Fighting Games General /fgg/
Shitboxes Fighter 5
That's not a very realistic depiction of her
those are some big tits
dudley is best girl
shut the fuck up breek
>no combo challenge mode
someone give me some Linne combos I know just one
>realistic depiction of a non-real character
Ukumbusho wa kila siku kwamba kipande 5 ni mavi.
Reminder that uniel is ok but in the end it's just the SFV of melty blood
the fact Redblade, the biggest uniel shill, is a SFV apologist should tip you off
ily st hk user
Reminder: Same engine as street fighter 5.
Give me fighting game songs I can use to replace the ones in uniel
stupid dudleyposters
o fuk
that's an oxymoron
the entirety of the Kill Bill soundtrack
looking thick, solid, tight
keep it up man, lets see how thick, solid, tight, jacked and solid and thick you can get
King's mask makes no sense. It's too small to house an entire human head.
rashid's theme
vega's theme
fang's theme
from street fighter v™
he's a big gayfurry
Hey can you stop posting k thnx
it's not a mask
Discord invite link plz?
He's a lot thicker than last year bro. He worked hard for it bro. It's piss.
4 u
But UNIEL characters actually feel different and fun to play
95% of melty characters play the same
In Japan, is Shinjuku arcade worth going to or is it all a meme? I've been playing at hirose entertainment yard, who are pretty good apaet from some people playing super annoying characters like Sak.
u mirrin brah?
go to mikado and say hi to jonio when he gets back from evo
Mexico doesn't have Jaguarmen in their country. Stop trying to cheat me.
you can't even play 5% of the characters in melty
join the discord
I disagree
i want king to hold me down
I'm only here for like 3 more days, was on an 18 day holiday and just got back to tokyo
Shut up, peter.
Is Juri's V-Skill good? i'm a newber but it was really fun to play with in the story mode
>Mexico doesn't have Jaguarmen in their country
Redblade would shit on you in every game you play
tell him to see me in melty then
>still no Monogatari fighting game
that link is expired
Would you say that you're a beginner??
bruv we don't know yet how much they'll change her
Should I buy a PS4 to play fighting games or a PC?
FGC in new york must be suffering.
nah, they're just going to dodge each other.
ps4's are cheaper
tfw my scene died years ago
feels really bad man
living in jew york city is suffering
Depends what games you want to play and if you like very limited options+paywall for online features.
Well I don't think he ever claimed to be better than me in melty and I never claimed to be better than him in uniel
it was just anonymous talking for him
I main bat!
Why do people defend sf5s hitboxes?
If I was actually in it I'd get you another one
The fact that it's basically just anime Street Fighter is the main reason I don't play it
I really liked the early builds where it was super fast and they had airdashes and shit. it should have been HD Melty.
Bad and stale meme.
do people? when has anybody ever done this?
i don't know why you're expecting to have good hitboxes when you're playing a street fighter game. having dog shit hiboxes is par for the course with those games.
Consoletards can't see the actual game they play.
Reminds me: Is there a hitbox viewer for uneil from arcades for pc yet?
Oh is the Juri in story mode not a full Juri, just there so they could have her there?
I would say that I'm a novice...
a charlatan perhaps
PS4 is getting KOF14 next month. That game isn't coming out on PC for years.
It also has Revelator.
PS4 is for people who actually play fighting games. PC = poorfag and people who spend all day shitposting on /fgg/ rather than playing
pc has sf5 and melee
what more do you need?
Post your ps4 trophy collection. I know there are external websites to rack them.
goddamn that must smell like ass
Depends bro, but every notable fighting game, except for KI, is on PS4
all animes, mortal kombat, injustice, sf, tekken, doa, whatever
Yep this good goy is right.
*pays 60 bucks for another hd rerererelease*
*ragequits ranked match*
>muh cheevos
Now let's see that on PS4
get a ps4. buy kofxiv. have fun.
Cuckstation owners love those as much as pcfats on steam.
Typical PCfat shitpost. Like I said, they love shitposting on /fgg/ far more than actually playing fighting games.
Except melty and uniel play nothing alike and you're a diaper for comparing them.
excellent addition to the fighting game discussion
tfw tumors
Why are you claiming others shitpost while you do nothing else?
Get'em Redblade.
Someone see me in SFV/UNIEL/XrdR
>taking a brickpost seriously
>taking redblade dick up your ass
Exactly like SFV and real SF (so SF4)
Should SF5 have 3s style meter building?
This game is really unfair to characters without projectiles because they have no way to impose any kind of pressure. If I saw a CaWmmy build meter by whiffing normals as a Ryu player, I'd feel pressured to attack him.
anyone else really worried about fighting games this gen?
sfv with all of it's issues is the main game and it didn't pop like sf4 did. most people are against it but playing it anyways.
your other option is xrd but not everyone can handle anime and yrcs aren't so hot.
smash is stuck on a dead console and ki/doa aren't real fighting games.
mkx is going to get sacrificed for injustice 2.
tekken 7 will be popular but its always been a ghetto thing.
i wish kof 14 had decent graphics but it's netplay is going to constantly be compared to ggpo and no one is going to want to learn 3 characters.
>real SF
sasuga melty player, of course you don't know what good games are.
ST dickrider detected
Is that Okita?
don't worry kiddo sf4 vanilla had issues too even tho it sold well
Redblade is the best player in this general and deserves respect.
Should I get the Razer Atrox Stick ($80) + 360 to PS4 convertor ($50) or wait until the Evo sales and get a RAP 4 for around $120?
>SFV isn't real SF
>SF4 isn't real SF
>SF3 isn't real SF
What is "real SF"?
I'm getting tinges of "no true scotsman"
HD Rereleases are never $60