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ana's cock


>Which is a good thing.
Well aren't you just a huge asshole?

But yeah, there'll be no reason to pick Mercy outside of Mercy + Zen massive DPS and that's just, like, a meme composition.
But Zenyatta might be nerfed to 175 HP, which will put him back in the glass cannon category, and Mercy is just completely outclassed by Lucio as a healer, specially now that Ana can just grenade a group and have Lucio heal them to full health in no time with Amp Up heals.

Only reason to use Mercy is her ult which will probably continue to get nerfed because it's so cheesy and the faggots who play these games hate being cheesed.
Hopefully Blizzard will take their complaints with a grain of salt.

>didnt abuse bodyshots it in her prime
>now she is trash
>only thing changed was her bodyshot damage

i'm glad that they are changing the overtime rules the game i played just now is so fucking stupid

>playing kotg
>got point to 99%
>enemy team went mei double genji double tracer and zarya
>stalled game for another 10 minutes


Lucio + Ana or Mercy + Ana?


>the game now revolves around which team has the better mccree
Nice buff.

Three-way 25min SFM Porn when?

>Soon please.

If she misses a headshot shes worthless. At least before if you hit she would at least hurt people instead of tickling them.

This shit is so fucking stupid.


Devs said last night in a stream they're likely not taking that buff to live.

You'd think they'd buff McCree in some way that increases his ability to deal with shit like Genji, but that'd make sense.

full length SFM porn when


I don't get it. Is this a game where counter picking and positioning is all you need to git gud? Or is this a game where having reflexes and aiming actually matters?

I am bad at both, but I feel that I am playing against players who are good at aiming but utter crap at the picking and positioning.

I've left about 5 games in a row because retard team loses the point in 2 minutes.

How is zen in the ptr???

I put the time and effort to git gud with him and the buff announcement made me experience tranquility


Why is lucio the best healer?

Aлeкcaндpa Зapьянoвa. ЯR


Quickscoping was the real nerf.

Everybody worth their salt knows this.

please never play ranked

the former

Is there any quick elo trick like in LoL, that was just grinding 1 simple hero? I remember getting to Diamond ezpz just spamming Annie and muting everybody.

Idk how to do the same in this game, it seems like I actually need to do teamwork...


Зapя - Dawn.


come to our discord its f-fun and we talk about VIDEOGAMES



what was the reason for taking away quick scoping?

Post overwatch pictures

I did it too! It is weird that she is Zaryanova not Tsaryanova though.



Lucio + Ana.
Mercy + Ana heals a single target faster than it should and Lucio + Ana heals everybody at a good rate.

Plus Mercy needs to be attached to her target in order to damage boost them.
Lucio can Amp Up speed a Nana-boosted target and make them go at sonic speeds.

>30 damage less
>"It tickles!"
Yeah, no.

I only memorize the changes that affect me.

>I'm the underdog
>get like a third
>I'm the underdog again
>lose like a third
like what

play supports and watch yourself get carried to the high 60s where everyone can aim and your silly genji ass gets shot down every 10 seconds

Why are mercy mains the most insufferable faggots?

I swear they must be afraid of having to actually try with a character so they cover it up with a sense of superiority.

Reapfield actually

How about you go k-kill yourself.

D.va is so good now, it doesn't make sense. Matrix is up pretty much all the time if you know what you're doing. Anyone else knows if the change in ultimate charge affects her when she's shooting to get the mech back? Because it feels like it.

>lost 3 ranks today
>all my teams are salty as hell

She could strafe fast between shots.

>mei on king's row attack
>faggot widow sniping me from the balcony near the last point
>finally manage to push the cart far enough to icewall myself up there and make him my bitch for the rest of the game
Get fucked, Widowcancer.

zen + lucio will be the new meta

not sure about ana but I can see people not playing mercy anymore if zenyatta makes it to live like that


Cool. Then I have a chance, but does that mean there will always be characters that seem good that I can't play?

>tfw it's probably quite hard to get PotG as Ana

Both preferably, having just one or the other means you're still a liability

Play a different game

after placement 45 fall to 34 now 43 hows your grind going boys?

So when playing Reaper, would it be better if i move forward/towards closer to my targets or should i circle around them?
I'm still confused on making the best out of his DPS

zen with lucio feels weird to me because I feel like their ults accomplish the same thing

It's you get a team kill with high noon episode

I'm fucking russian don't argue with me, faggot.

He's got digital style

>implying 30(thirty) damage isnt a lot

which one is that cause there are at least 3 now

that's not a bad thing cause you can chain them and it's probably better than dying and waiting for a mercy res followed by sound barrier

>Our only tank goes an offense character we already have
>On defense
>Say 'yea this is a good idea'
>Tells me to stop being a whiny cunt
>we lose
>Blames the other offense player


I don't need to get good, I'm fine with playing against shitters all my life, but I can't help but feel I am facing off against people who are secretly way better than their MMR indicates simply because they don't know how to pick or position.

0.5 second between shots vanished.

You play mei though, any story you tell leading with that is automatically trash

If wraith isn't on cooldown, flank / teleport behind the enemy and get close. Wraith out.

If wraith is on cool down, approach from a safe position, like the front and keep in mind where the nearest med pack is

>implying 120 damage isn't still a lot
Stop landing bodyshots on tanks.

Jesse McCree. What's your favorite thing about McCree? Is it his new buff? His charming smirk? His rough, scratchy beard? His alpha, domineering belt buckle? Jesse McCree is the whole package right down to what I'm sure is an adorable pair of boxers with little guns with flags that say BANG on them. Or maybe he goes commando? What do you think? While you're pondering you're pounding, here are five fun facts about Jesse McCree's trouser snake!

1. It's comes at your flank!
2. It loves to high noon off moving platforms!
3. It'll make you reach for the sky!
4. Cowboys are cute!

Пpyфaни, пидop.



got placed 43, dropped to 40, now up to 44, lol

was gonna grind some ladder today but my internet went down so now im playing quick play on 3g from my phone being tethered, its gonna be rough

let them eat ASS

Jesus, you sound like the most boring person ever

play torb then

When you fund it. Free lancers ask like 40 bucks for a few seconds. A full movie is a project that would need a team like FOW Studios has.

>on vacation
>wifi issues
>can't play until at least Saturday afternoon
>still have to download PTR

I just wanna try D.va's buffs because she's my most used hero, and Ana looks fantastic

Lucio and Ana.
Zen still will likely be picked alongside them. He's a DPS.

Post your fresh punch kid

It isnt when you dont have time to pick anyone off on follow up.

What are you listening to /owg/?


I'm not shadbase but I'd eat Widowmaker's ass.

mamu tvou ebal :^)

I miscalculate Overtime sometimes and try to reset the counter and get the Defeat screen haha


> 4 defeats in a row
> be placed in a team with literal mouthbreathing retards
> Ive had enough
> leave
> warning comes up even though I avent left in a long time
> search quick match a bit later
> be placed in the same game, same guys still struggling to leave the spawn
> lose
> get penalty anyway

Sometimes I wonder why do I even bother. I mean I know qm shouldnt matter but it gets really really annoying after a while


Tips for soldier 76? How do I flank correctly? When to use his ult?

This butt is MINE!

>tfw she'll never sit on your face

How much would you pay for 30 minutes to do with Widowmaker's butt as you pleased?

I want Ana to pimp slap me with her flabby granny lips after shooting me with darts.

>nerfing Zenyatta
>Mercy still doesn't need LoS

It is like I am reading the patch note of a 12 years old.


You're solo highest rank on your team, your team has no healer and you're last pick, what do you do?

Post answer, along with your rank


>King's Row, Zarya



You could abuse the charge of shots. Charge up a shot, quickly reposition and then shoot a fast charged shot.

I played s76 a bunch, here's what I picked up:
First off, reinheart, zaria, and streetpig are your worst foes, they all exist to fuck your life up. Avoid them if you can.
Flank using sprint to run around when the enemy team is pushed up, then shoot them in the back.
Use your ult when there are no shields, and you're not close to death, if you have a mercy damage boosting you you're even better off.

>"hey anyone wanna group up?"