How can we profit off trump supporters?
Should we sell them stupid ass shirts like this at a premium, while labelling them as "MADE IN AMERICA, MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN" while in actuality being made In China for pennies and only shipped from America?
How can we profit off trump supporters?
Should we sell them stupid ass shirts like this at a premium, while labelling them as "MADE IN AMERICA, MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN" while in actuality being made In China for pennies and only shipped from America?
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that's illegal dude
You sound like a cuck that the man in the picture hunts.
Why would I be? I'm a libertarian
I just want to make money
Buy trumpcoin, if trump wins trump coin will explode.
And if he loses it'll drop to nothing in the two weeks after when everyone forgets he exists, since the majority of Trump supporters are low IQ and low attention span. The polls also don't look good for trump coin.
>i'm a libertarian
how many levels of ideological purity are you on right now, my dude?
You voting for Gary "Weed order across the open border" Johnson?
How many levels of edgyness are you on to vote for trump?
I'm not, though, mr. assumptions.
That's pretty incendiary, I don't think Johnson would approve of this message.
I'm not saying do this, but in theory you could...
>Set up an anonymous escrow on the dark net.
>Tell /pol/ that if you your escrow gets 100 bitcoin by you'll murder Hillary Clinton, with the funds being returned if you don't reach your goal or deliver.
>Assassinate Hillary Clinton.
>Receive bitcoin bounty.
There used to be a darknet site that served exactly this purpose but it was shut down in 2014.
Probably one of the most interesting things I've heard about on the darknet.
Yeah go vote for rothschild's property aka heartless hillary
Have none of you read the leaked emails?
What part of Libertarian don't you get
>I'm going to vote for a candidate that has zero chance of winning instead of using my vote to ensure that the worst candidate stays out of office.
To ensure Trump stays out of office? I've considered it, but I don't like hillary any more
I have overlooked that post and take back what i've said
Since i am not an america, i'm not familiar with the libertarian party but i don't think voting for trump is edgy
>Identifies more with the democratic party than the republican one
I think next time you tell someone you're a libertarian put quotes around it.
I'm a "libertarian"
Watch this video
I know you'll likely be bored by 30 minutes but I think he illustrates the idea very very well
Okay, friend.
Okay, democrat.
For people who don't want to waste half an hour his whole argument is:
>Donald Trump doesn't read his speeches from a script written by professional script writers and instead speaks from the heart to the common man.
>This means he's an idiot.
>He is infact so stupid that he'll blow the world up and cause the greatest economic collapse the world has ever seen! I'm serious! Why don't you believe me?
>He's also not politically correct!
>I mean in this day and age how can a politician refer to undocumented immigrants as "illegal immigrants" just because they immigrated illegally?
>Don't worry, when Hillary is elected we'll make sure nobody can ever problematic things again, not without going to prison!
Johnson's not really a libertarian. He's like a centrist mongrel. Libertarianism is like pure conservatism.
>>Donald Trump doesn't read his speeches from a script written by professional script writers and instead speaks from the heart to the common man.
No it's that he repeats the same thing 3 times and doesn't actually offer anything, just what sounds good.
"We're going to build a wall, it will be a great wall. A great great wall. It will be a great wall, we will build it. And Mexico will pay for it. Who will pay for it? (MEXICO!), It will be a yuge, yuge wall, folks. I promise you that. It was be a great, great wall."
>>He is infact so stupid that he'll blow the world up and cause the greatest economic collapse the world has ever seen! I'm serious! Why don't you believe me?
>Let's just somehow round up over 10 million illegal immigrants and ship them all back! How? I dunno how, crimes aren't getting solved, we have a lack of a police force but let's just round up all these illegals and ship them all back somehow. It surely won't be a logistical nightmare.
>>He's also not politically correct!
>>I mean in this day and age how can a politician refer to undocumented immigrants as "illegal immigrants" just because they immigrated illegally?
The not being politically correct is a good thing, as he mentioned. He said that's the major thing Trump has going for him, and he doesn't agree with political correctness either. Learn to listen before
Don't make things up to soften your argument
>Let's just somehow round up over 10 million illegal immigrants and ship them all back! How? I dunno how, crimes aren't getting solved, we have a lack of a police force but let's just round up all these illegals and ship them all back somehow. It surely won't be a logistical nightmare.
are you denying the holocaust?
Huh? what's the holocaust have to do with this? We're talking about trump's proposals
>>Let's just somehow round up over 10 million illegal immigrants and ship them all back! How? I
>>It surely won't be a logistical nightmare.
>implying it's not possible to round up millions of people
It's possible but it would take a ton of resources and money all to remove a small percentage of criminals and a lot of shitty jobs Americans don't want to do.
Seems not worth it when you get into the whole "Splitting families" side of things.
Polls of what? His supporters are definitely vulnerable, but I support him as he's a useful idiot. If you're criticizing from outside of the US please kill yourself. If you're criticizing from within the US, please kill yourself.
>It's possible but it would take a ton of resources and money
would it cost more than 100 billion you reckon? because illegal immigration costs taxpayers over 100 million per year
I want to see some strong data on that
But yes I do imagine that deportation of over 10million people would cost over 100 billion or whatever it is. It's definitely not a cheap process and i struggle to see how you'd feasibly do this
Trumpcoin. Helker & Koch/S&W if Illary wins
just invest in $URRE$ easy.
>how you'd feasibly do this
Are you a holocaust denier? If it was possible in 1940's it is definitely possible today.
Okay then how would you do it effectively? And is it worth it in the big picture?
>i struggle to see how you'd feasibly do this
First let's dispel once and for all with the fiction that illegal immigrants are undocumented, they are documented. The majority of illegal immigrants in America overstay their visas.
Secondly, a good step would be ending Obama's catch and release program for illegal immigrants.
Dude wat
Well, I'd actually let border patrol and ICE actually do their jobs. I would end sanctuary cities. But, I'm a lowly pleb. I imagine that the feds could devise a much better system than I can.
Op is a butt hurt cuck
Nothing to see here
Yes everyone who disagrees is a cuck
Calling people cucks isn't an argument
It's the perfect argument against "op is a cuck"
Sorry, I saw Sam Hyde and forgot what board I was on.
>when you get into the whole "Splitting families" side of things
>travel to the US
>have child
>how dare you split my family apart
Nah I'm just saying it complicates the situation further... so there's many dimensions to this problem. It's not as simple as it appears "lol send them back"
>It's not as simple as it appears
break the law
suffer the penalty
shit that was pretty simple
>paisa detected
Yes in a perfect world
But there's more than one side to an issue, and you have to question where there not only a net benefit to doing something but whether it's moral.
Violent criminals shouldnt definitely be deported but I don't see how this can be done with all illegals at this time
>whether it's moral
is it moral to break laws enacted for the good of actual citizens?
why do you insufferable faggots always sound like crypto-niggers, ayo hol up we shud b able 2 break windows n shit
Why are there Trump supporters on Veeky Forums? I thought we were of a higher intellectual caliber. Maybe if we were on Veeky Forums or something, but I'd expect better from Veeky Forums.
If they're only coming over to work for cash and barely survive I don't see that as a serious crime.
Also the problem of citizenship by naturalization comes up as I said when they have children here...
/pol/ attracts retards which leak onto the other boards like the menstruations of a free-bleeding hambeast.
>wondering why Veeky Forums doesnt like mexicans
How can I profit off of people asking how to profit off of groups of people theyndon't like?
>If they're only coming over to work for cash and barely survive I don't see that as a serious crime.
What you see as a "serious crime" is irrelevant, it is a crime.
>Also the problem of citizenship by naturalization comes up as I said when they have children here...
The parents aren't naturalized citizens in this case. If they want to abuse the system to get their children residency fine, that's another issue, but it doesn't protect them at all.
Sure, but that's only because no one has pressed the high court for clarification.
The Constitution already has provisions in place preventing criminals from being able to claim birthright here for their children.
If you argue that foreigners such as spies, for example, shouldn't be afforded such rights, aren't you really just arguing severity of offense?
You missed your chance when Bernie Sanders was running. His supporters were throwing their money (student loans) at anything supporting the cause.
>What you see as a "serious crime" is irrelevant, it is a crime.
Yes it is absolute a crime but most would agree that it's not a serious crime that requires utmost attention and urgency to be responded to, such as say a murder or rape.
It's a good thing there's a completely separate agency to deal with illegal immigrants then.
>work for cash and barely survive
Thats basically what slave owners said.
You are literally supporting modern day slavery.
How is it slavery if they came over willingly?
They're doing the shit jobs we don't like to do, for a fraction of the price. They're a net benefit to our country
>everyone that doesn't agree with me is a retard
Its slavery because they get paid wages that wont sustain a decent life. Have you ever actually seen how illegals have to live? Its pretty fucking sad, desu. And those jobs "no one wants to do" are the jobs that teenagers are supposed to receive. Thats how they are supposed to get work experience for the real world when they graduate highschool.
>Its slavery because they get paid wages that wont sustain a decent life
That's not what slavery is
>And those jobs "no one wants to do" are the jobs that teenagers are supposed to receive
Being a nanny, picking vegetables, working shitty physical labor jobs with no training for below minimum wage cash?
Eh... Wouldn't really say teenagers are suppose to do those jobs.
I'd imagine teenagers would do more retail/fastfood jobs instead, something that an illegal immigrant couldn't really compete for in any case.
Its modern slavery, famalam.
>I'd imagine
Well, you imagine wrong, my friend. The only reason they get away with paying below minimum wage is because you can just call immigration on their asses if they don't accept the pay you offer them. With out that, teenagers could get those jobs, and in areas where there are no illegals those teens do indeed get those jobs. Illegal immigrants hurts the job market for everyone. Illegal immigrants are essentially second class citizens and that is indeed wrong.
You already profit off of Trump supporters by getting Trump elected to fix the country.
You're welcome.
>Well, you imagine wrong, my friend
I was a teenager too not a long time ago, can't really recall very many people wanting to work as live-in nannies, picking fruits and vegetables or laboring building sheds for $6/hr for their summer jobs, lol
I was a teenager as well, and I would have rather done all of that than work in fast food.
Oh, and anecdotal evidence.
>He didn't sell drugs at his highschool for his """job"""
lol wagecucking even as a teenager? i guess you needed to prepare yourself for your future life of zero aspirations and ambitions
So now you're just shitposting. Cool. Later, famalam.
>He wagecucked in highschool
Why? Wagecucks man, I'll never understand them
>I don't see how
Whether you see how is irrelevant. It is the responsibility of the nation to figure out how, even if that means devoting resources just to figuring out a solution.
well then figure it out lol
I'm not even from the united states faggots. Shart in mart fatasses
>europoor trying to understand US politics
Thats funny as hell.
Honestly never thought I'd agree with this kind of sentiment but if you are voting for Hillary ubironically you are pretty foolish, as much as we all enjoyed Bill, Hillary will be one of the most regretted candidates if she gets through.
Prove that Trump wouldn't be more regretted. Reminder that this is the plan who offered up all of his presidential powers were he to win to someone else.
Well, as far as I can tell he won't continue the retarded neocon agenda we've followed for the last 16 years.
she'll get in despite everyone on both sides of the aisle hating her.
because Trump is a walking disaster, as anyone over the age of 30 well knows. He's failed spectacularly at more marriages and more businesses than most people will ever try.
>4 bankruptcies
>500+ successful businesses.
Compared to the woman that sells classified info to foreign nations, who also starts wars that caused the recent rapefugee crisis. Oh, and she wants to respond to foreign hackers with military force, even though the US federal government has been hacking foreign nations since the 90's. Yeah, Trump is the worst choice.
The fact is mainly that trump is at least restricted to the political system - Hillary is clearly capable and willing to defy that system to achieve her goals and has gotten away with it several times - I'd rather have an idiot answerable to the law than an experienced politician who can operate outside the law and is no longer answerable to voters or the public at large.
>neocon agenda
Hi pol.
>has an understanding of politics and what has been happening for the last 50 years
>must be a /pol/ack
Hi, retard that knows nothing about politics.
Kek, /pol/tards are still this delusional.
Are you going to prove me wrong, or hurl insults?
You just hurled an insult. Anyway, there's no reason to argue with a tinfoil, you'll never get through the 'I'm so much smarter than everyone' bullshit cloud that floats around their brain.
Explain to me how we have not been following the neocon/globalist agenda that this whole line of shitposting started from. I'm open to having my mind changed if you can explain it.
Because there is no neocon agenda. Yeah, neoconservatism has an influence on modern democratic politics, but that doesn't make it an agenda. There's no master plan in motion. If you believe there is then you have absolutely no grasp on politics at all.
If I am a tinfoiler, you are just willfully covering your eyes to what is happening.
You are going to have to go far more in depth than just saying HERP DERP ITS NOT THERE.