Lissandra is the cutest and best girl in League
Best waifu and freljord
Ashe, Elise and Katarina a shit
League of legends general /lolg/
first for shyv
2nd for best gurl
>still no Project Moderkaiser
Best marksman coming through!
How do we ACTUALLY fix Mordekaiser?
Turn him into Iron Tager
I want Leona to have COMPLETE control over my orgasms!
>Putting characters with Command Grabs into League
Please god no
X for broken Sona
hey guys do you think sona is fair atm?
Breast waifu
the fuck is that shit
Sona is balanced as ever, she actually has utility now that scales with fucking AP.
How do you feel about Tahm Kench mains?
didnt you know? its sona!
>tfw will never be Vlad's obedient apprentice/cocksleeve
>will never absorb every drop of his pearly seed
Shut up faggot
I want to hold them
I'm not gay
no kidding, this car was fucking awesome
What does Sona smell like?
i want ferny to come back
salty milk and coins
>tfw riot just refuses to give me mastery 7
best male charecter
best chest
best adc
Wrong!, that is not Draven!
Probably the best smelling champion in the league honestly
jesus fuck her hands are balloons
>not getting s+ every support game
you're fucking garbage
just steal more kills to get the s+
You deserve an A+. If you wanted the S you should have had 4 more assists or kills.
Get gud
Anyone else here only play against bots?
I don't mean gay when I say faggot
meh, don't really like this, just playing around... the icon means uninstall
More importantly what does DJ Sonas under boob smell like after a long day on the rift
i'm only getting like 16 lp for a win. won 5 games in a row and still not in promo. this rank system is exhausting.
Get rid of it fag. No logo is best logo.
>Not wanting to have arrogant Yasuos/Rivens/Zeds try to slowly chip at you and dash around spamming their mastery icons only for you to touch them once and blow them the fuck out.
Seriously though Mordekaiser with actual magnetism in his kit could be cool.
Give him Magnus' ultimate.
I feel you my man.
I'm trying to climb out of Plat I with a 60% win rate, but for some reason I only gain 19-21 LP and lose just as much.
It doesn't make sense at all unless Riot fucked up and introduced LP clamping for that division.
that sucks. I think 5 wins in a row should put you in a promo no matter how much LP you had to before the wins. I'm sitting at 80 which means 6 in a row won't even put me in promo. Ridiculous.
Alright, lolbabs.
Should I start playing ranked? Normals are no longer that fun because of 'it's just nurmals xD' when going 0/5/0 and people really fucking around.
The bad thing about this is that I'm still experimenting on which role I should main. I like mid lane even though sometimes it's really not that fun against things like LB.
Also, the bad thing is that I don't have a main champion, which might lead to huge inconsistencies in ranked since I tend to pick a lot of shit as I'm still experimenting with roles and shit.
>every time i watch a streamer they're having fun
>every time i play i don't have fun
explain this lolbabs
In every other division, my LP gains were 24-28, but they just dropped the instant I hit Plat I.
Pretty annoying but whatever. I just have to win more games in a row I guess.
You half answered your own question with your statements of why you might lose
she's playing better games user
Like dwarf fortress
What do you mean then.
I just want a pretty hemo bf :(
IMO, learn ADC and get good at it. It's so easy to carry a game when you're fed on ADC. I used to main jungle and it used to feel so much more painful trying to get fed and carry a game. I always felt like my ADC players were brain dead and not pumping out enough damage. Luckily, this patch has some easy mode and powerful ADC's (ezreal, ashe, jhin is my rotation) and I've been wrecking.
also, once you get into ranked, just stick to one role. don't start sampling because you'll never get good at one role you'll just be shit at multiple roles. trust me, I made this mistake.
I think I love Syndra
I love when I get feeders in my promos!
>the ass on MF's contest pic
how much of a shitter am I?
Can i climb to diamond playing Ziggs?
>tfw you're at that point on Sol where the stars are doing like 600 damage each
>when the DFT + Liandry's kicks in
aka6s stream
>DFT on sol
signs of a shitter
what the hell this stupid bot doesn't let me post a screencap of my latest game as the coitus emperator, it thinks my lactose images are that brand of tuna that has the same name as posts that can't be posted.
aka6 draws on picarto under the handle TopGun. I'd drop the link but for some reason Veeky Forums thinks its spam.
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
>tfw lose the deciding game of your promos because your voli got outjungled from the first minute of the game by an amumu and the enemy draven ended up 10/0 in like 15 minutes
feels good man
i love soloq
noob ashe in the vg lul
Does anyone actually play Nexus Siege a second time? Why?
Also, what the fuck happened to Veeky Forums to make it so fucking difficult to post?
Oh fuck, and I forgot my corny but unfunny comment about
>yasuo mains
There's no stopping it baby, all aboard the titty train!
ryze was bad.
we're prolly getting superhacked.
something something terrorists, something something cyberwarfare
>incredibly fat ass
>Surprisingly tiny waist
>massive cow tits
>Attractive face with dick sucking lips
Was Sona made for any purpose besides fucking
>No motivation to play because all your favorite champs are either beyond shit or pick/ban
Worst feel senpai
Which ones?
Is it frowned on to play any bronzord components? I really want to play yasuo and farm all game
>tfw your MMR is too high to climb
>I really want to play yasuo and farm all game
That's actually fine, just don't go GG THIS TEAM as you dive into the enemy 1v5 when you are 0/6/0
I just want to play the new ryze, and nothing but the new ryze.
>aka6 just started coloring
Oh damn this will take a long time to be done
I main Aatrox, I know dem feels...
what is the best way to climb out of low elo by abusing dynamic queue? 2, 3, 4 or 5-man premades?
>Post yfw the enemy Lee tries to insec and gets caught on Veigar's stun.
this guy picked rumble with ignite like he was gonna murder my ass.
>wheel on the left
do frogs drive like americans?
Best waifu
>needing to abuse dynamic queue to get out of low elo
wew lad
that's why you play normals
once you get a decent normals mmr generally people try to win. there's still people who decide to play ad azir as support, but you can play shit like mundo or urgot without ruining your rank.
If you don't love mid, consider another role. There are a shitload of midlaners and it makes queue times long.
You can just start playing ranked, it doesn't matter if you start out in a low division because once you get the hang of shit you'll rise out of it as long as you keep playing. "elo hell" is a myth perpetuated by shitters who think they're gods.
>tfw play normals so don't have to worry about what's good or bad
Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.
>Her doll-like/robotic face
I never realized how much I like this
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to watch! I hope you all had fun. Next date is on the 17th.
Live is great when your only care in the world its playing games for living
>it's over already
a high silver friend of mine invited me (high gold) to play ranked with him and a friend of his (also high silver). i'm affraid the elo difference with just fuck my matchmaking up, that's why i want to know what would be best to have fair games.
imagine having her roleplaying in bed aka play dead, or during her sleep
sex would be glorious
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Looking great so far, thanks man
I like Orianna too, but this shit makes me uncomfortable
Aka's still drawing, but he's moving on to his next project. I'm only able to book two slots at a time, and unfortunately I wasn't able to get 2 on the same night this time around
Glad you liked it!
>tanned bitches and tanlines probably coming in the next stream