Fizz is cute. CUTE!
Fizz is cute. CUTE!
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>$20 a division
what the fuck
not even the most pretentious of motherfuckers charge this much
So how are you guys liking Ryze so far? What have you been building/maxing?
Fizz is fucking gay remove Fizz.
Xth for tittymonster of incredible high speed.
jhin is so fucking busted jesus christ
xth for me
With Shyvana's buffs to her base stats and ultimate, do you think it's possible that she could see some use top lane again?
Seeing Gnar get shit on feels good
Xth for perma banning yasuo!
Either feeds or carries, no inbetween
>tfw thanks overwatch I've managed to go without playing league for a month and a half
I can't believe I'm finally free
That said I still check surrender@20 out of boredom sometimes to see what's changed
How is new Ryze?
These prices are pretty cheap considering that we have people who are experienced in boosting.
Would you rather have a guy who knows what he's doing or some d5 0 lp shitter (who most likely rages, leaves, and tilts hard as fuck) playing on your account for a cheaper price? Don't forget that most of them don't use VPNs so your account will definitely get banned in any potential boosting ban waves as well.
last time I checked shyvana had a 38% winrate top
I think the base stats buffs aren't going to be enough
5AD/lvl might be fun though, this is darius/illaoi tier
He will change your yasuo experience
>plays a carry
>gets fed
Why did it take you this long to realise this.
>post that one song that starts playing in your head when you're alone vs all 5 enemies.
Is it even possible to lose with Sona Ashe combo?
No, because she still would be bad Garen at best top lane. Just jungle and rush trinity there, its not like she doesnt make enough money for it.
What even made her a shitty laner while letting stay/become a great jungler?
Dodge, both of them will feed
the son of my father (the king) is a fine carry if you go warrior-ghostblade like I do
Man if I were you they'd be seeing nothing of me but ass and elbows get the fuck outta there man.
Oh yeah it's pretty miserable up there for her. Still 5AD per level could mean more Triforce/Sterak's memery at least. I'm willing to try it against a Yasuo or something.
I mean, she was a shitty jungler for a while too until itemization changes and buffs brought her back in line. After her soiree in Season 4 Riot shackled her to concrete and dumped her in the ocean via item and direct nerfs.
No range, no sustain, only gap closer is an ult and last hitting with w up is a bitch. It only ever worked when jungle items where busted and taken top lane to begin with. The list of champs she can lane against successfully is like maybe Garen, and even thats pushing it.
wait the fuck up
you mean you still have to log in an account to boost?
i thought the cost could be justified for having accounts the same rank as some shitter so you can play DynQ, but what the fuck, why would you still risk it instead of using a Riot approved method??
>What even made her a shitty laner while letting stay/become a great jungler?
devourer was massively broken
now she got nerfed and is now balanced around her +20% monsters on W and bloodrazor being LE HEALTHY %HP DAMAGE
which are no use in toplane
so what you guys think about the cloud dragon buff?
as someone who plays a lot of top/jungle I really liked it
getting 1 or 2 clouds now feels like it makes a huge difference mid and late game for objective control and lane pushing/rotations
he's pretty neat, his new waveclear feels really good
it makes nearly no difference. It puts you over the first MS soft cap and then is only half effective anyways.
Kata into ahri
Am i boned, or am I not so boned?
its a skill matchup but it's still slightly more favorable for ahri
glhf senpai
She was a top laner in season 3 and god tier along with mundo and renekton.
That's what I'm talking about
>qtpie has more viewers than LCS
it's 80% effective after the first soft cap.
if you think your carry arriving to the fight one second earlier doesn't make a difference, then this game might be a little too complex for you.
Honestly the fact that you needed to ask means you're boned.
Oh so basically that means i win since im the greatest league player ever right?
>implying qt isn't 100x more entertaining that circus scene
>ryze literally cannot ever be ganked
obviously baby, don't let the naysayers bring ya spirit down!
oce ragers are out in full force tonight
making shitters rage and int feed on my smurf which I'm dropping LP on to play with a friend anyway
>EU LCS has less views than qtpie
I don't see the problem here
imaqtpie always has accurate titles for his stream.
You're full of shit and probably bronze 5.
Every time a high damage dealer like garen is getting too strong i buy thornmail and it helps him not doing crazy damage, double that if you are the villian.
I cant tell you how many garens ive rek'd as anivia after i completed my thornmail
well one of them is entertaining and the other is EU LCS
>gets support once again
>"fuck this shit I'm not playing support"
>logs out
>switches to ZTD
>stream is more enjoyable
uhhhh lolbabs? League really is dying????
Abuse your range and movespeed, save your charms for when she tries to fight you or ult, harass and sustain with Q. You can whittle her down until you're comfortable for a kill or play it safe. Go forth and show that whore what's up.
Nigga you did it again. He's the Kata.
Alright fags
How do I play Singed nowadays?
>Misread as Ahri into Kat
Fuck, my apologies.
You might be fucked senpai.
>Did it again
What? I just got home from work like 45 minutes ago.
i miss when captcha was just the words
>tfw moot said that captcha was only a temporary measure but it was so good at cutting spam completely that it became permanent
Reverse Gnar skin when
Reverse Kindred skin when
Reverse Nidalee skin when (wait no holy shit a I just realized this would mean a furry nidalee and a bareskin beast how horrifying)
Why does Diana Q does more damage than her ult
You've failed at reading twice today already. Stop for a moment and actually read what's being written..
Arriving one second earlier ain't gonna matter as much as having a real buff. Or dying to take the dragon just to arrive one second earlier.
People really need to stop pretending they're so intense that they take every scrap of advantage when they're most likely wasting them anyway. It's ridiculous.
so is vvvortic le ebin satire or is he actually autistic?
Because either way, he's not funny.
I fucking love cloud drake now, unfortunately not many people share the same opinion.
based santana
easier to dodge/harder to hit than her ult
i enabled legacy captcha and i still get store fronts fucking holy shit
He's trying to be the former, but he's probably the latter.
I thought they changed the times again to this weekend
Can I have your account?
I've lost 4 games but I think I get it a little better now each time.
He really does require a little bit of leading people with q in teamfights.
This isn't true. Ganking Ryze is like ganking Lux. If he uses his w to get a fat combo of on his laner (QEWQEQ which is the only way he can get substantial damage early) then you can punish him because he's only gonna be able to throw EQ's at you, denying his Q zoop passive and any reliable damage.
Nah it was just this once. I saw the other guy's shitposting in the last thread. As much as I would love to shitpost at work I can't because I'm a truck driver so he was flying solo all last night.
>He doesn't like going fast
There's few things in life better than going fast senpai.
>yasuo players
also what the fuck do I build on this guy
Hello /lolg/
It's been 5 months since i stopped playing and coming here, i have been missing the game lately though, what do you think? Should i come back?
On one hand i miss playing the game and find it quite enjoyable, on the other hand it's a time sink and i feel like i have already wasted away too many hours of my life in this game. I don't know what to do...
wow jarvan is probably the worst bruiser I've ever played
>Arriving one second earlier ain't gonna matter as much as having a real buff.
A fight has to last almost 20 seconds for an infernal drake buff to make up 1 second's worth of damage in a fight, and Infernal drake really only helps the carry while cloud drake helps your entire team.
I can't believe that players have forgotten how fucking powerful movespeed was. Udyr was broken a couple months ago because he was able to get literally 20 more movespeed than he currently can.
Do you even know how to read? Why are you always in such a hurry to shitpost you don't even read what you reply to? Your avatarfagging is bad enough, you have to compound with not even replying to what's actually being discussed.
Then again you probably do it on purpose to get more (you)s. Which means I should stop giving it to you, so fuck.
>check out EULCS
>UOL memepicked Illaoi and Taric
>Malzahar vs Gangplank mid matchup
Manamune>Black Cleaver/Triforce>Maw>Situational tank
to the head
not as bad as aatrox
no faggot
I meant he literally only has to ult and gets a free clean getaway
See Dude is buttblasted at me so he's saving each image I post and using them to bait people like you. Good job by the way, it's working.
Do you have fun playing the game? Then play the game from time to time. If not then move on. It's not like you're in a contract or something.
>I can't believe that players have forgotten how fucking powerful movespeed was.
It's fucking weird too because Riot keeps going out of their way to shit on movespeed options up until this Cloud Drake buff. Also movespeed quints on Shyvana has skyrocketed my enjoyment of her.
>whining about meme picks
can you fuck off fotm cancer picker?
>cc him
>no more ult
Jhin's q seems so out of place with the character
it should be replaced with an ability that lets him load a crit and then make his passive so that he can never crit unless on q crits and 4th shot
>"I-it was somebody else! Heh heh..."
Now you're just being lazy on top of annoying. Congrats.
you have a 2 second window to apply any form of cc that stops movement (including grounded)
Just gank him again. Also you realize it's disrupted by hard cc, right? And if you can't kill early game ryze in the time it takes him to get his ult off, u need to git gud.
>just shit out cc senpai never mind the fact that you'll also have to get through his root
unless he zhonyas
I want to shove my whole hand inside Trundle's massive donut butthole!
>pick me lllllllaiou she op now
>LCS viewership
fucking lol
Why do you idiots still play this awful ripoff game?
>Jhin can be totally raped in lane
>Can still get a 100% confirmed kill on his ult
Like pottery
>he isn't platinum by season 6
What is your excuse?
>Jhin's q seems so out of place with the character
with the character yes but not with the champ
gypsylord actually gave a good explanation for once, saying he used it to make sure jhin has something to do while he is reloading
the game is just as fun as you remember it being
if you're worried about how much it was taking from your life, discipline yourself to only playing one or two games per day
why do I care about viewership numbers when i still enjoy watching and playing the game?
It's easier and faster for us to log into accounts and play solo than it is for us to wait for the other person to log on, duo with them for X hours, and then not get even half as much done because they might have other things to do.
Everybody knows EULCS has been fucking garbage so far. It's no surprise nobody can stand watching it anymore
>something to do while he is reloading
what is w, e, and ult
he can literally cast everything while reloading, all of which shit out considerable damage
>being this new
Literally no one from the old days plays this shit anymore for a reason. Riot has literally no idea what they're doing and this game is awful and has been stale for years. Forced variation isn't variation.
Believe what you want, I'll do what I want and so will he. Cycle continues. Thanks for that gif though I haven't seen it in a while.
Jhin's Q is a mechanical addition rather than a thematic one. 2.5 seconds is pretty long downtime between shooting.
>farming with W, E or R
i should have said a tool to CS with while he's reloading