/owg/ - Overwatch General

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first for Tracer best girl

Delete Hanzo
Turn Hanamura into ctf
Give new maps

>``maining'' zero-skill characters like winston, torbjorn, roadhog, etc

It's gonna be nice seeing all the tears over the course of this game's life as varaious crutch characters get nerfed and losers drop 10-20 ranks

Post your dva pictures here

Hanzo weak asf though

It's still 50% you fucking retard

Roadhog is shit tier next patch lad

hana song

it's a blizzard game so eventually the reverse will happen

>overwatch is a skill-based game

ravioli ravilo

Give me the sfm nude symmetrra model noow


EnvyUs.Taimou's Blizzard endorsed aimbot!

Do you think Blizzard will add a islamic extremist based character?

Post your SPM and top 4 heroes


10 games out of fucking 15 today I have backfilled with 30 seconds left before losing.

Fuck you Blizzard, you sack of fucking horseshit.

>tfw almost a 3rd of the way to a golden gun
>not sure which hero to get it for



Was this team named by a 13 year old?

Cloud9.Surefour's Blizzard endorsed aimbot!

>no one ever picks support in pubs
>i pick lucio
>say it's my fault
>almost always have 7000-8000 healing done
>10 eliminations
why do people hate lucio so much?

how do I find this

It's a CoD org that expanded into other games, user. Their CS:GO team was the best in the world for a while.

Where do you see score/min?

doea anyone have the comic where widowmaker traps tracer?

So yeah, 13 year olds/

was fan the hammer spread reduced or not?

Because if someone isn't full hp at all times they think their healer is shit.

MasterOverwatch, hover over Leaderboards, click on 'Score', select your region, and then enter your Battletag.

>in quick play
>notice 3 guys picked genji
>they flashing the character select screen
>someone on mic says "aw fuck it"
>chooses genji
>fifth man and myself then genji up
>utterly destroy the competition

Why is doing shit like this the most rewarding experience in Overwatch?

I literally had a Hanzo insult me when I played mercy because I died to the same Winston he did on cyka industries defense last second and couldn't get more than 2 people rezzed before I died
I wouldn't worry about it

Because a rollerskating DJ healer is retarded as fuck.

It was founded by a 30-something year old Indian-American man.

aw sick i'm 2:12 in comp

your a shit

That's even worse.

Ana is really mediocre with a super powerful ultimate ala Tobjorn.

Ana is one of those characters i'd never play but would love having on my team

Mada Mada
Even better is when the enemy is running a "pro" comp.

with a speaker for a weapon, I forgot that part. It's a trash fucking design intended for children less intelligent than usual, user.


>Join game during setup
>Dorado attack
>2 low levels insta-lock Genji
>2 Bastions and a Torbjörn on the other team
>Not worried because of Genjis
>They don't do shit or even try to deflect
>Forced to switch to Genji myself so we can move up
>Neither of the other Genjis are switching
>We lose at the final push
>Someone mistakes me for one of the shitters and calls me out for not contributing anything

>t.mercy main



>that feel when I tried junkrat for the first time

>the hero is perfect


the only thing Junkrat does wrong is consistently die to pharah. Other than that he's perfect

I want to frot with /d/va

well she's a support, she's not supposed to be able to take down an entire team by herself

she seems more focused on whittling down tanks than anything else as far as her offensive capabilities are concerned

please post genji/zen pics...

just go inside a house dude

>tfw nearly 300SPM with Lucio

I don't play support because mercy is boring and I'm too autistic to accept Lucy's design. Maybe Ana will be fun.

more overwatch cats



Let the scrub tears flow


>not getting it for your waifu

>Vishkar skin for Symmetra dropped for me today

Is there a word in any language for intensely powerful indifference?

Ana is more of a disruptor than a hard support, as far as her healing goes she can only kind of keep people topped off or clutch save people from dying. she's not a dedicated healer like Lucio or Mercy.

tbqh she's only in the support category because of her heal, she's more of a Defense hero like Junkrat or Mei.

>be me
>widowmaker is my waifu
>but i'm shit with her
>really shit
>suddenly one day i'm in the gym and i have an epiphany
>hitscan, it's a damn hitscan weapon
>get home
>boot up overwatch
>pick widowmaker
>back to back POTG



>Overwatch initially thought Widowmaker was a man despite the form-fitting outfit

Certainly explains why she traipses around the battlefield with all that front and back cleavage showing.

>rank 36
>played 7 games today to get to rank 37
is anyone else here in the 30s? these ranks are a horror show
>every team is spread out to be picked off
>no one has any situational awareness to the point where I flanked a bastion/reinhardt defense on hanamura as zarya
>no one plays the objective
I want to end my life

What's the balance reasoning behind D.Va and Mercy's pistols being projectile based instead of hitscan?

But Ana's not in the main game yet

Can a lucio boost another lucio?


>"Age before beauty, guess you're coming in third."
>-S76 if you kill Widowmaker

My brother

>Reposts comic
>expecto patio

Really though Symmetra is the same way - she is in no way a healer but she is in "support"

I think it's just the category of "These people don't do damage" regardless of heal capacity (ie why there is a "tank" category but not "healer"

I'm saying the potential higher HPS she can dish out doesn't work in practical terms because it's not constant and you can miss.

She will never outheal mercy.
She will never be as essential as mercy.
She's not as generally useful as Jet Set.
She isn't DPS monster like Zenyatta.

I don't know when I would ever pick her over any support except to beat up shitters with Dragonblade nanoboost.

dude I dropped here from 45 I am on a 20 game losing streak with only thing tying them all together is me getting 4 gold medals for ALL OF THEM. EVERYONE FUCKING SUCKS IN THESE ranks. Tbh send me an invite and we can try a match together.

>play quick-play to warm up
>traveling to hanamura
>two genjis on defense
>turn music up, lock mccree and practice plinking because the game is already over

its difficult to get mad anymore, it's just so easy to just go and use any lost game as a practice session.

How the fuck do you end up like that? I play even in Quick Play with ranks 60-70+.

Why is it that I still get rank 45s in my 60 games?

Why is it, that 9 times out of 10, they play Genji and Hanzo? I literally just had a guy change to Hanzo after I asked him to change off Genji. WHY WHY WHY




a.pomf.cat/nkeaye.webm webm related

like i said here she's more of a Defense hero than a Support. she's just there to disrupt the enemy team and buff your tank/main DPS when your ult is up and they're making a push.

Why are console players so edgy?

People at these rank 30 below refuse to switch no matter what. They lock in 1 hero and never for any reason do they switch.

i had already adopted that mindset like 2 weeks before ranked was even introduced, step it up

>it's just so easy to just go and use any lost game as a practice session.

Good philosophy. If the ship's all ready sinking, you might as well practice your backstroke.

reaper shotguns have very long range and they are shotguns

She's the support you pick when you already have a healer

You idiot.

Because they can't express their vitriol through chatting very well.

When does this patch hit consoles?

that doesn't really explain anything, hero switching hardly happens in this game anyway

getting dicked in placement
I went 4-6 for placement matches but 2 of my wins were because enemy team left so I got fuck all for ranking and I placed 42

sure, my tag is Frominican#1467
add me, I'll see if I can get some games in this weekend

Please post your coolest McCree pictures.


You know that guy that picks Hanzo when what you really need is a Winston to hold the point, or a Mercy to healbot the payload, or even a good all-arounder like S76 to perfectly round out your team?

That's me. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

what rank you at

Hanzo is pretty good if you are a master at geometry.

Curbed hitboxes will ruin him though.


I'm bad at the game so since I'm a shitty player no matter what I do, I might as well just play mccree and have some fun

if you're good i don't give a fuck.

Good hanzos essentially remove any sub300 hp character from the current game

Ok let me give you a special example
>3reapers and 1 trob
>we actually go 2-0
>The other team counters trob with junkrat
>2-2 trobjorn refuses to switch
>2-3, I ended that game with 71 kills, 50 objective kills, and 24,000 damage all as reaper

*fixed* hitboxes

>feelio when DDR Ace Premium Doubles is $4 USD
I can't help but to emphasize with Hana