Fighting Games General /fgg/
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i want to cum in juri
Are there any small/side tournaments being streamed today? Or is literally everything starting tomorrow?
For some reason they keep making these events on the west coast when making them on the east coast would make the viewers go up by a lot since at least more people in europe would watch
the KOF14 tournament starts saturday
Goddess Momiji.
I want to bury Cammy in a coffin filled with sand and then set the coffin on fire. I would then carefully break the coffin to find Cammy encased in glass. I would then chip the glass parts around her ass and wear them as glasses. Then, and only then, would I be able to fully appreciate Cammy's detailed ass-cheeks.
I want to shave my head and cover it in Vaseline. I would then meet up with Cammy and slowly push my head into her delicate anus. Then I would wear Cammy as a mask and go to a party where other people wear each other as masks. Maybe we could get drunk together.
I want to find Cammy's diapers, microwave them, and then wear them. Afterwards I would call her to a feast and make diaper stew, which I would force-feed to her through a straw.
I want to surgically remove my ball sack and take all the semen from it and spill it inside a humidifier. I would then put the humidifier inside Cammy's room when she is asleep so she will slowly breathe my would-be kids inside her lungs.
I want to collect all the dead skin cells and finger-nails from Cammy and put them inside my work-shed. I would later attempt to replicate Cammy left index finger and pleasure myself with it. Maybe if I collected enough resources then I could make a full-on fist.
I want to find a random person on the street and duct-tape her to a stop sign. If the scientist near my shed gives me high-tech equipment, then I would be able to siphon genes and DNA from Cammy. I would then intoxicate the woman on the stop sign with Cammy's hormones and attempt to turn her into a Cammy clone.
I want to piss down Cummy's throat.
I want to shit inside Cummy's anal cavity.
I want to cum all over Cummy's eyelids.
>tfw you will never, EVER become Cummy
feels bad, man
Battle Arena Toshinden 5 when?
How do I do merkavas fast flight
Everytime I try it I just get reversals out of the j.a
t. Swede
1-7: asian will win evo
8-9: american will win evo
0: euro will win evo
East coast players aren't as exciting to watch, and more notable players are on WC. Fighting games in general have a west coast bias
but i'm from argentina
>tfw SFV starts to bore me and T7 is still atleast six months away
>practice punishing Ken dp's for like 2 hours yesterday
>it pays off
It's a good feel, man. Taking my first steps toward getting to gold.
And that doesn't matter when they want the esports money and as many viewers as possible. Even capcom cup was on the west coast and they had no reason to put it there.
t. Riggered pol browser
t. autist
How Juri should have looked.
God speed, little bro
Watch about using backfist as a CC punish on DPs since I think some moves recover as crouching which makes backfist whiff
st.hp walk foward, flash kick/super will work every time though
>not barefoot
fuck off
>Broski is a bronze ken
Lmao why does he even trip here??
I live in Sweden and this country is hilarious. Daily news of rapefugees harassing women while feminists on TV whine about evil white man privilegie. Cities are turning into ghettos where even refugees are considering leaving. This country is going down the shitter. It was too good to live on.
anyone know if raging storm is still a buttfuck input in xiv?
so i assume the mods just dont give a fuck today
is he right?
What's up with the glittering pixels?
look ups PSG in Vegas, I think they're streaming tonight
It's qcb~hcf
Or the other way around, I forget
Why are FGC Girls so ugly?
Sherry is fat
Choco looks like a monkey
Every other girl is fat too
7PM sharp.
It's a standard motion now.
>SNKucks will defend this
you going?
Voidere is cute
Pretty girls don't like violent games.
That's my exact punish. I just had to work on timing when he does ex. I can't do super yet though.
gllty is pretty healthy
The mostly covered feet were most likely always there, the black skin tight suit however was later added once they started 'de-lewding' the game.
>tfw only thing I want to watch during evo is GG
>Why are FGC Girls so ugly?
monkeys are cute
yipes gf is super cute i forget her name.
and that kayane girl is too
Where the stream schedules at?
Because all the attractive FGC girls are there for the attention and not to actually compete.
why is fgg so transphobic?
>98 Kensou moveset
that's a man right
Bagoosh tekken trash two from the rear some hot dogs
*pretends to be angry for 5 seconds and then starts laughing*
How do I get good at Byakuya?
Anyone got a comprehensive list of stuff going on during EVO? I know there's AnimEVO and the KOFXIV tournament(s?). Am I missing anything?
Are they gonna show mommy off at EVO?
>jacked up teeth
>huge ears
>uneven bangs
>long gross fingers that look like a grandmas
>fat chin
no thanks
Shukei Hakuteiken on wake up
How do I find qt anime friends to play street fighter with?
don't ever try to post that again
i'm a cop
Transphobia, just like islamophobia, are made up words by leftist marxists who want to stigmatize rationality.
post steam and legs
Stop playing medium level CPU and go online
ask for games here
go fuck yourself
i played this for like 15 min before i got bored of it. granted it was the f2p version but i dont see the appeal outside of paying for dress up especially when not all the girls are available. some of the mini games are kind of frustrating to operate but maybe that just comes with grinding experience. how is rio not in the game though
Is Aris /fgg/ approved?
What's up lord chat
Hrrgh that spooked me
because it's on Veeky Forums dawg
half of the people who say this stupid shit are trolling and the other half a fat kissless neets
and all of them suck at video games
Nice rebuttal.
Aris > LTG >>>>>>>>>>>>> Meme Ross
yes hes our guy
KoF XIV is the SFV of Fatal Fury
Learn his web oki and some good pressure/frame traps to stop people from pressing buttons all over you
I get Aris>Ross, but LTG? Really?
KoF XIV is the Skullgirls of SNK
Just unfollowed him on twitch, YouTube, and Twitter. Other than Max and LTG who are some /fgg/ approved FGC personalities?
KoF XIV is the shit under my 5 dollar boot
>activate v-trigger with ibuki into blocked stand fierce xx uppercut
>people literally cannot resist the urge to try to punish the blocked uppercut even though the bombs out
I dont know why you are defending her. Most japanese girls only want japanese men when they are in the us. Same goes for pretty much all asian girls. They are insular, so you arent going to find a pure one. And if you do find one, theyll be americanized as fuck.
Plus choco is considered ugly even by japanese standards.
UNiEL is the Dark Souls of Melty Blood.
>chariot is an atp memer
Sasuga chariot.
>street fighter
>fgg approved fgc personalities
there are none. if you don't support people from fgg you don't belong here
>this man is triple platinum
im kind of salty because raging storm's pretzel motion was the reason i picked up stick
rip pretzels
lupe fiasco
lord aris omGG-_-?
remember to follow void and chariot on twitter
>you arent going to find a pure one
SNKucks will defend the casualzation and death of KoF
if it works it works
LTG is our boy