/evog/ Evolve General

evolve.wikia.com/wiki/Evolve_Wiki (Mostly outdated)

>What is Evolve (stage 2)?
Evolve uses an asymmetrical structure where five players, four playing as hunters and one as the monster, battle against each other in an industrialized alien planet called Shear.
Stage 2 is the transition to Free To Play + a lot of gameplay changes.

>I heard the game was dead?
It was (at least on PC). 100-200 players and little to no updates from the developers. If F2P can bring it back is unknown, but as of right now 18k people are playing it.

>Should I "get" it?
It's free. 18GB. Download and test it out.

>F2P Model?

Every week, four hunters (one of each class) and one monster will be in the free rotation. There are currently 24 Hunters and 7 Monsters in total, though some are variations of others. By playing the character tutorials, you unlock one hunter (Markov) and one monster (The Goliath) to keep forever.

Additional monsters, hunters, perks, and skins are unlocked by earning silver keys. Silver keys are earned by playing the game, leveling up, or getting login bonuses. Currently you can't actually buy silver keys, presumably so they can test the unlock rate, but that's coming later.

There is also a monthly login bonus punch card. You get one punch for each day you log in. Beyond silver keys, this can directly award new Hunters and Skins.

>What if I don't want to grind for characters and perks?
You can buy the game and it to gives your account full founder benefits, which gives you 30k keys and most characters.

None as of yet.


Other urls found in this thread:


>nobody wants monster
>I get monster
>win as wraith
>get 50 bucks
>they get 26 bucks

The grind is real.

First for discord is a botnet

Y'know they sort of fucked up making monster perks and hunter perks seperate. You have to invest in one or the other.

so far I haven't lost a match as monster

is it better to leave the dome after downing 2 people to aim for stage 3 or just keep slammin?


honestly I gave up on the grind plan and bought the game. It's cheap and probably the store prices will be way higher than compared to a stupid cdkey

I hate TR for making the wraith. because I know that wraiths will never be real and tamed as domestic pets.

if you've downed two quickly, chances are they won't be joining back quickly enough so you can finish off the other two

once third one is down just pounce the last one

and don't forget about daisy if there's a maggie player

ahaha holy shit
did you just Alt F4 or did you actually go ahead with the game you madman