Lissandra is the cutest and best girl in League
she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
League of legends general /lolg/
YFW you get ace'd and the enemy are running it down mid
first for shyv
lissandra is doody and lactates poopy from her face!
Been having fun with this build with mordekaiser. You should try it out!
Hot D*MN that's some dank burn if I ever did see one.
Well done, young man.
is it a very thin strand of compacted and soft ice cream
>your team has 3 inhibs down + Baron + Elder, what would it be
>Ezreal: Just fuck my shit up
Trinity first followed by gunblade?
Who's currently the best midlaner in NA?
it's pob
>mordekaiser is literally the only champion in the game without any form of CC, slows, dashes, or move speed increases
>watching evo
well this is a lot more fun than lcs
why don't they make a league fighting game?
He has a movespeed increase
>what is his W towards an ally
>Vayne players
How did UOL throw that last game? I wasn't paying attention.
Is this a reddit thing?
So I just played one game of nexus siege. We won, not like it felt like one anyway.
I get, the mode, like I get what it is and how it works and all of that.
But god fucking damn, its just fuckin weird man.
Mordekaiser got an extremely conditional movespeed increase on his W in patch 5.4.
That said, your point still stands. The worst part is that it's ALL to accomodate his ultimate and passive.
Someone accidentally a button too early
Ezreal memed himself to death and then they just wiped UOL who tried to save him and then ran it down mid.
Yeah, I start longsword plus 3 pot. You should probably get a chilly scepter instead of my cold hammer
Everyone here seems to bitch about a Mordekaiser or Urgot rework but come on... have we forgotten about who REALLY needs one? This guy right here has aged horrendously. His one and only redeeming feature, counter jungling, is rendered totally obsolete in the hyper mobile meta and by other junglers can do the same thing while bring more to the table. He contributes absolutely NOTHING to teams and has the worst ganks in the game. There is no reason to pick him over literally any other jungler.
>that fucking model
>when you go 16/0/12 but don't get enough cs for s+
You just play him top
>Lissfag's reign of terror will never end
>Even when he eventually ragequits the game he'll still be here shitposting
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
He still brings unsurpassed objective control and great utility from the jungle.
His kit isn't fundamentally broken, it's just simple and out of meta. I'm not saying he doesn't need a rework but i'm saying that there is a difference between a kit that just doesn't work and a champion that is in bad spot.
He needs a visual update though
>memed himself
Yeah, his job is to make the other jungler as worthless as he is.
>Not being a memepick
He's ass.
"'The point of playing Nunu is making the enemy jungler as useless as you are" > TheOldOne
Ran into towers 1v5, popped QSS when he realized he fucked up but no CC had landed yet, got stunned and instantly killed.
Team panicked so much that they just died like animals right after.
>adc/mid keeps taking all the cs while their lane is pushed with a huge wave
>go to take their wave
>they ping you off like crazy and try to take all of that too
>jungle farms your unpressured lane with several camps up
Yeah, I thought it would be fun just looking at PBE pics. It wasn't.
>unsurpassed objective control
even cho'gath has better objective control with the 1k smite at level 6.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Does Lissfag even play League anymore? I think that he stopped a while ago but just continues to shitpost because he's a piece of shit.
He really doesn't mate.
REMOVE FUN remove fun
>panth hits 6
>type "care for panth ganks"
>15 seconds later bot dies from a panth gank
>nunu walks into dragon with his team
>chogath walks into dragon with his team
>nunu starts to ult
>chogath silences the ult
>nunu can't Q or smite
>chogath takes the dragon
Having a second smite is good but it doesn't make up for a total lack of presence in ganks or teamfights, the things that actually decide a game.
>or smite
yes he can
I want Riven and Zac to go swimming with Lulu too!
>tf with teleport despite it being 4 second channel now
>he's 0/2
>hits 6
>"watch out TF is 6"
>ends game 14/3
You have now lost the ability to be taken seriously
If you want superior objective control and utility from your jungler you pick Nunu, which is the reason to pick him.
Just because the current game values different things higher doesn't mean the kit is broken, it just means it's too weak. If you want Nunu to see play just buff him a bit and there you go.
If your definition of champion needing a rework is being top 3 in the role 100 champs constantly need reworks.
But I get your trolling or baiting or what ever.
Aww. I hoped he built something meme
>Krepo exposing the prime strategy against Renegades
Reminder that this represents your average /lolg/ support player
>Nunu can beat Cho'gath smite + Feast at lvl 6
Uh no, 1K, plus whatever smite is at.
did i do well my dudes
>gp hits 6
>type care for gp ult
>15 sec later gp gets a double kill cause bot over committed to diving under a tower
They had 3 inhibs down and were about to end the game too, did I mention that. And Elder Dragon of course
I don't actually know how people get out of silver desu
trying to help a friend and these people like refuse to be carried
after we clean sweeped 4 of them and go to elder, our support insists on staying mid to try duel their midlaner
we had a low dps comp, their jungler respawns and manages to come in and steal elder dragon when its at 1.3k with emp q and smite
meanwhile our support is getting some farm mid.
our mid ended like 10/3/10 and jungle was 13/4/13 and they had 1 person with a positive kda.
traps aren't gay
are you two fucking idiots? if nunu dies once before 6 he literally loses the game. hell even post nerf tank ekko jungle does everything he does better. nunu is completely fucking useless in every situation except the following
>unwarded bushes their entire team is next to for some reason
>suicide baron steals
it's nearly impossible to die to a nunu gank and if you catch him jungling you can do this magical counterplay tactic that not many people know of
kill him
>Sona with no boots or sightstone
these are people who actually select "Support" in champion select
>fervor of battle on Shen
Holy fuck is this fun. People don't expect Shen to scrap with them and actually do damage even outside of spirit blade buff.
>tfw on green
How am I trolling? Nunu's kit is clunky and complete ass besides his Q. His lore, model, and VO are painfully outdated. All these things together warrant a rework.
Ekko doesn't have a single utility spell and his objective controll is weak.
What are you memeing here?
Whats with that censoring?
>8 of my last 10 games
>Vi on enemy team
I didn't miss you, fathands. I didn't miss you at all.
>Ekko doesn't have a single utility spell
C'mon man.
i dont want you to know that im p_____
>aoe slow
>aoe stun
>passive slow
>no utility
here's how you steal baron as nunu
>walk in or flash and pray you dont get ccd
here's how you steal baron as ekko
>w baron
>their entire team is stunned for nearly 3 seconds
>smite baron and walk away unscathed
I was wukong top and we lost because voli and shen went full tank and kept going after the backline and I couldn't kill them quick enough. I went tanky with sunfire, black cleaver and youmuu being the only items with damage. Should I have went last whisper and infinity edge instead of thornmail and deadman's at that point?
He's bronze. I don't think he knows any better.
>want to become a one trick pony because all of my friends did it to climb to diamond
>Not sure what champion to pick
I enjoy alot of them but im not sure which to focus on
>diamond 5 is literally just plat shitters who got lucky
nice game lolbabs
The west has internet cafes, slavs have internet slaugherhouses.
>thornmail against shen and voli
>youmus against shen and voli
oh shit what the FUCK are you doing nigger?
The one you are statistically best at.
What should I have gotten? Everything was fine early on until like 35mins in and I couldn't kill shen and voli fast enough
liandrys wouldve been better than thornmail at that point
That might not be as far fetched as you think.
Riot bought the company that made Rising Thunder some time ago.
Is there any teamcomp where Kha'zix or Vi don't fit?
do q enhanced autos count as abilities that gain an extra stack?
So I should have went with a full damage build with a randuin to dampen their adc's damage on me at least?
B̷̛͓̺̦̠̗̟̻̪͍̰̰̫̫̮͟͢A̭̫̜̩̯̮̭͓̠̦̻̟͖̭̙̩̝̹͇͜͡C̸̱̮̻͇͍̖̘̜̠͙̯͉͙͉͖̥̣̖͘K̞͖͙̥͚͉͙̘̗̻̥̀͝ ̴̧̞͔̜̘̱̪͖̼̝̟̣͘͠͡ͅT҉̴̢̢͓̖͉̝̦͙̙̪̫̟͎̳͢H̸̴̞̻̜̠̬̙̦̟̫̀ͅĘ͏̜͕͇͓͍̮̟̖̘͜ ͖̻̰̹̙̼͙͙̲̪̣͚͇́̕͞͝F̡̢͘͝͏̣̳̮̹̝̮͉̞͇͍̯̗͖̣̖̳Ụ̟͔̭̰͓̲͇̼͔̳͖̺͖͓͜ͅC̪͔͚̠͙̝̰̝̬̥̳̘̟̜̱̱̟͝K̷͏͍̺̱̪̩͕̜̖̹͕̘͎̤͈͡ ̨̜̗̜͕̻̟̠͖̲̼̀O̧̘̬̗͚͇̘̫̟̫͈͖̖̳ͅF̴͏̧͕̟̜͍̙̤̼̖̰̤̠̳̥̦̺̻͘͢ͅF́҉̷̧͇͓̺̖͈̙̩̮̣͘ͅ?̧͔̞̗̫̳̗̙̤̫͓̳̪̗̳̜̕͢!̸̵̡̨̣͔͇̗̠̞͈͍̭͕̤͍
you just have to try them all out until you find one that clicks with you.
dont try to force yourself to be good at a champ your mediocre at.
this is the training wheels build for people who cant into full damage wu
replace botrk with any item you need, in your case id take titanic hydra
something you enjoy playing that is not popular so you can be the best X OTP in hte world and have sweet compil about you on youtube and a giant following on reddit.
Nidalee locked double jungle although he was assigned to mid, and thresh has tp
>bork wukong
Just open mid right from the start
She isnt as good as she once was but you can still out damage the squishies and snowball off of that
the true diamond experience
>No ghostblade
There's no way you're higher than silver 5.
>you just have to try them all out until you find one that clicks with you
>playing since s1
>own all champs
>at least mastery 1 or higher with all of them
>still don't have one that ''clicked''
>ultimate introduces a micromanaging element that could have meant having the highest skillcap in the game
>ultimate only introduces the element on-kill, making it a win more skill and controlling the ghost is a completely non-essential aspect of playing him or teamfighting
This is the definition of a gimmick and probably the most underwhelming aspect of his kit.