.

Medhiv is like Abathur but worse, he's only good at making his teammates useful. Perfect portal placements mean nothing if no one clicks them. Perfect Ley Lines won't mean people will focus targets correctly. Invisibilty will not make bad players better or secure escapes or ganks.

He's just a tool, not a hero.

That's what you call a utility hero, need a good team that understands how to best use his abilities to actually win.

Ask if people understand how to play with Medivh before drafting him otherwise pick something else if you want to win, or play unranked/QM if you want to play Medivh.

>He clicks to cast

I'm so fucking happy the Specter Phantom is available on its own now.


Yeah so far my experience with him has been less then stellar. Its 50% win rate so far and when we lose, we lose hard. Medivh looks hugely underpowered for the amount of work that needs to be put into him + what he offers. He doesn't offer nearly anything good enough to warrant such difficulty.

Polymorph? Bright has that
Shield? Doesn't last long enough/too low CD to actually make a difference when not used against specific heroes (it counters ults really well, but that's about it).

Portals are grossly underused by players or people don't ever want to use them for anything.

Guess its time to go on break again till the attempt to introduce another interesting hero.

So I was in game playing Nova because I'm so close to that level 20. For some odd reason I had the poverty horse, so I complained about it in chat.
What do I get back?

"Maybe you're gay."

As someone who IS actually gay I was just thinking. This doesn't even make sense. Are you saying that all gays are poor or something? So, as someone who is completely comfortable with their sexuality I reply with:

"Well I actually am"

And then the guy said that he was too, but clearly wasn't after he made a comment that I'm not even repeating here (partially because of the rules, and partially because I would feel disgusting).

So after I reassured the guy that I was gay, he didn't even reply. No apology, nothing. I proceeded to be nice to the team, since I didn't want to stoop down to his level, and throw out insults. I'm not toxic in game (unless I do it on accident and I don't know it).

So why am I posting this? To prove that even some comments that you think are funny can hurt people, and if you are making gay jokes, remember that someone on your team could be gay. People aren't just going to tell you in chat. And if someone does tell you they are gay in chat, they might be telling you the truth. That isn't your cue to spew off a bunch of comments about how you hate the LGBT community. You'll probably never play a game with the person again. So think before you type something in that chat box. I can't stop you, but I will report you. Just try to play nice, and stop making someone sad. Other people have feelings, and it's alright to apologize. Just try not to be toxic in general. It's alright to lose, learn from your mistakes. I'd rather make someone really happy and lose a bit of my MMR instead of making someone sad and gaining some. Okay. I think I blew off enough steam. Oh, and my formatting might be horrible. Sorry if it is.

Oh and by the way. You're on my list, and if I ever see you make another gay joke in chat again... I'm fighting. Hard.

This guy found out how to go from a meme to one of the best heroes in one patch, and basically, you're fucking retarded

>plays Nova enough to level 20
>probably has the rollerblade skin

I couldn't possibly get more retarded teammates, It's like I have to carry them and babysit them all the time or they do something stupid.

post boypussy

im the best pro lili player in all of HOTS right now, prove me wrong faggots

this was an intense silver rank 2 match and i didnt die once and i kept my team alive even when they would retardedly go off solo i would chase after them and keep them healed

im so fucking pro at lili it fucking hurts


So i've been getting alot more survey stuff, not sure if y'all have to. think its related to something though. So I decided to test it out

>think Surveys are related to how chatty you are, and/or shittalking
>Keep up the shittalking
>Keep getting surveys
>Decided to test otherwise
>Be quiet or positive/helpful (rare)
>surveys intially after first two games, then dissappear all together
>Decide to test again
>Shittalk badly
>Surveys every game.

Watch yourselves if you're getting surveys!

li li is the best support against morons, she can carry anyone to plat

id confirm the other side of this, I probably only talk 2 lines a game and very rarely get surveys, mostly how was your connection ones.

New copypasta?

I tend to get a lot of surveys about connection, map and the hero I was playing to the point where I don't even bother rating it

>For some odd reason I had the poverty horse
did you write a support ticket? did they confirm it was because you're gay?