How much is this shit going to pump when this happens 2 weeks from now?
Ethereum DevCon
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it will double in price
ETH is a mess and after DevCon it will still be a bailout chain.
Not any more you little twerp. ETH and related chains now dominates the altcoin market
What a mess.
eth is fucking horse shit you cunt
what is monero
>ETH is going down
>ETC is going up
How is this possible?
What the hell is going on?
Monero is a coin with a silly name for fat pedophiles and a tiny market cap
eth is made by a russian tranny so he can support his ether huffing habits
VCASH is the way to go
Monero is nice in theory, until you realise in order to actually make use of its anonymisation you need to run Monero on your computer.
You can't use an online wallet because they keep logs.
On the other hand you can happily use a Bitcoin anonymously with a mixer and not need to run a Bitcoin client.
Sure you need to pay a 1% to 2.5% mixing fee, but it's worth it considering that you don't need to have access to a fully synced computer to make a payment.
i bought monero low and sold already, i was just saying that eth does not dominate
Not in actual fact though. The concept behind ETH came from Satoshi Nakamoto (real name Nick Szabo)
Buy ETH or die a pauper with a wallet full of worthless pedocoins
Bitcoin is a mess.
using tons of dApps to bring the first seamless interface with the Ethereum network and people won't even know it...they aren't speaking at DevCon but look for a podcast coming out of ConsenSys about these guys during the time.
Satoshi Nakamoto is a fag. Bitch is too scared to even show his face. What a pussy.
Maybe. But for what its worth it will probably pump SOME while DevCon is going on.
He did the right thing hiding his identity.
Frankly I'd rather be fabulously wealthy and anonymous than fabulously wealthy and famous.
Imagine all the people trying to suck up to you to get your money or to steal from you, it would be a nightmare.
Plus every word you ever said and everything you ever did would be scrutinized by the public.
There are gonna be some major announcements at DevCon.
This is so true.
>took the bitch way out
No other billionaire is anonymous. Nakamoto just has no balls. He's hiding like a scared little child.
Shit concept
care to explain why you think that?
satoshi nakamurtu here
ask me anythu
Not really. His real name is Nick Szabo. If you paid attention you'd know he is being protected
Bullshit. Nick Szabo isnt that much of a little bitch.
I think he's most likely dead ,but he took precautions from day 1 not to reveal his identity so maybe he just wants to give the impression he's dead which I would say was a smart move.
Also consider the fact that he only has so many coins because he was the first miner and had to keep the network online,once he served his purpose he disappeared.
His real name is Nick Szabo, the clue is in the initials NS/SN
i dont see ETH pumpin' its got an albatross around its neck called ETC.
If people really want to use the same ETH technology, they can get a better deal from ETC.
Not really true. ETH will fork further to a Proof of stake system soon so dapps will not work so well on the classic chain.
wont that create 4 ETHs now?
Muh Ee Tee Cee
slight rise and then huge drop before the difficulty spike and PoS switch. no one wants to be "invested" during that kind of event.
ETH is dead anyway.. ETC is going to replace it while at this moment whales are literally accumulating
And I suppose when they implement anonymous transactions there will be a 4th fork.
Are they insane?
Shitposting on an anonymous message board; saying that a dude who created a system that potentially threathens Great Power structures in real world is a little bitch for taking precautions. Keyboard herooo....
The POS fork was planned from the beginning you rube