Last Edition
Screw dads and screw the copypaste at the start of each thread.
Last Edition
Screw dads and screw the copypaste at the start of each thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
Where can I grind Fed rank? I will keep asking!
Kill yourself.
Done so, I had a 35 mil rebuy.
Newb here: whi is elite always online.
But what makes Elite so compelling isn’t so much about the game as the experience. It’s the tinkering with and the taking out of a performance car for a Sunday drive, not to rack up more miles, nor to break any speed limits, but to just feel the growl of the engine and the wind comb through what’s left of your hair. To remember those carefree days arched over a BBC Micro or blinking angrily into a Lenslok and to forget for a short while that you have to make 357 people redundant in the morning. Elite is a hermetically-sealed escape capsule and it’s the best there is. Hell, you could fire the game up and just sit there on a launch pad and the sounds are enough to carry you away, so strong is your ship’s presence and so absorbing are the station surroundings.
Taking off, tearing through the station entrance a little too fast and just missing a Python, angling for the next jump, scooping fuel from a blazing sun, spinning the camera around your ship to catch its best profile, starting a fight just for the hell of it, seeing smok rise from the command console, hearing the screen crack and precious oxygen escaping into space and landing back at base with seconds to spare – these are the moments that make Elite essential. Trading, missions, mining – not so much. But it’s ok, we’re not going anywhere.
Because you suck, piss off.
Dead Space on GOG now
RIP origin
Okay, Veeky Forums, how can we beat the feds at their own game?
>Pirate: Prepare yourself!
>Pirate: You don't want to die, I don't want to be poor. Empty your cargo.
>tfw I don't even have cargo space mounted on my current ship not running any mission either
That's not like interdiction are anything but piss easy to survive but man pirates npc are retarded...
So you can't pirate it.
what's this i keep hearing about the thargoid tipoff? is it actually happening?
What is happening is another newsletter full of reposts from leddit and a shitty community paintjob.
Dads don't really play video games so they aren't really aware about how developers shove in "online" so that they can have always online DRM that players will eat up.
I guarantee you that this game was not made into an online multiplayer game because Frontier legitimately wanted to make a good space mmo.
If anyone's getting sick of Sothis run there's a good way of grinding cr currently. Grab the biggest ship you have. Put 2 5A collectors, cargo racks, shields, 2 heat sinks and a fuel scoop (optional). Fill your hold 1/3 with limpets and head to Maiki 3A. There's a persistent USS there regarding the CG. When you drop in, there will be some precious gems. Deploy limpets, wait, relog, repeat. You can sell these at any black market for an average of 109k each. Take advantage of this while you can, as it will be removed by next friday.
Nothing is happening, ftroop is trying to distract the insane amount of legitimately butthurt players who got screwed during the last CGs when ftroop decided it was okay to cheat when the federation is losing.
It's only going to get worse when Thargoids come. How would you like to not only get dicked by retarded NPCs when you have no cargo, but also get pulled out of your witchspace loading screen by inbred prawns with overpowered ships?
I can't wait for them to release Thargoids and for all the butthurt to flow. The most senile dads are always explorers who say the game is fine while they jump honk repeat through space forever. It's going to be great when they get fucked by Thargoids in their shieldless, weaponless >ASP
>ftroop adds hyperspace for multiple ships
>ftroop adds multi-crew and fighter bays
>solofags that cry that they want to play alone will get rekt by ayys
>people that called for more player - player interaction win in this war since they are always flying in groups and at least 1 ship is always armed win this war of "muh playstyle is the ONLY right way to play this game"
This a million times. Thargoids will be the final nail on the dads' coffin. Then maybe the game will become something decent will all the carebears and crybabies gone.
>ITT: People genuinely believing that thargoids won't get nerfed 10 days after release due to dads whining
>These tip off messages
Frontier can't do anything right, can they? If they wanted to make them realistic, they should have just cut each one off at a certain part instead of going
>...they can't ... be real .... help us ...pulled from ...
You cant. The game is flawed at its core. with Open/Solo/Private mechanic
The only way to fix it to remove p2p system, and divide server data. so dads wont be able to server hop.
After that, major overhaul and rebalance of all aspects of the game would be required.
Bu we all know that it wont happen.
Want some meaningfull player interaction, go play EVE if you do not mind 2 job and point and click shipa fights with macros.
Or wait in unreal illusion that Robert will deliver in SC (as me)
Now fuck off.
I'm planning on rigging a UA bombing ship once I unlock palin.. If the feds DO put stations in/around merope, they better hope they have meta alloys to reverse the damage.
>implying ftroop won't manually reverse the damages when mobius asks them
It's not entirely the P2p system. It is entirely that they allow anyone to participate in events wherever they want to, solo, open, or private. Having a shit chance of actually directly intervening with those players via the P2p system sucks, but them literally hiding away from any other player interaction is infinitely worse than having to deal with bad networking.
fuck off to reddit
>tfw feds are now the dad faction
What happened to the old faggots liking "muh progressive empire" and "muh bootyful gutamaya"? I thought old british cunts didn't like Space Trump anyways
Well spoken CMDR, have some rep.
Fly safe CMDR o7 o7 o7 o7
Incidentally, Drew Wagar said he is flying off and as far away from the bubble as possible. He probably knows something.
I'd wager the explorers are safe.
Blue-haired SJW princess didn't win the race to despothood habloo hoo hoo
they fell for the anime princess meme
conservative auntie got elected and empire is back to the big bad they always were
Oh, right. I forgot about her anti drugs (which isn't progressive) and "slaves" stance. Just seemed odd, the empire aside from her doesn't seem progressive in any sense.
It's possible they also had a weak grasp on the lore
It's not like the game makes these things obvious.
Honestly I just assumed they were all fruitcakes from their awful ship design.
Which game is that from? (Obviously I know it's Star Trek, but which game?)
Star Trek Online, that's his character portrait when you talk to him.
>if the player is using kb+m, gimbal mounts track with the mouse cursor ala Strike Suit Zero
Good idea or nah?
Well fuck you too.
Would be cool as a toggle. Would be even better if it came with a simple AI flight computer that would control your ship and keep the target on screen as best it could.
>This game could have been the definitive modern space sim, instead we got a shallow bland grindfest plagued with dads and faggots
What went wrong?
My biggest fear is fdev fucking up the thargoid release
>waiting for thargoids is the only reason I still play
They won't. Crybaby dads and carebear will make sure they get nerfed quickly though.
Why do you want Thargoids? They won't really add anything but another enemy to turnfight and more inconvenience as you're repeatedly pulled out of witchspace to fight them.
P2P instancing, no guilds, no real effect on the game world, nothing to do except grind more credits
I guess you can get into making minor faction influence bars go up and down, if you're actually autistic enough to find that compelling
oh, and the split between open, PG, and solo, which leaves them stuck with a bunch of people who all want completely different things from the game
they really should've gone all in on either online play or just single player
>Russian farmers won the dangerous games
>Dad and autist tears everywhere
Another good day for a shit gaem!
because thargoids will keep dads from trading in peace with an unarmed, unshielded dadbra mk3
Why is there no option to change that disgusting orange HUD? Who thought that it would be OK to force a color that look like crap and make shit indistinguishable?
This is what happens when OP makes a shit topic without any of the useful links in it.
What is the best ship and why is it the Cobra Mk3?
Fuck the OP edition
>Where do i buy x module/weapon for my ship?
High-tech systems have the best inventory, look there. The more population the better.
>What's this RES you guys talk about?
Resource Extraction site. spawns pirates and space cops that shoot each other. HAZRES in best left until you have a Vulture or better.
>Pilots Guide:
>Steam Group (post your commander info in the announcement so we can add you)
>Change HUD color:
>Markets Tools:
>Ship discounts (report these as you find them)
All systems exploited by Li Yong-Rui have a discount on ships and outfits for example:
NU TAURI - Parmitano Terminal
BD+28 413 - Gunn Station
>Horizons? Engineers? What?
Horizons DLC added planetary landings, explore planets with the blue icon and gather materials for special boosts, ammunition or Engineer upgrades that modify your ship modules.
>List of Engineers & blueprints:
>Test your ships before you buy:
>/edg/ faction stuff from the previous thread:
Don't you dare buy a Cobra, we'll know.
>praise the vision
Thank you kind sir!
-Faggot newb
Why do i have to sell my planetary suite off my new ship if i didnt buy horizon or back the kickstarter? For what purpose!
Because nobody told you that you have to rebuy the whole game every year back when you backed. :^)
>25 modular terminals
anyone have some? I'll buy them if you wish
Was just going to rebuy the game every other year on discount because im retarded. I shouldnt have paid 60 bucks for this game.
just a friendly reminder that you're playing the game wrong unless you grind as slowly as possible
Don't forget that anybody who is not flying a weaponless/shieldless sidewinder/cobra mk3 is a griefer.
If its not a job then why do the mechanics make it a job?
Eve is a game that literally grinds for you. It's only a job if you make it one. This is a job because every mechanic forces it to be a job.
Exactly. There's nothing to do in the game that doesn't revolve around grinding, in one form or another.
Star Citizen when?
So is there anywhere with a list of good metallic worlds to grind out materials?
did u chek ur but t
The greatest evidence of delusion is how he calls powerplay and engineers a grind and yet his precious core game experience isnt despite being the exact same thing.
This should be a proper warning for ftroop
How is someone getting their money refunded from a scam a warning to them?
Anyone who invested more in SC that the price of a preorder package needs their head examined. Sounds like reality just set in for him that $2500 is an absolutely retarded amount to spend on any piece of software.
Well it could be considered that ftroop has gone so far off track from their kickstarter promises for the game that its no longer the same game that was originally pitched.
Ftroop barely promised anything to begin with. They just said "Hey look we're remaking Elite!" and every Britbong over 40 tossed in to the Kickstarter and got the lifetime pass, along with probably buying multiple copies of the game. The only thing you can kind of say was a "promise" is the DDF but they just tossed that for people to keep people busy and keep interest for the game up. There's not much you could get them with for the game not turning out how you wanted.
You might be able to prove certain features are not qualitatively sufficient, piracy for example.
I doubt you'd get far with that because there are people that think piracy is perfectly fine. They're fucking idiots, I'll agree with you, but that wouldn't matter. They can also point to "muh 10 year plan" and say that it's a coming feature. If you bought the game on steam, there is a chance you are able to convince them that you were not aware you were buying an unfinished product and that the developers took you for a ride by saying features are in the game which have not even started development yet and that you'll have to purchase again through season passes. I feel like someone would have already tried that though, and that if they were successful, Steam would have forced the game to have an early-access tag, so I doubt you'll have any more luck. You're always free to try though, my dude.
>forums are actually having threads mocking players who complaing about griefers in open
I've seen like 3 today, what is happening
coup in ftroop forums
crowdfunded by dads, made by dads, for dads
next time when you see a kickstarter remake for an 80s "classic" game you'll know to turn around 360 degrees and run as fast as you can
>mining rush
>mining rush
>mining rush
People realized that Dads are 10x worse than griefers because at least griefers play in open and dont get to tell FD how to make the game.
>The only thing you can kind of say was a "promise" is the DDF but they just tossed that for people to keep people busy and keep interest for the game up.
Nah. They never really went into detail about what the DDF actually was. So it could have been anything. (It was nothing)
They did promise a single player offline mode which is where they fucked up. But IIRC they did refund it for those who asked.
But if i turn get the rest.
The dad brigade is thinning, so there aren't enough white knights to defend all the gates anymore.
>360 degrees
They did promise offline. Youd think the dads would kick up about that still.
Honestly....they could probly sell even more copies of the game if they stripped out multiplayer and sold an offline version. Just straight up resell the game to dads...and they would buy it.
>The current year
>Can no longer tell if this is bait or not
I think the player base is beginning to realize how dead this game is without player interaction.
People are starting to realize dads preach from their ivory towers of solo or private groups, and push their adgenda that is not representative of the people who just want a fun game in open, or a reason to play open at that.
I have the feeling the segovan lockdown debacle may have been an eye opener for many
As in they didn't know what they wanted before they saw what "emergent gameplay" could be in practice and to what lengths the goof troop goes to wall people off from it..
>community goals are the only thing in the game that encourages players to do something other than shoot at each other
>dads still hide in solo and have major influence over them
>Open players start locking down all the CGs
>people actually prefer the griefers over the dads
This whole thing is just fun to watch.
>mfw the dads in mobius literally fly ships armed with nothing but mine launchers to exploit the shitty NPC AI and somehow 13th legion is the ones abusing the system
The group invaders deserve a literal medal just for exposing this fucking hypocrisy.
>Coup happens
>Elite is changed forever
>Dads cry tears
>Still holed up in solo
>Doing the same thing they've always done
>But for some reason it's different now
t. commander dad
Is only 1 UA needed for a UA bomb?
The thing I don't get about the whole situation is that while it took place in mobius which is a "PVE" """Group"""" the result in the BGS is the same regardless of where the origin is. So what difference did it make that it happened in mobius?
No. You need roughly 120 of them I think. And you can have other players selling meta alloys there either.
We should make threads on the forums saying that explorers in solo need to be punished for their effortless and zero risk gameplay style.
Suggest scanning takes an hour per planet and attracts pirates due to energy emissions of their scanners.
Honking now attracts Thargoids
Mobius is the biggest private group and PVP isnt allowed. They can work together on anything unhindered. Not to mention all the dads in solo.
Normally it isnt an issue, but on the Dangerous Game, an event where Solo/Private players have an insane advantage, it's causing some issues.
I get that but what difference does UA bombing make in mobius as opposed to a bunch of independents doing it in solo or organizing in open?
It's not like mobius group could pull CG grinders into their server and kill them.
I guess what I'm asking is, you pull the power cord on a TV, what difference does it make whether the outlet was behind the TV or behind the stereo system? It seems like it's a distinguishing factor purely for punitive reasons that emergent gameplay didn't mesh with the dads sensibilities.