Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs is out!

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

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What's that monster

>MHG puts save data on the SD card
Why the fuck? Literally the worst idea I've ever seen.

What's the "ultimate technique" palico move/skill?

So how well are we expecting this game to do in the NPD?

MH4U did really well iirc, something like 1 million copies in Europe and US within 2 months

But now that piracy has become more easily and wildly available (every 3DS can be hacked out of the box unless you literally update to 11.0 for no reason) I feel like this is gonna do worse

1st for the irc

do dbs not have archdemon and spin2win anymore?

Why is Shiny Beetle not in Ping's?

Any idea where I can find them?

striker style doesn't have archdemon mode

Saves cartridge space. It also makes it much easier to transfer/edit your save.

Is it worth tackling the invading Dinovaldo (Glavenus) for the early access to his parts, or will it be too much effort for too little reward and I'd be better off waiting till Village 6*?

>Bnahabra are back
I don't know who keeps okaying these fucking things but the need to stop.
Worst part is I have to see more faggots using the damn armor with a longsword.

Also makes it a million times easier to lose it forever.

aka killer beetle
forest and hills area 8

They do if you're not using Striker.

am I better off with something else or is striker still the best?

anons tell me striker everything

>Go to gamestop right now to pick up my game
>see the dude pull out only 6copies of the game and hands me one

Sucks for whoever is working and didn't pre order

Shiny Beetle is Killer Beetle. I have no fucking clue why 8-4 renamed it after it being known as Killer Beetle for fuck knows how long.

wow hot a what bahanahbanabra


Dunes is the best spot early on.

Do female sets still look like shit compared to male ones? I really want to play as my character from earlier games but I'm tired of having all my sets look like shit.

Unlike every other MH, the scripted invading monsters have bloated HP for some retarded reason. You can try it if you want a challenge though.

Is there a way to filter rooms by language?

That's like the only insect item with a green icon. You can figure this out.

If you weren't a fool, you'd be using Savedatafiler to make regular backups of it.

Or if Capcom wasn't retarded I could keep the data on the cartridge and never lose it.

Let us have a moment of silence for the 84 baguettes that couldn't jump over a truck.

Salut. ;_;7

To stop all the Powersaves users.

I just got the game, when is a good time to go online with you guys?

azure los, dark souls looking relic armor I forget, kirin, nargacura, raging brachy, etc

Immediately. Offline is exactly the same as online.

Blunder of the century.

Anyone have any experience with grips/circle pads for the New 3DS? I need recommendations on one to buy.

is GS aerial worth it ? also it seems everyone is gonna be using aerial .

I just started a few hours ago but havent tried online, if you want to set up a lobby we can work through the quests together

lol. it got fuckerd


ad to welcome everyone to saveeditors

Was there supposed to be some kind of bonus pack for returning MH4U players? How do I get it?

anytime senpai
go for tetsu armor

Aerial is the tard detector


>Want to main something other than SnS this time round
>Everything else feels clunky in comparison

What do, friends?

How do you unlock / level up your hunter arts?

Gathering is easily 10x more tolerable now that they've removed the cooldown.

>being an unfunny retard
I mean if I really cared I'd make an actual doc but it's whatever.

By having an MH4U save DUH

I'm about to start, going with blademaster switch axe set. How can I determine whether I'm in a good charm table? How long should I wait until I should delete my character?

Is this still relevant for Generations? I remember MH3U fucked me with charms.

i-i mean it looks cool

But how do I claim it? Does it just arrive when I create a character? Didn't see anything in the downloads at least.

wow, gammoth really is hot garbage

There is a upgraded S&S called Charged Weapon or something like that that lets you alternate between S&S and a greatsword.

Advance in rank/do requests for villages and get enough points.

When you start a new game you'll see the option

my sides, it's actually the tiny url
man, it's state clean again.
Start from ZERO

Generations and 4U don't buttfuck you with charms. The charm table is selected every time you boot the game up, instead of it being permanent.

is be down too after shower

bls respondse

got a New Hunter lobby up for MH:G.



So it's offline only then? I'll have to focus on village quests then.

>Giant monster is shit

This has been an established fact since the first entry into the franchise.

Scratch that, I'm retarded. It was right there when I opened character creation. God damnit.

"Kira" doesn't automatically mean "killer". So either they always got the name wrong or they got it wrong now.

Yo mhg what do you think is the spookiest monster? As in look/danger etc. I find shen gaoren to be pretty scary

Oh my, that is great to hear. 4U was indeed very generous with its charms. Thanks user, you've granted me peace of mind. Have an awesome day of hunts.


Gobul is pretty spooky


Fuck is there any place online I can still order one of the mhg 3ds? I didn't think they'd actually be sold out at my local EB games.

So is everyone doing the Tetsu armor for LR just like MH4U?

Is it just me or is it really weird of capcom to schedule a major US release for one of their games on the same day that they are having the biggest US tournament for another one of their games?

Was gonna say Shen Gaoren too. From the perspective of someone playing MH for the first time, the first time I say Barroth, I shat myself. Fucker was HAARD back in Tri.


It's been less than a day and there's already like 3 editors for this game.


Yeah, Tremor res and nothing else is the best skill set ever, just like health and fucking defense

Was Barroth actually hard? He felt pretty easy to me, although my first encounter with him was 3U.

Everything above 10

Sure get on discord and you can hunt with me

Yes, trying to stop hackers is a fruitless endeavor. This has never stopped devs from trying.

Nakarkos is 2nd place.

Gamestop guy gave me two extra bonus DLC codes for The Fated Four theme, you guys can use them if you want:


He told me to share them with my friends, but jokes on him, I don't have any.

He was pretty much the early wall in Tri's village. I think he was actually slower in 3U.

>MH still doesn't have a tanning booth, AKA a place to change your skin color
>MH still doesn't have hair dye to change your hair color

They should have offered that kind of stuff for points.

>Want to buy MH
>Have £100 left to last me 2 weeks
>Also need a new board

Worst part is there's probably like 5 neet trannies ITT living off of disability benefits who are better off than me, a full time worker

Am i retarded or does the discord link not work?

>MH still doesn't have hair dye to change your hair color

Where the fuck do you get fossilized bones? Kiranico says area 1 but there's not any place to mine there.

Just hack the bloody 3DS

Not from mining. They're from the bones lay around on the ground.

>Go to Walmart at midnight
>Nobody there to compete with

Cant play online then

What the fuck? Of course you can play online if you hack it.

How the hell do I make the big dinos drop a shinny?

Oh, thanks. I read it wrong anyways, fossilized bones are the subquest. Amber pieces are what I'm looking for.

This fucking guy

>tfw can't wait for Hellblade armor
I can already imagine how cool and edgy it is.

Why does the camera angle option do nothing now, or is L not how you properly reset the camera any more.

How. Nintendo doesnt have any restrictions on that?

It's Nintendo. What you think?