Neptunia General #955 /nepgen/ : Nitro+ Edition

Previous Thread: Megadimension Neptunia VII has been released for Steam:

Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune in production. Platform and release date not yet announced.

Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls releasung in October for NA.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the real Nepgear!

Nitroplus is cute!

Delete this.

4th for science babies

Also Noire bullying continue.


Also keep Rei in prison

>emprison Anonydeath
>let him keep his armour
They're pretty nice in gameindustri.

spankfags are okay

annoying imo

>Anonydeath is in a bubble
>meanwhile Rei is allowed toilets
Being sage is suffering.

I'd like to see you trying to take a crap while having handcuffs.

What did you say?

Nepgyaa is a very good character in VII.

I'm about to start nep 7. is there a helpful unlocking guide like there was for the previous games? I don't want to end up fucked like I was in rebirth 1 where I couldn't unlock most of the good items because I missed an invisible item in the first 5 hours of the game.

Daily reminder that Neps are straight.

There are no plans
just play the game

what about endings? I heard that using goddess mode and even dying lowers your shares in this game.

Only in HDN1. Every other game is safe, you can die as much as you want.

>Annonydeath gets a nice, protective bubble with it's own air supply.
>Rei gets a dingy cell with a window to the Lastation smog, open access to her cell and her to the guards, and is probably being broadcast on Realtoiletgirls.nep 24/7.
I think we see who has it better.

>Anonydeath only get a chair, he can't even sleep
>displayed around like a trophy
>meanwhile Rei is in a dungeon
>has a bed to sleep on
>probably get raped by guards

It does, but not too badly. Unless your not doing any quests or using PR, you shouldn't run out of shares.

Only 2 endings
shares only affect a thing to see certain events in the 4 routes

Dying and going HDD does drain shares but after seeing the certain events you don't need to care about them

Wait, it does in V?
I'm happy they fixed it in the superior RB remake for the PC master race.

>Has a bed to sleep on.
I think it's in there for a more lewd reason user.

We're not talking about V

But seven does not exist, so obviously he misswrote V.

Such as?

like most retards people mistake V-II for 7 don't know how when clearly it equals 5

Stay out of this or I'll slap you with my mighty python, Brian.

bring on this Monty Python of which you speak

So yeah.

is there an ending guide?


The same reason that anyone becomes a prison guard in Gamindustri for.

Bios : Y/N?

Are guards allowed to spank female prisoners?

>Dogoos take over Gamindustri.
>All dogoos combined to form the one true super-dogoo.
>He embarks on his quest to lick every last nep in the galaxy.
But otherwise bretty gud

Oh, right. I should add a little something about the licking and make them xenophile.

Good night nepugen


>Glorious Dogoo Empire exterminates all men and herds all females into the licking camps as comfort neps.
What a promising future.


Also ugly.

This is like straight out of a doujin, I can't believe it.

Dogoos shouldn't be this cute.

Nitroplus' ass.

Well the artist has done doujin porn before so go figure

It wouldn't be nearly as bad if Nepgear wasn't visibly nopan and getting nepped in the ass.

When I see asses like that, I want to do things.
Terrible things.
Like hitting that ass with a ruler.

That's actually a pretty nice rear in the flatland that is Neptunia.

True. Lastation is the land of the ass.

Also, which nep would you :
>start a family with?
>work for?

>Frame Breaker
Yeah, maybe that would actually work if the post-game events had an actual order. The idol events had full portraits already, and the treasure events can be done first.

Noire for all of those.

Goodnight, nepgen


Who is this double dork


Goodnight user

Thanks asshole, now I can't sleep

Reminder that tangerines kick ass.

And praise Lastation!

My praise is only for Planeptune



>Gimme (please).
Here you go:

Sorry for the delay. I wanted to clean it up a bit.

I'm trying to port Virtua Forest to xnalara but the 3ds exporter script I'm using keeps crashing. I think I'll have to save it to Blender first and just use another script altogether. I think I'll try porting either Red or CFW Magic next. There's a few models from Rebirth 2 I haven't seen anywhere.

Whatever you say.

I do, every day!

>the cooler s-sha

This is my beloved wife.

This is my perfect wife.

Did someone say perfect?

Noire bullying continue

She is very attractive.

This Rom person is incredibly cute. I enjoy Rom.

Where's the money?

Deary me, Ram is everything. I relish Ram.

No matter which Nepgear you are, I'll give you all the love and attention you need, I love Nepgear!

Holy fuck, hold me /nepgen/. I can't handle this.

>handling it
You can let yourself break.

Get it.

Thank, but my heart and dick are belong to Iris.

Hi Murdergear.

Oh, you think /nepgen/ is your friend. But you were merely adopted by /nepgen/; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the memes until i was already a goddess, by then it was nothing to me but SHARES!

Post art of best robot

I love this nep

>be at level 500+ in Victory and still can't beat that
>guy is at 70 and beats it
The nerfs are real

How can I be a Nepgear if I love her?

The Robros are the best character of this series

He used a trainer, mate. No nerfs.
I got to 999 with ultimate everything today and barely managed the Treasure boss with kid IF's debuffs. Tough fucker. This one wasn't hard, but still not a complete cakewalk either. So yeah. Grind those levels and do Colosseum.

I wasn't here until the games came to PC. But I still love my Neps, and all of you.

>not the Brobots

I have RB3 but it was so V that I dropped it so what's that trainer thing


Program that lets you have mad stats, level up super fast, etc. Cheating basically.

Well son of a bitch.

This moment was too sad dammit.

>Robros have more sad moments than the Neps

Hell I can even say they have more character in 1 game than the Neps in all of the games

Nepgyaa has the best voice.

No offesnse but I do not feel that
this little girl is all that reliable a source
of information on Our Fair Lady Noire Blackheart

what if they infected men with a virus that eventually turns them into dogoos too

To be fair though the nep sisters are meant to be the non-developing protags, and theyre pretty self aware of it throughout.