Old thread Cancun edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
xth for racemixing.
Ive been playing on and off since February and got Silver V today. Is that any good?
Did "dynamic" Q get changed recently?
Waiting 15 minutes and counting as support is too much.
If thats your first time getting ranked its not too bad, the highest you can get is like gold 1.
Just keep learning from your mistakes and eventually you'll climb.
league is dying
someone wake me up
If you main Shaco, please remove yourself from this game.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 9 players
on na
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>shaco ever being played
Xth for AP titty monster barreling down lane at you.
With this new Sona there is now zero reason to play Karma.
It pretty much means you're a shitter, nigga.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on na
needs 6 gamers
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Just like how there is zero reason to play Lulu when karma is much better in midlane.
what the even fuck is that team comp?
I know lolgen makes fun of blogposts but I think at least one or two anons in here will enjoy reading about throws in high-Silver.
THE SETTING: Down about 20 kills, 2 Barons, 3 Dragons (2 Oceans and a Fire), 7 Towers AND the enemy team was a wombo combo team. In other words a pretty standard stomp, all we had was both bot Towers.
>Enemy team makes final push, we all fall like wet tissues
>They're finishing off our Inhibs and Nexus Towers, the end is near
>Team respawns just in time to stop them from ending, we ace them right as our final Nexus Tower falls
>Right before I respawn, Jesus descends from heaven
>Takes my chin in his holy hand, and directs my gaze to the massive minion wave just outside enemy bot Inhib Tower
>TP in, start pushing like a madman, never been more conscious of death timers in my life
>Finish off Tower and start working on Inhib, team figures out what's going on and Mid TP's in with me to help
>We get both Nexus Towers down, barely finish off the Nexus before enemy team can respawn and collapse on us
In all my years playing this game I've NEVER seen a throw that hard before in my life. From the enemy team finishing off our Nexus Towers to me ending the game was less than 60 seconds, not even DIG could throw that hard.
Thanks for reading, you guys can commence with the "nice blog" and "where do i subscribe" posts.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on na needs 7
1 spectator maybe he'll join the fuller the lobby gets
who knows
pw vidya
> improve match quality
> By regressing back to the days ''im mid'' ''no im mid'' ''ok then I troll''
>tfw no friends to play with
>tfw it's impossible to enjoy a game ranked or normal as solo queuing
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>sona is banned
>complaining about no friends when a Veeky Forums vs /vg is going on
Sona started coughing as if she had a nasty virus, her coughing got worse and worse over the course of 10 seconds. Everyone looked on in horror as Sona started regurgitating what seemed to look like a giant seed.
It only took a few seconds for thorns to erupt from the seed and cover the room, as the thorns spread all around, a humanoid started to emerge from the seed, and laugh violently, "Things aren't always as they seem!"
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 7 still
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don't make me play overwatch please
they arent my friends
>last time I played her she could stun
>didnt bother trying her since then
>pick her because all my champs were banned
Man, I've never had this much fun in lol
>ever playing Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
I am EU pleb
You're just lying to yourself, if not, make some new friends.
>not having fun
it's 1am and the game is dead give it up
Just add me8^]
Sakura kyoko
>online """"""""""""""""""friends""""""""""""""""
I'm so fucking tired of seeing these two fat fucks on the launcher every time
Post your triggers.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 6 players
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there were some until like 2 am my time a couple nights ago
I live in the past, it's still 11 pm
Fuck you Scari is cool and cute.
Yea, I forgot most people here are social autists who can't have friends at all.
Sucks to be you.
Zilean ult
This fucking compayn.
CLan tag and summoner name is the same thing
turned out to be zed jungle,brand mid and vegar adc/karthus sup
They FF'd at 20
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 5 players
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anyone welcome
>calling a bunch of randoms "friends"
you use that word so easly... like it means nothing
Seems about right, you'd think at some point in champ select they would've noticed...
please join!!!
Anivia has tons of damage, safety, and utility.
Isn't even difficult to pull of any part of her kit either.
Why hasn't she been nerfed?
>You really like this champ but you never play it
In Veeky Forums.
One of the most casual boards next to /v/ and /b/.
Oops, sorry I offended you, my bad.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 6
some joker left... ╥﹏╥
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I won't be surprised if they hotfix this shit. All you need to do is build Eye of the Watchers and Ardent Censor and you turn your team into Sanic while spamming ridiculous heals/shields. God help you if the game goes on long enough for her to reach lvl 16.
I have such shitty reaction-time I can't use her W to save my life.
Maokai because i'm a support main =(
Don't do it guys, you're not tanky enough with limited gold.
I've been banning him over everything else for several seasons now because I just flat out cannot have fun when I am against one. He's by far the most unfun shit I have ever had to go against, irrelevant of how strong he actually is.
late to the party
the fuck did they do to ryze?
lmao lets give more skill shots and gut his aoe
but instead you get a mini, but teamwide, kench ult. ;)
I really like her kit but I don't play mid because my autistic friend always takes it. Also I don't want to be associated with waifufags.
after like 3 years of playing nothing but bot lane I just can't stomach going back there unless the dude I'm laning with is a friend. I legitimately enjoy some of the AD carry champions but I don't really play them in solo lanes much.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 6
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don't you wanna have fun, buckos?
>gut his aoe
read his E a little closer.
Why is Leona so FUN
not really
lol sucks
Also no permarooting nor insta full hp from spellvamp
league of legends
Keep posting, this is good stuff.
It's the same as a guardian angel, bronzord
>tfw can't carry two shitters i a 3v5 playing as shen
goddammit if two people hadn't d/c'd and the other two didn't play gray screen simulator this game would have been won
>forgot image
Is the mistress of the Black Rose too much for you?
make sure to use the pool party skin and don't listen to the shitters that say you NEED exhaust.
Ignite is so much better in the match ups you just want to snowball and bully like the bitch you are.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 6
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you suck
oh yeah so now he has a little tickle of aoe on a skill shot that needs to be cast twice with 550 range.
completely not gutted thanks
>Guardian angel has a 40 sec cooldown, is built on everyone at 8 minutes and revives adc's and hard carries with 1,500+ HP
>Guardian angel has double bombs your head and fucks your face with his old man time magic
>Playing a normal instead of aram for a change
>Botlane is pretty chill, jinx is somewhat afraid of their memepick kayle support for some reason
>Still manage to get her first blood and an early double
>Things are going well so far, we're 4 kills ahead of their botlane
>Then K6 gets executed trying to solo the Rift Herald, Garen gets bullied out of lane by Quinn and Azir is getting buttfucked by Akali
>K6 tries to gank mid and ends feeding a double to Akali, they're a fucking duo
>Then tries to gank top, feeds Quinn a kill, and then dies to her again while holding the lane for Garen
>WW gets his team two free dragons
>See quinn and WW coming from river, ping jinx, we retreat, burn flashes, but akali came from our tribush, get assraped
>Go back to lane play passively but still get collapsed and dived again by their whole team after a while
>They didn't get our tower for some reason, in fact they haven't got any towers, they're just killing us all over the map
>Jinx is having an aneurism on chat anyway callin the duo retarded and whatnot instead of playing
>Think "No, fuck, no, not like this"
>Go super agressive on their botlane, get jinx another double, and their outer tower while K6 and Azir are getting raped yet again by Akali
>TP top and stop the Quinn from snowballing further, figuring K6 and Azir were beyond salvation
>Hug Garen's thick cock like it's the most delicious thing ever, get top outer and inner
>He rapes everyone when the Zeke's crit bonus procs
>Group trying to get towers, start wining every TF and eventually the game
>Got 3 Teamwork honors and 2 Honourable oponents after the game.
Also I warded like a bitch, and used oracle alteration everytime it was on CD, apparently that's the secret for an S instead of an A+.
Like and subscribe.
I'll do it senpai
What would you do theoretically if League ceased to exist tomorrow?
go back to /mlp/
>solo kill other top lane for fb
>get 2 more kills from reksai ganks
>kill her again
>girl gamer playing broken champ starts whining in all chat
>carries over to post game
>her beta orbiter tells her to fuck off
League of Legends
I'd be sad
and I'd probably just devote my time to other games that I spend my time grinding in
>It's the same as a guardian angel, bronzord
Isn't the entire reason it's called a trigger is that there's no logic behind it? I didn't say Zilean ult is broken or OP, I just don't like it
How's bronze V treating you shitter?
Is Ryze a jungler? I'm Bronze so they all feed anyways, but I keep seeing him in the jungle.
if you're in bronze then literally anything is a jungler
fuck my boyfriend more often
That sounds pretty fun :3
>calls others bronzords and shitters
>literally just called Zilean ult a GA
You can't make this up. Now if you've said a better GA, then you'd be right but come on now.
What did I do to deserve this?
>bot dies to a fucking lvl 1 lee sin gank
>elise doesnt invade the SMITELESS lee sin lvl 1 and kill him
>she starts fucking krugs
>invades the lee sin later and loses 1v1
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is Down on NA
I mean I'm diamond 3 but thinking that GA is better than Zilean's ult makes you pretty retarded.
>friend is in game
>send them a message that we should play after
>no response
>m-maybe they're in a teamfight
>i leave for a tiny bit
>no response
>they are already minutes into another game
y-you too
The safest easiest babbyproofest champ in the game
You are guaranteed winning lanning phase having chosen Zed
(nice game meme)
I know it is normals but holy shit, why do asians give up so fucking easily.
4 rage quits.
That's one of the best leona pictures
One-shotting AD-carries.
Is Renekton playable again, yet?
always carries
always. this "yasuo feeds" meme is a joke to me because it never happens.
but I just got home