Lissandra is the cutest and best girl in League
Best waifu and freljord
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for Katarina
best girl
helo famile daly remindar to stey hidhratted luv u tanks bye
Draaaaaaaaaaven! (is the best!)
NA vg vs vg WHEN?
tanks yu to dent furget te brish yur teef
there i made 1
Just played a game of Trondomore Top, had fun. What's the optimal build? I went Shiv-bork-IE-PD-LW in that order.
Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.
I love normals
when u make one
>Mosh and Shib mains are OP in the same patch
what a time to be alive
I'll put $10000000 on clg to beat imt.
Breast waifu
Breast winrates
>they don't have much going for them anywhere else so they have the willingness/autism to dedicate themselves to that
How can one Brazilian be so savage?
>the 11 win streak was broken by going against an ekko/malzahar
not even counting that as a loss.
He's not wrong. If those people had anything better to do with their lives they wouldn't waste it forcing their memes in an anonymous imageboard
>Those proportions
>It's another Lissandra Thread
are you FUCKING serious
Best OTP
>play Riven for the first time since S1
Is this what it feels like to be a Riven main?
Is her back broken?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I am. And don't call me serious.
It's the only thing he's good at
delete that image.
streaming gaymes
I want to go chatting in VoHiYo.
>when u make one
>implying no-names can make them
People just come in, laugh at you then leave.
I was mad at that guy ruining threads but
Now I kind of pity him
windspeakers or thunderlords on sona
>Open LCK
>Tahm Top
Based gooks unclogging the frog.
DEJA VU! I've just swam in this place before
>mfw a plumber near me
I used to make a few threads a week just because no one wanted to, ever. Now these two different guys are competing to see who can make all the threads
Feels like yesterday when nobody wanted to make threads and we'd go up to around 850 before someone finally caved.
Why are hybrid builds so bad? Even Akali who was designed to be a hybrid is only viable as full ap besides the gunblade (tank notwithstanding).
Because hes projecting?
you know shit is fucked up when I'm actually agreeing with that faggot
>>be artist
>>be artist who can actually art
>>ignore human anatomy
>>don't sketch basic shape to check BEFORE spending time on a piece
Bitch has about 4 extra ribs.
b a s e d
hey lissandrafag how are you
The area between the her shoulders and the start of her breasts is like 3x what it should be. The guy obviously knows how to draw well, so how can he fuck basic anatomy so badly? Isn't that like the first thing they teach you in art class?
>Based American Hardwood
>Ap Maokai Mid
Gimme that S+ my man. Shout out to that Taliyah for letting me shove my wood in there
>Spending the entire match yelling "SPELLFLUX, OVERLOAD" and teleporting into my death
New ryze is fun with friends
>Still no slutty brown elf champion
Tali here ;~; was fun playing against you guys
>in for trick2g pimp cane shitpost
Spell flux here ;~; was fun overload against you guys.
but a no name just made one now and it started
we all happened to name this the same thing
Nobody can handle the legendary BP AP Maokai Mid
>Engage a low life enemy as a tank.
>ADC runs away.
>Kangs and his shit friends decide to come and fill the thread with their shitpost norm game
there's no elven in league senpai.
im not a no name
Am I doing it right?
anyone on NA want to do some norms?
Super Deluxe
>tfw pick Teemo top against a Nasus autist and yi jungler.
Nasus raged at me in chat whole game and me telling him nice things to "cheer" him up which only made him more mad. This kept on until he rage quit at 13 minutes.
Is there a better feeling?
The entire game was basically a huge shitpost tbqh
giving a mega of all of my ex gf's lewds (not fat) to a random reply
leave throwaway email or skype
>tfw you will never have a full premade of friends to talk on voice chat and have some fun in normals
why im even alive
i should make the things simpler and end it all...
please respond!!
>is there any better feeling
Shitting on Teemo mains comes first to mind.
I'm sure you know the answer.
it's simpler to find a full premade of friends to talk on voice chat and have some fun in normals
When your champion is moving out of base, they see a single snail moving across their lane. Do they go to that lane, or switch to another?
xth for love.
>Thunder lord for shen/rylais and rabadon and one-shoot people
maxing Q
>Windspeaker with ardent cencer/grial and other that give you stonger heals/shields
maxing W
Both good, its your call
I miss Marine.
I definitely didn't forget to screenshot mine, so here it is.
>play katarina mid for once
>get two kills early
>spiral the entire game out of control
>28/3 by the 25 minute mark
>"wow ur so good with kat"
>"lol smurf"
>my literal face
Any halfwit can get so many kills in that short amount of time with the queen of snowballing. It's fucking ridiculous what normals assume is skill.
fixed for readability
shit taste detected
>Thunder lord for shen
I think I'm just gonna take Ghost/Ignite every game for Top. Ghost on a shorter CD than TP and gets you back to lane only a little bit slower.
thats not why people take tp
>Start TP'ing into bot lane
>By the time it finishes your entire team is dead and enemy team is starting Dragon
How do you pick a champ pool? I can't decide who to play consistently.
I enjoy Darius and Vlad a lot, but can't win game for dick with them and have sub 50% ranked winrates on them with over 20 each this season, and while yeah, i'm a common factor, I'm feeling like the two need more team support than I can get soloquing in silver. When I go off with these guys, it feels fucking great. Usually the issue is that in fights, i'm getting shredded by squishy that the assassin should have taken care of while i melt their midline.
Meanwhile free winstreaks if i just grind jungle games with just about any champion. J4, amumu, elise, rengar, khazix, etc. i dont find them that fun, but they're easy wins. sure, i can flag flash ult-aa-hydra-aa and 100-0 a squishy, or drop 4 man curses, or get constant elise picks, but it's a lot less fun.
wat do lolg
should I ban Ryze if my teammate hovers it?
Anybody on EUW want to play normals?
>Play ARAM.
activate it
In normals you play champions that are fun to play.
In ranked you play champions that win.
Learn how to play versatile champions that are fucking good you fucking dickhead
just play the game more if u wanna get better
It's true and you see it in various places, Veeky Forums just isn't one.
He will change your experience of Yasuo.
ban the yas you dingdong
Moi sutemo, Myori wa Sutezu
>taking nothing but ignite top these days because I play shit like akali
>playing in shitter elo so people aren't great at making TP plays as it is, whenever they TP to bot or something now they end up getting nothing out of it
>they come back to top way behind and I just nuke them the first chance I get
feels good man
>25-6 kill game, 23 minutes
>20 wards, highest in the game
>Still only A fucking +
So did Rito not enable the support adjustment yet?
Just pick a few champions you like and git gud at them and don't stop.
t.person with mastery 7 Teemo, Singed, Bard, Heimerdinger.
shiv/PD depending if you need the extra bit of 1v1 power or want the instant waveclear
then IE-bork-ghostblade
and final item depends, usually i end up with either mortal reminder or lord dominiks
>Lane opponent TP's bot
>Gets absolutely NOTHING out of it
>Has to cuck-walk all the way back to lane
>mfw permanent level advantage over him
will trade you if you want
also you'll usually get berserkers before IE because they give a fuckload of AS now
These changes are too toxic, you have to wait a little longer.