Xth for Stink lyn and fast rap werety tupac
My chicken is the best chicken.
Straight into the bin alongside your faction.
Just give up edition
Ive got a collar with a Yunnish design on it, if any CO are interested in coming over. I have my current CO slave forging Lyn sized ones.
Nth for certain Windrest edgesin on suicide watch.
who are those cuties in the back
What would it be like to have Reto as a boyfriend?
Well what would it be like having a crazy hero as boyfriend
Worst thing about server merges is the bots get combined.
>All server maintenance at 11pm PDT on 07/15; ETA ~3hrs.
I didn't want to play tonight anyway.
Don't forget Farming is a necessity.
There would always be KFC in the fridge
this would be okay too
Tell your friends its OK to beat up Asura
Crimson #1
Blackram #1
How can Cerulean be #1 if they can't keep control of SSP?
xth for being bad at video games
rope sounds painful and rough
Threadly reminder that CERULEAN #1
LF very potent lynboy to impregnate my fgon.
Must be able to erp for 2 hrs straight at the very least.
This merge is so much fun, yaaaay.
>tfw want to git gud
>tfw can't because of the carpal tunnel
I'm going to MARRY Fairy!
>racemixing with inferior lynboi
Spring Breeze didn't win
Goddamn it, it was the only one I wanted.
Is Crimson Legion still dominating in Dochun after the server merge?
Can I join a Jiwan guild when I'm in Dochun?
Oh hey the three I wanted are here.
Can someone post some lewds? I really need to fap
>only EU and some NA normal pictures
Daily Challenges
NA #223806
>these lyns are scaring me
>why do they like me?
>they are short but cute
>I just want to go home and eat lunch with Sotri
>White Night AGAIN.
Why would people vote on something that was just in the shop like a month ago?
unlike your hair color and ears
pls you had the same hair color
I'd help but I'm stuck doing the lawn
Too late, I only took one screenshot and already closed my game.
what are you a fucking gay?
>every outfit I am voting for is on sale
>No Spring Breeze
What a fucking joke.
please do not post yourself. that's against the rules.
how do i go back to Jin without spring Breeze
s-sorry, have this picture of me hugging one of the cutest lyns in existence then
>Light Specter not in store
Time to quit
That's a creepy kind of cute.
and i'm not sure if its good or bad
At least my bank account is a little happy. I was always salty about not getting Black Padded from the first RNG box event.
thank you mystery person ^^
>only dreamcutter and spring breeze does not have a 2p color
>everything else has a 2p color and nc will put them out at some point
>no spring breeze
Are people really that fucking stupid, or are yun players actually that dominated?
here's me hugging a kind of cute lyn
Derp, i was supposed to type CS
Join This one!
Give me back Julia, we dont want a knockoff Zulia with 5 cup size smaller
>tfw spending all of my gold on these outfits
not sure if it's worth it
Cold Storage and Mandate EU
>tfw started bns just after soul fighter release
>already spent $200 on coin
>not even 50 yet
Fuck me
The dress up game is too good
I want to snip her hair antennae things
money well spent on a great game
U-uh guys Umarunchan is going off the rails here....
Its midsummer man....
Who wants to learn new things together?
I don't feel like doing dailies today
it's great! this lyn is pretty cute too
What are we going to learn about senpai??
Do it, running lab and ruins is totally worth the 1 gold and 2 moonstones you get