>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
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Fuck this crazy place
Cutest family.
Camilla a best
Time for your bad touch!
Fuck off, shitposter.
a least post the full image
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fsafe%3Doff%26amp%3Bsite%3D%26amp%3Bsource%3Dhp%26amp%3Bq%3D%2548%256F%2577%2520%2574%256F%2520%256A%256F%2569%256E%2520%2549%2553%2549%2553%2520%2569%2573%256C%2561%256D%2569%2563%2520%2573%2574%2561%2574%2565%2520%2561%256E%2564%2520%2562%256F%256D%2562%2520%2574%2568%2565%2520%256E%2569%2567%2567%2565%2572%2520%2569%256E%2520%2574%2568%2565%2520%2557%2568%2569%2574%2565%2520%2548%256F%2575%2573%2565
But it's a good touch
Morgan would make a perfect cuckquean for Inigo, not only would she service him and Peri well Soleil would benefit from her services as well.
*Stabs you*
Let's play a game of "How Will These Kids Turn Out?"!
+Def/-Lck Corrin/Laslow
Shittiest girl in the game.
>Anna markets her
>Morgan gets rich as a famous cum slurper and and cleaner
Get the fuck out you fucking faggot.
Why do you have to use Morgan for your shitposting?
Silas could poke an eye out with his nose, no sweat.
Felicia looks like a slut.
I've seen worse, at least the skin colors aren't wildly incorrect.
pretty bad
what a waste
for what purpose?
just pass down Str+2 and it'll be fine
other than that they seem pretty meh.
I was thinking it was an okay art style until I got to Femui and Flora.
Gayest family
Severa's so cute, I just wanna give her a hug and make her feel good about life.
What girls make your heart go doki doki?
This. It could be worse, but it could be better.
Silas looks like he's having an allergic reaction, and Felicia's face makes her look like someone with down syndrome.
I like Hana
This one
Who ever makes me ejaculate during my wet dreams.
Why is Silas a skeleton?
Cuz he's a spooky literally who
Fuck, I meant Flora
Pretty obvious, senpai
Guess he'll have to make a marrow escape.
Right here buddy
Perifriends are based for having the second-best girl in the game
How are IS and NoA gonna ruin fe15?
Replaying Conquest, what's a good unit to give Paragon to? I was thinking Mozu since she has Aptitude, and build her up as a Sniper. Plus is the kid DLC as good as Future's Past?
Elise for making her promote quicker, I promoted her by chapter 10, no joke.
Can someone tell me why we have another attention whore tripfag shitposter?
Could you please stop?
Keep going? Okay.
Are you trying to make people hate your waifu?
It's Michlan flaseagging?
No, I'm just annoying people like you who get triggered by my trip
>tfw you will never discover the secret Anna brothel outworld you unlock after beating both Awakening & Dates Apotheosis with only Anna on both
People already shitpost Camilla, who cares
Yeah best at being a mom/sister. Momster? I don't know.
When does Fire Emblem Dates come out?
>captcha was pies
Reminder to love your daughters.
You're giving Camilla a bad name. If you like her you'd stop.
>Fire Emblem: Dates
Fuck, this is too true.
me on the right
When you make a pie out of dates.
Elise, Mozume, Charlotte. Pretty much the only ones that can use it.
I give Kana as much love as I can! I give her all the cool swords and accessories she wants!
Morgan gets a lot of my love too, nearly drowning in all the exp I give her to keep her stronger than her sibling Inigo!
I love my fake/OC kids from older games as well, because I'm an autistic piece of shit, but I don't talk about those kinds of things here!
*tsuns behind you*
Are you really gonna pull that card? Whatever. I'll just proceed to continue with the thread
Fuck off.
Go away Japanese pre-incarnation of the tripspic.
>a date pie
That sounds heavenly, I'm a slut for date squares.
Time to look up a recipe.
Femui is an abomination, Jakob looks stoned
I think the maids look fine, Silas' appearance fits him
Just give it to Xander/Camilla.
I've never actually had dates. What are they like?
Not your blog, shitposter.
Which is the better proof of your skill at Fire Emblem?
>Beating Thracia 776 without Elite mode
>Beating Binding Blade on Hard
>Beating Radiant Dawn on Maniac
>Beating Awakening Lunatic+
>Beating Fates Conquest Lunatic
All on a no-reset run.
Leave /feg/ and go find out for yourself.
>Fire Emblem.
Awakening lunatic iron man without grinding.
It's hard to explain dates.
I guess they're essentially caramel-ish flavored grapes.
Conquest Lunatic without royals
Ah. two things that I love. Guess I'll go to Publix one of these days.
Ultimately all of those are just "how well you know the game" which IMO is really hard to gauge as skill.
Personally I'd say Binding Blade because I only did it once and everybody was off their averages in very painful ways. Everything else I've done was a slog in different aspects but BB sticks out in my memory as being particularly satisfying to end.
It's right above speed, below magic, usually, unless magic isn't differentiated from strength, in which case it's below strength. It determines hit rates, critical percentages, and sometimes skill activation percentages.
Is fates normal mode totally imbalanced and easy like awakening? or is it actually 'normal' now?
Easy af
Just play hard
Conquest normal and Revelations normal are pretty normal as far as normal goes.
Birthright normal is Awakening+.
Depends. are you playing Birthright or Conquest?
Just play Hard, nigga.
Xander and his waifu can probably solo Conquest normal and hard
>all of those are just "how well you know the game"
It's a strategy/tactics game... that IS the skill. There's no executional component to the game that you can practice and become more skilled at.
Who is Xander's waifu?
Corrin? Charlotte? Mozu?
Maybe Peri? Or Effie?
Or is Xander into Leo nowadays?
Charlotte, of course
Need to carry on those strong aryan genetics
BR is easymode with the exception of a few Lunatic chapters.
Rev feels closer to Awakening but not as braindead easy.
Conq might feel challenging to you your first time through normal mode, and becomes appropriately to bullshit hard on higher modes.
I understand this, but at the same time I feel the only way to judge somebody's skill with FE would be, like, to acquaint them with mechanics and then drop them blind into a completely new FE game on lunatic and see how they fare, which is cumbersome/unrealistic.
>i've never had dates
lmao youre a camillacuck alright xD
Charlotte. Berserker's pair up boosts are crazy.
Good luck soloing chapter 26
Do I need a physical copy or digital copy of fates to use the undub? I know one doesn't work but forget which one
>it was a holobaka
I hate this meme pairing.
I love Pieri and so do you!
Effie is also acceptable
That's nice Laslow.
What does /feg/ think of dismounting?
I always thought that 776 would be harder with paragon mode because of less scroll abuse for Leif.
eyyy you mean that thing I do after I finish with your mother ahahahaha
It kind of makes sense as a mechanic and makes sure that riders aren't too powerful in in-door maps while also giving them a chance to avoid slayer weapons.