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Elder Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/3eemkbtcwwxmjf1/Gwyndolin Dark Sun Helmet.7z?dl=0

Waifus and lore living in harmony


I get CTD after setting FixParallaxTerrain to true

does it use more than 1gb VRAM or something?

Set it to false?

>1gb VRAM

>Thanks, any good khajiit bodies out there? I only see non furry tits shit
Those are textures user. But yeah there are some decent ones out there.

yes and no CTD, but I want parallax terrain :(

can we have a proper lewd thread, you insufferable faglords?

Any bloody skinning or cannibalism torture mods with dank animations yet?

You take some pretty cool shots. What are your specs?

Torture, Ryona and Guro make my dick very erect.

dropbox.com/s/3eemkbtcwwxmjf1/Gwyndolin Dark Sun Helmet.7z?dl=0

+1 image limit
banana post.

I got ya covered user.
Go into your skyrimprefs.ini and locate


set it to 6, and save it.

restart the game, I'd be surprised if you CTD now and you'll get to keep your parallax terrain.

you can thank me later.

is there an alternative to Lush Ascadian Isles?

not on nexus anymore and there doesn't seem to be anything that covers everything it did

got something against toasters boi?

Thats a pt cute banana, don't know how any Vigilant of Stendarr could resist.

even a toaster can take pretty cool shots

that looks fucking retarded

>look in any direction
>stab yourself in the chest or back
good design

Shota Breton Vampire Kings

I like his effects mate. Just curious, I'll bugger off.

Nth for comfy

take all those daggers and reverse them, now it's cool. the creator of that mess should get the honor of wearing it first I think.

no need to bugger off, we're all fucking retarded here, there's no need to feel left out.

fyi, we also all shit on eachother about literally everything...

take me for example, I'm an outright asshole.

I meant I only have 1gb of vram left

i want an unarmed karate master character, should it be a male khajit or argonian?

I can get behind this.

Post some comfy lads.

Snake legs when?
Female altmer.


it's all good - did you try those steps, did it work out for ya?

Fuck yeah.

Drunk comfy.


Comfy a best

My specs are.

Intel Ivy-Bridge i5 3.4Ghz 3570k
NVIDIA GeForce 660Ti 2GB Graphics Card

>You take some pretty cool shots
I've honestly been trying to ramp up my game for the past several months. Good to know that it's paying off.


Holy shit user. What the fuck are you doing?

We almost have the exact same piece of shit, you poor bastard you.

I'm kind of new to Morrowind. How do I set it up so that it's 16:10? Also, I can't use some helmets on Beast races, which while cool, is kind of disappointing if I can't find beast race specific helmets to use instead. Are there any? Any mods that add some? Can't find either.

The not-so-refreshing smell of alchemic ingredients upon your fingers comfy.

Eh, I wouldn't call it a piece of shit. It's getting me through things so far so I'm not complaining.

I'll probably work on getting a new graphics card and PSU sometime next year, or this year if I'm feeling lucky.

>bought oblivion during the summer sale
>been trying to mod it
>turns out its stupidly harder than skyrim

is there like a STEP for oblivion?

>tfw no more elanilposting

You should also get an SSD, even if it's a small one just for the OS.

ya, I know what you mean, it's a hell of a lot better than the last toaster I ran, believe it or not, this was an upgrade for me and I'm actually loving it. Wish I had more vram though.

Did the KKK finally get a hold of that porch-dwellin, watermelon-eating, thieving hood nigger?
If so, it is a good day.

Time for college.

I have 1 gb of VRAM and I'm installing several 2k mods and city overhauls. Can I tank it?

maxeen hates watermelon

comfy a best


>maxeen hates watermelon
embodiment of bad taste.

>"Why do these fucking sluts keep coming in here to pose for pictures?"

I never understood this meme
Modding Oblivion is way easier than skyirim, at least for the most common and popular mods, you just need to use BOSS instead of LOOT

No. Watermelon is shit.

>Too lazy to quote you
Eh whatever. He's still a dirty sub-human monkey simply because of his complexion.

no, city overhauls depend more on your cpu though. you can probably get away with 512k land textures and shit and 1K armor/skin textures though.

tl;dr it works well enough with MO, few mods just need some file adjustment which is easy to correct with some logic (think darnified and those nasty OBMM-only mods)

or just learn wryebash which should also be cake

otherwise it's the same ini editting with whatever mods you install and installation

>Watermelon is shit.

use mgexe, set the resolution there
You can also use the morrowind code patch option, but that stretches the image. I don't know if it's changed though
Don't know any beast helm mods offhand

>Only wothwile tavern on the most irl popular skyrim city
gee, I wonder why

haha! I'm white. I pay taxes, have a mortage and stayed with my wife as she birthed my two boys.

ok Maxeen

you sick piece of shit, we've had some low-grade degenerates on these threads, but you're the first person that made me want to kill someone.

What if Maxeen lives in Africa? Are you gonna come after him, Nordboi?

>as if he didnt know that brown is best
But you shitting on watermelons already comfirms your shit taste


I don't know about you but Markath's tavern is pretty nice. Dawnstar has a nice place as well.

Anyone got working sliders for north girl armor? For hdt body I mean. I can only find an ancient conversion for CB++, and a retarded conversion that has a skeleton in there for reason, here have a look at what a converted mesh looks like once you use the retarded skeleton sliders.

>No sluts
shit screenie tbhfamalam

Course the dungeon with a dank name has a blocker

I know who my father is.

I'd eradicate him and his ilk, if it were up to me.

Try picking a good fruit shitposter.

Where is CT's little Slutgonian? The one that can conjure beds.

>no sluts
>didn't even see that gorgeous argon...

okay, alright, so I can't say it with a straight face...

Don't make me remove your ancestors

Ok Maxeen

>I know who my father is.
oh! so now you think you're better than us?
fuck you, get out of my thread.

>exploring not-dwemer ruins in search for some map
>periodically attacked by defense mechanisms in form of a giant lightning-spitting flying machine
>escape another attack into a building
>quest objective: find the map and escape
>should be easy enough
>quest objective: 200 seconds remaining



but she looks like a lady
hardly slut material
meanwhile on the other hand...

Ok Maxeen

we metroid now

Its beautiful, even with no enb.

She is no such thing.

Which mod is that from?

>anglo boi figuring he is at the top
stop this Maxeen

Just as planned :^)

woah dude, calm the fuck down.
I was just fuckin' with ya, but if you're literally gonna be racist cunt, I'm done with ya.

Alright, I'll admit, she does look like a lady, but why are you attracted to the guy in the other picture...???

Maxeen, my son, we understand, its OK.

wtf m8 no homo
he just looks like a sweaty sexy slut
no homo tho, fuck dose fags

I don't wanna fuck em', you fuck em', you brought it up! haha

you mean this?


>tfc 1 does not stop the countdown
I'm starting to think I'm getting close to the ending. They dropped the "finish whatever business you need done before accepting this task, it might be your last chance" line on me.


>if you're literally gonna be racist cunt, I'm done with ya.
Fuck off EU cuck Niggers and mudslimes are a cancer on the human race


CBBE hdt body not UNP. There are like 3 for UUNP, they're all over the place.

so soon?

>Bargonian adventures is 9 years old

why would you use an inferior and shitty body mod over the much superior one? Do you like shit?

I use both though.

should my argonian maid have nipples or no?

>this toasterfag gets it

Next month.

Yesss... just look at him, prancing about all barely clothed, showing off all his goods and leaving little to the imagination, drinking and making merry with nary a care...
