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is for deleting.

Widowmaker got wrecked.


Who is illidan

2nd for STR builds



mature d.va when





>getting charged off a ledge as dva and just flying back onto the stage after the rein lets go and falls

How do they expect me to manage 200 more ranked wins in a month before they put out a new set of unlockables?

Isn't that a bit ridiculous? How is anyone supposed to earn more than one? The collector in me is pretty annoyed about this honestly

It's not based on a skull, it's just based on the owl itself.

>Ana has a literal white mage skin
>And it's only 250

Mei's soft and thicc body

So /owg/, what rank did you start at and which rank are you now?

I started at 49 and got to 60 just now.

Only the coolest character in the entire Warcraft universe.


These are both tributes to him.

>I shouldn't be surprised that you took HIS side


I need more Junkrat art

i think they're looking at long term for unlocking all the golden weapons

like, over many seasons

Some meme demon from wow.

I got 54 and haven't played since

>before they put out a new set of unlockables

Never said this was happening. The gold skins aren't going away.

>win 3 to 1
>enemy team instantly turns on each other

Overwatch had that attempted coup by Reyes and different agents took different sides. It resulted in Morrison and Reyes fighting and blowing up the Swiss HQ which lead to him becoming Reaper. Ana must've taken Jack's side during the coup.

You're supposed to build it up over multiple seasons, only super autist comp players are getting them already.

Started at 63 this morning, dropped to 61, took a break. Win streak all the way till 68, came off as every win made me more and more anxious waiting for that inevitable loss.

I been playing exclusively solo and I've dropped from 47 to low 40s. Haven't won a match since I got my initial rank.

>Have to buy Legion for a slick spray


yeah, but what was the coup over? was Morrison mismanaging the place, or something? caving to the politicians? they make it sound like some kind of Civil War - tier event

>Ana has a super cool cyberpunk helmet on a 250 skin
>it's better than any of her legendaries

I got placed at 59 with 3 koth wins during the bug and haven't played since because I could not care less about competitive outside of free shit.

I hope you're joking. That's a very stupid spray.

I like it, but I hate how everyone's reactions are "WE THOUGHT U WERE DED"

Everyone thought Gabriel and Morrison died too, but they seem to be completely fine with them being around as Reaper and 76, with zero surprise.

Reyes was the initial leader of Overwatch when it first started out. Once it became a solidified entity, Morrison was made Commander in Reyes' place. Massive amounts of asshurt ensued.

>tfw you preordered Legion 6 months ago

Just because you aren't into WoW doesn't mean it's stupid.

Illidan is awesome.

Surprised I haven't seen any gremlin d.va/ana "grandma" comics yet.

Zenyatta: -Discord is 30% now (leaves 25 hp after 3 shots with discord up on training dummies. so 45x1.3 = 58.5, 58.5x3 = 175.5 out of 200) -His right click seems to be doing 40 damage (up from 35) for a full volley of 200 damage

source : reddit

>Once it became a solidified entity, Morrison was made Commander in Reyes' place. Massive amounts of asshurt ensued.
Bring that up on tumblr and they won't shut up about how it's because he's not white.

I feel you, i started at 54 today and won 9 games in a row and got super nervous.

BanAna skin when?

McCree doesnt seem to know who 76 is though
in fact I think only Mercy 76 and Reaper know who each other are

did people just not like Morrison's leadership? Reyes apparently had a following

and it's only going to continue when we get Liao and that chick who is probably Sombra

hell at this rate we'll get Widowmaker's husband as a hero too

It was, but from the look of things at the moment it looks like Morrison was blindsided (his whole thing as 76 is investigating what other influences poisoned Overwatch and supported Reyes). McCree's lore is that blackwatch was doing horrible things behind the scenes that even he, a former gangster, was disgusted by. Reyes seems like the typical bad guy who let jealousy consume everything he once cared about. Including his integrity and friendships.

>Illidan is awesome.

He looks like a shitty "demon" who's ow the edge.

Not to mention
>Good characters

nth for competitive

This game has so many non whites though, reaper, lucio, symmetra, winston, pharah, ana, roadhog, hanzo, genji what have they got to complain about?

>check ptr



Ana recognized Jack and Gabriel inmediatly.

If I had to guess, the folks who worked with or were in "Overwatch Public" sided with Morrison, while folks who worked with or were in Blackwatch (the blacks ops division, which Reyes was leader of) sided with him.

They both got put in charge of entirely different entities, and thus had essentially the same position. Reyes just got asshurt that Overwatch was public and his wasn't.

>enter competitive game
>low level player who admits to being new to the game screams on voice chat about how our team sucks because we lost 3-2
yeah good job running around picking random characters every time you die fucker

Reaper - barn owl
76 - eagle
Bastion - some tiny songbird
Lucio - frog
Widow - spider
Shimadas - dragons
McCree - horse
Junkers - rat and pig
Who else am I missing

With mostly just his own blackwatch cronies it seems, but we'll see if the lore opens up about this.
Ana knows who 76 is at least

>Good characters
Butcher and King Leoric from Diablo. Stukov from Brood War.

Placed at 49, solo queue support is easy.

Hey man, say what you will about the gameplay, but Warcrafts art and story team have always been on point.

pick lucio for the memefactor

actually it says that McCree liked being a part of Blackwatch, and appreciated being able to operate without any red tape. He only quit when the infighting got too annoying to make the whole gig worth it

>Good characters

>Surprised I haven't seen any gremlin d.va/ana "grandma" comics yet.
You haven't looked at all. There's a lot.

because they replaced a non-white with a white guy for "image" reasons and shit

Don't bother arguing with them.

Also to most tumblr hanzo and genji might as well be white.

43, now at 50

Pharah - Jackal

Yeah, 2 of my top 3 played in ranked so far is Lucio and Mercy, they really make climbing the ranks so much easier.

It was only 3% for souls when you got the full 50 anyway

Its not like Reaper even needs a buff. With D.va getting buffed Reaper's gonna be even more useful

t. Reaper Main

I think everyone's "WE THOUGHT U WERE DED" moments happened with those two before the game started.

where is the Mercy x Torbjorn porn

where is it

why do people even play torb if they don't know the animation cancel

i've never seen one who knows it

>Also to most tumblr hanzo and genji might as well be white.
What about winston?

post cute grandma Ana fanart


>Not Eagle

I wanna main Lucio but he's a fucking nigger so...

>With D.va getting buffed Reaper's gonna be even more useful
Explain please. If you're implying that it's going to be good because Reaper tears through D.Va this is true for the other tanks as well, so it's not really gonna change much...

I played wc3 and starcraft about when they came out, don't think I've ever played a diablo.

>Warcrafts story team have always been on point.
please stop embarrassing yourself

All I ever hear from wow people is how they've fucked up the lore.

>Actually complaining that Mei the least picked hero in the game, that is getting nerfed this patch, will be able to charge her ult slightly faster.

>win 3 ranked
>lose 3 ranked
>same spot

It would be ok if the matchmaking was remotely good. All 3 for and against were absolute shit kicking curb stomps. I dont even know if I belong at 60 or not based on how polarizing each win and loss is.

I don't mind it being removed, my question is why the fuck did they bother with the small gains for Reaper and completely ignore the massive problem with Mei? 15% ult gain with a full heal and invulnerability is not fucking okay.

>Enemy D.Va and I have our entire teams behind us while we're having a Defense Matrix Shadow Game.



Use the frog skins then.

Mercy - dove
Zarya - giant fucking polar bear
Rienhardt- lion
Winston - monkey

Torb is gay, Mercy is his faghag.

I am a WoW person telling you that the lore is great.

Junkrat is literally one of the only heroes that seems to flirt

He seems to like Mei. Obviously she doesnt like him back but still

>it's a Lucio jumps on the payload to delay you while his team respawn and regroup episode

Anyone got that Mercy bulge/no bulge comparison?

you know you want it

>win exactly as much as i lose
>wah wah why aren't i going up?

win more than you lose if you want to rise. if you're 50/50, you're about where you belong.

It's a good time to be a Winston

The lore team only started fucking shit up when they retconned bosses for instance/raid encounters. The Warcraft series is on point. Once they recycled Kael'thas twice in one expansion is when shit started sliding downhill.

Who is best girl and why is zarya?

got farm some goypoints then

He's not a human, so.

Well I haven't played 1 or 2 but from what I remember of 3 it at least seems better than this.

This count?

>tumblr dyke
>best girl

>enemy team has just as many Anas ready to tranq you when you chimp out

fuck off Harambe


We're all Viktors now. youtube.com/watch?v=ezNQIj0MhQQ

Also Paladins literally stole the idea of weekly brawl and they named one of them "It's High Moon" (5v5 with their revolver guy), and "We Are All Viktor" (5v5 viktors).

>Summer skins come out
>It's only for grandma

>that anatomy