>The girl that's actually a man/was a man.
>The character that's actually a robot/android. Blade Runner ripoff about their humanity and soul.
>Time travel. Bonus points if the time travel has no rules, or violates its rules.
>Supernatural elements worming their way into a grounded narrative, sometimes with no warning.
>The climax of the story revolves around the power of love and friendship.
>Numerous bad ends that are either canon in alternate universes or ignored.
>Several large twists that make next to no sense under close inspection, or make the reader say 'huh?' immediately. These come at the end.
>Characters dumping wikipedia articles about philosophy or thought experiments and everyone but one character already knows the details, or people quoting books they have no right to have read.
>A person on the protagonist's side turns out to be the source of all their suffering. 'Even my immediate family bought it!'
>Someone is brutally and needlessly killed and or dismembered for shock value. Usually done by a character that had no foreshadowing as a potential killer, or is too small for the task. Said killer is typically prompted by petty bullshit.
>Seemingly innocuous choices have ridiculous outcomes, like above.
>Absolutely insane amounts of fluff: dialogue scenes and subplots that go nowhere and contribute nothing to the main plot or the character's conflicts. [It's a beach/cooking episode. Hermione fighting for elf rights.] Simply portraying two people together in the same room is not relationship development. They must be tested, or it's fluff.
Literally hours, or entire novellas dedicated to nothing simply to increase the word count and thus the writer's paycheck.
>Music played when silence would enhance the drama.
>Protagonist is too pure hearted or kind. They're unrealistically willing to socialize with the number of people they do, in the manner they do.
Help me fill this out, /evn/. I want to subvert or deconstruct each one.