Fighting Games General /fgg/
First for Street Fighter V is a masterfully designed game and playing it is a pleasure.
why don't american players ever learn? look at phenom. picked a top tier, wins a major.
look at our american players.
justin wong picks a gimmick character that gets jabbed out of everything.
pr rog plays a shitty gimmick character that gets jabbed out of everything.
sabin and fchamp play a shitty gimmick character that has no reversal and gets mauled in the corner.
now let's look at the japs
daigo plays a top tier.
tokido plays a top tier.
infiltration plays a top tier.
why do we keep gimping ourselves? where is our ryu? where is our nash?
>gimmick character
wew lad
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
>the Americans who do play Ryu and Nash aren't even relevant enough to make it onto your list
damn,, really makes you think
is jack-o honest
Reminder that sfv is the sfv of sf
nobody wants to play ryu lmao
Ken's top tier. Inb4 short range footsies, like they fucking matter in 5.
What do these characters have in common.
Good, fast and numerious defensive options.
muay thai fighters have big kicks
funny thing is that clinching is actually a huge part of muay thai but that doesnt get included in games
When she is alone
brick poster of average intelligence
I miss my boy
Name a better, more honest, high iq and respectable character across literally every one of their appearances than Sagat
I can still hear it in my head
because not many games would support that kind of system.
Tekken could and probably KI.
Your statement is invalidated by this character
Doesn't Bruce clinch?
I have no idea how Ibuki footsies work.
What are her good buttons?
Yeah, also Necalli.
anyone that isnt o.sagat
F-word is such a smarmy fuck, just listening to him makes me mad
why is it Veeky Forums has no fresh memes coming out?
yes he does
sf4 is fighting game kino
>tfw after nintendo announcing the mini nes im imagining a cute little portable fighting game machine that comes with a bunch of classic fighters
itll never happen
Doesn't Sagat's cr. Fierce in CvS2 last approximately 1 year in active frames?
Thought so.
u wot?
t. Snake Eyez
>yfw random Mahvel online matches are more execution heavy and have vastly more complex neutral than top level smash
>best european Hugo player
>one match
>later struggled against unknowns
Zangief isn't shit tier, there I told you! He's completely on the same level as every other character in the game. #balanced #riseup
I'm not racist but I wouldn't complain if Cammy posters were put in concentration camps.
Why isn't Justin playing Ryu? Why isn't Rog playing Nash?
what do you have against rashid?
anyone got any webms of rising thunder?
reddit gets all of the good oc
look at that EVOngelion video and weep at our sniffposting and kermits
>0:25 flex a lot of shit absorbing damage into white life
>0:33 get hit by a fireball for 300 dmg
lel nice mechanic
No-one gave a shit about your video last thread, please stop posting about it
Literally shit fadc.
>mentioning reddit
>mentioning something not made by reddit as a fresh meme
I lost 90% of them
that wasn't made by reddit you retarded kappakid
being toppest girl hurts sometimes
i have bad news for you
>tfw starting to grasp the basics of the combo system and you can start mixing and matching stuff
That cammy poster is from here tho.
Void would destroy you in any game worth playing
No, RAAM got literally fadc
gief got sort of focus-like thing that doesn't work for what it's supposed to but does gimmick stuff out once in a while
827 up boats vs 7 down boats
enjoy your kancolle fightan when meme i guess?
that was made by reddit you stupid fucks
the guy even has a kappa name on his youtube
they ripped off Twelve? nice game
I said shit fadc
this is the average reddit poster
>2014 Smash gets a spot in EVO
>2015 Smash (Wii U) gets a spot in EVO
>2016 Pokken gets a spot in EVO
>2016 Pokemon GO adds legit battles, trading and customizations
>2017 EVO now has Smash, Pokken and Pokemon GO
>2017 FGC commits sudoku
>2018 Nintendo saves vidya (again)
We'll never know, I only play shit games
how new are you?
we literally invented that meme kys back to kappa kiddo
tfw rito will take his moveset and reskin him to be zed in league fighter developed by radiant entertainment coming 2017 to PC and consoles near you
stfu retards trying to steal credit for shit not from here
and his youtube account name is the same as his reddit account name
fgg trying to take credit for things they didn't make now because they have no originality, fucking pathetic lmao
>guddo fighto
What did she mean by this?
more like
>2017 NX tanks and nintendo doesn't have enough money to buy smash 4 an evo slot
>2018 nintendo becomes a full mobile dev
>2018 Vidya is saved from nintendo
daily reminder reddit is the superior community
they gave us survival mod, ps4 color unlocks, free fight money, urien, juri, etc.
on the other hand /fgg/ is just two tripfags trying to be funny
stay fucking free
gg in weebspeak
This is your date for tonight.
Wow, Gllty is looking great.
>daily reminder reddit is the superior community
Then what the fuck are you doing here?
back to kappa newfriend
he keeps going
Stop jumping on my fireballs.
reddit doesn't have:
uniel/melty appreciation
LTG memes
voidere and her infinite wisdom
comfy doge memes from brick
KoFXIV news as soon as it drops
Skullgirls fetish art
I never thought about how a tranny will look once they reach their 40-50s. Is that why they all commit suicide?
>Smash 4 has a bought slot
>It's at Noon on Saturday
>/fgg/ is nice enough to share epic memes with kappa
>this is how they react
Reminder that kappa posters are the smash players of the fgc.
Why are you replying to that retarded kappa kid?
doge is actually good though......
to remind him of why /fgg/ is the best community
No, that's the worst one out of that list. Brick has like 10 images and he posts them all here every single day
I agree. Brick, get more pictures.
Because I am busy playing games instead of pushing a new meme for /fgg/.
Sorry kid.
>/fgg/ tries to take credit for other sites' memes because they can't come up with anything better than kermit posting, fat feels, and sniffposting
w e w
Probably. Can't think of an old one.
Why is he allowed to avatarfag? Did Hiroshimoot make it allowed?
>smash is a bought evo slot
Yeah man totally not the only legit entry number game with its stunning 10 am top 8 on saturday.
>Calling it KI: Definitive Edition
>When S4 is almost definitely coming out
Is Microsoft actually retarded
rules are pretty chill now unless it's really obnoxious, the only thing that gets me banned is /pol/ posting outside of /pol/ and even then not all the time
what's the prize money for 1st place in SF V?
UNIEL is the SFV of Melty
Come again?
its his "funny" gimmick all the attention-whores have to have
like fatfeels and fat hawaiian man
or void's rotation of 10 or so little girl reaction images
chariot and "ironic" gayposting
It get's even better in [st] where you can use the new Cross Cast Veil Off feature when you have vorpal + 100 or more EXS (It basically combines the cancel effect of Chain Shift and the unlimited EXS of Veil Off), allowing you to get some pretty insane combos.