Fighting Games General /fgg/
What game lets me hit people with janitor equipment?
Thanks janitor
Can't clean up the retard spamming gay porn so just delete the whole thread
kys janny
Why haven't you preordered blazblue?
Is Felicia good for a beginner?
Reminder you can get skullgirls with all characters and colors unlocked for $6.70 along with some other great games too
friendly reminder that kappa is the superior community
As anime as an anime game can get. Garbage.
>Multiplayer access is limited to local only
if you activate it on steam its fine fucking plebian
is there anyway to hack the sfv shop with the proxy method to get stuff for free?
I already know how to make the premium costumes free but I don't know about the stuff that costs fm usually
I don't have enough for it all
blazblue has a history of being the worst fighting game out there
Friendly reminder that UNIEL has 0-1f lag. Why are you playing unplayable trash, ie. everything else, when you could be playing the latest anime masterpiece?
>ppl who won't stop mashing their 3f normal on wakeup
>and during frame traps
>and during block strings
Is Guile Balrog the slowest matchup? I started jumping in.
Morrigan is better.
why would i play a dead anime trainingboar game?
because it's well designed and I like the art style
clay face fighter V doesnt do it for me
nash guile
i'm not a big fan of the skullgirls artstyle but i can see people enjoying it
it's a shame they don't have mvcs2 on fightcade i always wanted to try it
>want to play skull firls
>think of ms fortunes cock
>don't end up playing
Smash bros is pretty good I usually like sticking with classic fighting games like melee very technical game.
Yeah actually she is. Very beginner friendly and easy to use. Talbain is in the same boat too.
whoops dropped my image
evos lookin to be a good one
reeeee! XD smash is not fighting game! haha
I saw Marn at a grocery store in Las Vegas yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Marn trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Sf x tekken if you play with the rolento alt
Revelator time.
Superbronze scrub Vega here. I don't even give a fuck anymore, I let shotos/cammy/necalli wake up for free, I'm not going anywhere near them. I always guess wrong.
Dis line long as hell mayne
Why do I believe this
You can't escape!
Because you're an r/kappa newfriend who hasn't seen this copypasta like fifty times already
Is this worth picking up? Getting sick of my XBox controller
Become free and let it go some more.
Shit still? I was hoping it would thin out by dinner.
It's gettin longer lmao
Did the fgc come up with the subway pasta too?
Dead Rising 2, if not Dead Rising.
Get a hori fc4
have you ever considered learning meaties or having tighter frame traps you fucking dunce
if you're a beginner then it doesn't even matter who you pick, faggot
felicia is also super boring in a cast full of colorful characters like BB Hood and Raptor
can you meaty command throw in xrd? maybe im just not getting the timing or something
Literally every pro gets hit by wake up jab mashers, have you watched any tournaments at all?
hows your ky coming along?
>all that artistic talent
>draws that
this is the equivalent to me telling you to learn how to block someone mashing dp, and you saying, well pros get hit by dps too! Youre a fucking garbage ass player
it's like all those talented players playing boring top tier garbage
Artists are statistically some of the most mentally deranged people out there.
did she died
t. the most mentally deranged trip in this general
Thanks bro.
I hope void was killed by that truck
Do we all agree that Hein is the best new kof character?
>0.02 cents have been deposited into your account
I wish
design is generic but i like the gravity gimmick
>One Piece fighting game by Arc System Works
>It's 3DS exclusive and is QTE-ridden shit
The game has throw protection after wake up or when you come out of blockstun so you have to delay it
why do Japanese devs refuse to use GGPO? It makes zero fucking sense.
More kids own 3DS.
why would they spend extra money to license someone else's netcode when people will buy their games anyway
Finally out that mess
are you retarded
No, it's Luong by far
go kiss champ on the lips
Capcom used it several times.
If I'm going to ArcSys, I'd rather Guilty Gear.
No thank you
>going to evo
Is Geeses voice intentionally bad or does snk think he sounds good?
I said the same thing famillia. Fuck Bamco.
This. I went. Literally the same experience at home but with more sweat.
It's the same VA he's had for over 20 years. Geese was supposed to speak English and that's who they could get, now it's tradition.
I need Luong bullying Mian
Yeh because you retards keep supporting them
Stop buying garbage with delay based netcode and badly implemented rollback
>One piece will never have a good fighting game because 3dshit sells to casuals better
Same with bnha
What pisses me off the most is how well they did with EB, then they drop this shit.
you enjoying mkx, bro?
Southtown team bios are up
Street fighter v is the first game where i get salty even when i win.
Fuck this game seriously, those long ass animations trigger you.
Why not with SF5 then? They claimed it was a modified version of GGPO but it's obviously not when I can have consistently smoother matches on fucking fightcade
>juri 2.0
friendly reminder that homu is the best meguca and you're a literal piece of shit if you think otherwise
McRib just needs to make EVO 4 days already.
i hope i don't regret this
It has literally nothing to do with ggpo except maybe the one korean guy looking at how ggpo works and trying to copy that.
There's usually two or three lobbies up for me. And mostly not even people who are terrible or way better than me.
Love Heart is.
hope you have someone else to learn the game with
jokes on u i dont even know wtf ur talkin bout :^)
i want to preorder kof but everything rides on the unknown netcode
youre literally over a day late to actually play this