Which demographic is most profitable to target?
Which demographic is most profitable to target?
Poor people. They never have money cause they spend it all. Flashy designs, high prices, and lots of advertising will get you places.
This. I had a boss say you don't make money off rich people, you make money off poor people.
It is mainly because there are so many and a lot of them are stupid.
this, plus old people (especially women)
they buy hundreds of millions if not billions of shitty beauty products online each year
>They never have money cause they spend it all. Flashy designs, high prices, and lots of advertising will get you places.
Don't you mean women then?
There's a lot of money to be made in "aspirational" products.
Women make over 60% of purchasing decisions because they go out and do the groceries.
Whiny redistributionist types.
You could tax the bullshit threads they create.
People with jobs earning low wages
Holy shit everyone saying 'poor people' like that's an actual demographic. No one here has ever taken even a basic marketing class have they?
I think they're referring to the 18-34 crowd.
I wish they were.
ITT: Idiots
In the West it's those with disposable income with a bellcurve towards 40s & 50s. QVC, ebay, Amazon etc are founded on this principle.
25-40 year old manchildren
All of you are fucking wrong.
Its CHILDREN. When you target kids you then target the poor, middle class and the rich through their nagging children. All children would want the same toy or whatever, but between the 3 classes they don't want the same shit.
>Poor people.
>They never have money cause they spend it all.
well they do spend it all but that's not the reason they-
>Flashy designs, high prices, and lots of advertising will get you places.
well that's just insulting and wrong.
poor people are the most profitable demo because there's many more of them.
Children and 'tweens' are the most lucrative demographic
yeah sure you can cast a wide net, but you will have lots of competition. its better to focus on a smaller demography that could become loyal to your merchandise and buy every little poop you produce
Women. They spend their own money and their man's money
Yeah lower classes and college students.
t. College student in a third world country, they fall for the most inane shit. If you tell them you can help to increase their financial assets, they will believe you as most have no fucking clue on how anything related with money works because theyre all fucking retarded
This too. Currently thinking how to other than start a new shirt/memorabilia store though
Selling cut-up drugs to college kids in some shitty party school town
Poor people are only profitable if you're selling cheap but overpriced shit. They do not have the money for quality goods or expensive goods.
People attracted to flashy and popular things.
People will buy something for $10 that they could get for $5 if they bought a less fashionable or more plain version.
For clothing, it's more like $50 to $5.
I realized how much of a Jew I was when I bought a stained dress shirt for $1.
I wear it on bus rides because it's comfy.
fuck off you're not a jew if you wear dirty clothes
poor people, women, brown people, most born post-1989.
A true Jew would live cheaply so that his riches would last forever.
All the Jews dressing rich and acting like they're the next coming of the Messiah got it all wrong, goyim.