how to combat laziness
How to combat laziness
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Start by cleaning up that fucking shithole of a room that you dwell in like a fucking toad in scum.
Trust bro, once you have cleaned your room to the Polish standard, laziness will not be a problem anymore. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.
what is the Polish standard for room hygiene?
Think about how you will live in 5-10 years if you don't change anything
How badly do you want it?
>Start by cleaning up that fucking shithole of a room that you dwell in like a fucking toad in scum.
Self discipline. Try punishing yourself for your own misdemeanor.
I am pretty often going to the gym. For a small period, due to health problems, i had to abstain. Afterwards my body grew lazy and i constantly found a reason to avoid it. At some point, i said to myself that for each time i think about skipping the gym i would instantly do 10 push ups. If i didn't do that, i would punch myself and curse my own existence.
Can't say i didn't skip gym a few times until i get used to it again, but at least i made it.
You don't, you just find a way to monetize it.
cleaner than a nun's pussy
>How do I combat laziness
>How do I get motivation
>I'm unmotivated and can't work, I need motivation for X Y Z
>How do I stop myself doing X
>How do I accomplish Y
These are all the same question and I see it in different forms and different shades of bullshit and misunderstanding on this board several times per day.
The truth has and always will be that motivation isn't a barrier to entry for anything. Just because self help books told you you need to find your inner desire to cultivate motivation to reach your goals doesn't make it any less self-help bullshit.
You don't need motivation. Motivation is not a goal, nor a barrier to your goals. Motivation is what comes after you work towards your goals.
How do you work on your goals? Set out a SMART plan, cut it down to the essentials and then literally physically work on the steps you identified until you reach the next one. Repeat until you reach your goal.
Dealing with the feeling of giving up and working towards your goals against adversity is called self-discipline, and there are plenty of healthy and productive things you can learn about self-discipline, but they still all 100% boil down to simply putting in the work until you meet your goals.
Stop looking for some magic solution to make you feel better about doing X. You're supposed to feel like shit, that's why nobody does it but the determined, desperate and disciplined.
You combat laziness by working towards your goals.
I fucked a nun under the pews at a Catholic Church in my area. I came in her, she got pregnant, got kicked out of the nunnery or whatever and then killed herself and took the child with her.
What about that nun?
Sweet bro, high five for crushing some fresh puss!
URL doesn't work, you don't happen to have an alternative do you?
I'm just trying to clarify how clean it exactly needs to be.
Cleaner than a jap teen after a 20 litre tentacle enema.
>just stop being lazy lmao
woooooooooooooooooooooow if only i could have come up with that
You just ignored everything I said, no wonder you're having problems.
Stop complaining about being lazy or work on it, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Set an objective.
Draw up a plan and divide into specific targets
E.g. I want to achieve A.
I need to do 3 things to achieve A.
Item 1 will be done by x time at x date.
Item 2 will be done by y time and y date.
Item 3 will be done by z time and z date.
Then I will achieve A.
Then move on to B.
Look, do you want to get anything done in your life or not?
That's the only question there is. Either you want to get things done, or you don't. If you don't, stop pretending that you do. Just embrace your life being shit.
If you do, stop fucking around and get some work done.
That really is all that there is to say.
Much obliged
It's impossible as a balding male.