Success thread.
Post your
>past success
What you did
What you said
How you did it
Success thread.
Post your
>past success
What you did
What you said
How you did it
Other urls found in this thread:
fucked some hot puss, than she made me a sandwhich
>crushed puss
>bitch make me sandwhich
>with my dick
Learning to shit in a toilet was a high point.
You deserve a medal
I went to college to become an aircraft mechanic. I was a workaholic, so I spent 8 hours a day studying. I graduated as an honor student with a 3.7 GPA. Hard work is fun.
Invested in BBD.B
>What you did
banged OP's mom
>What you said
nothing at all, actually
>How you did it
she saw my juicy bod and approached me first
236x224 why op????
I wrote a book.
Wtf are you trying to accomplish? Pump and dump a 4.7B market cap?
You underestimate the buying power of good boy points
I majored in philosophy and scored a sweet job at a philosophy firm. Making 150k/yr right now philosophizing with a possibility of making it as a partner in my future
I bought an apt. building and raised the rent because I renovated some of them. In only 1 year the value of my building was raised by almost 75,000$ (It's not a huge building just a regular 8 apt.)
How much did the building cost?
How do you even get into real estate when you are broke as fuck?
I'm a successful NEET. does that count?
It's not much but I live very comfortably by collecting NEET dosh and going to college full-time for the grants and scholarships.
not him, but theres no way unless you have money beforehand. ask family members and friends. you need money.
wait, so you are not a NEET, but still get money as if you were one? how?!?!?
It's took long of a story so I'll give you the broad strokes version:
2009 - Read up on Social Security and their list of disabilities they consider 'untreatable' and will last until death. I picked two off that list; Bipolar (Manic) and Agoraphobia.
I then researched each disorder/disability and the signs/symptoms of each; then did the whole character acting thing until I knew I could see them.
Went to a shrink and nailed it; was diagnosed with both conditions and documented as SMI (Seriously Mentally Ill) on the spot.
The shrink also wrote a letter suggesting that I be approved for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.
I filled out the application online myself and 'fluffed' it up a bit to make my 'conditions' sound worse than they actually were; I then faxed copies of my SMI and shrink letter to them to Social Security.
A month later I received a letter stating that I needed to be evaluated by their doctor before a decision could be determined; it was scheduled for a month out.
Once again using the character acting method, I practiced. I also didn't cut my hair, nails or shave for that entire month. About a week before my interview I didn't shower. The day of the interview I worse my shittiest dirty clothes and got my mother to drive me there and hold my hand as we entered the lobby.
I slowly shuffled to the examination room while looking only at the ground; once in the room I avoided eye contact and then they asked me a series of questions and gave me a few puzzles to complete; I bombed them on purpose of course.
After the interview they asked me if I had any questions for them and I asked "So am I...approved?" and they replied they couldn't answer that. That's when I stood up from my chair, knocked it over and yelled "THEN WAS THE POINT OF EVEN COMING HERE!?!!!"
And ran back out to the lobby and grabbed my moms hand. She asked if they were all done with me and they said yes so we left.
I was approved three weeks later.
thats some serious autism but man good job, which country are you in? could I do this in sweden?
You should retake that picture: keep the money and the anti-anxiety meds, but add some chicken tenders and M:tG cards.
>Could I do this in Sweden
Why even ask that man, you didn't need to ask that.
Top laff mate you're brilliant
it's hard to be more autist than other autists in sweden, isn't it?
It's because of people like you this country is in the in a massive shithole.