Fighting Games General /fgg/
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fuck off with this none lewd op shit
why did they turn him into a shitty frankenstein
If ken wins evo i will kill myself
>50 memes early
Lets go /fgg/Discord
once again the janny is going to wait until 200 posts in to delete the thread
great job
Because ehe was dead before V
>play ken
xth for Hbox
Hitbox Rep?
anyone else like st but hate v
delete this
remember to support our guy
I hate both
You know just as well as I do that no one likes me enough to say that.
Both are shit. SF4 >>>>>
i dont mind you, you're one of the least stupid trips here. even though youre only here to shill your overpriced buttons on a box
>hm | dogura
>hot male | dogura
Dogura playing? Where?
woah bro
homo man | dogura
Doujin idea #1
>harmonic minor | dogura
what mmo has the best PvE
What the hell is the crowd getting hyped about?
desu i don't even like fighting games anymore
guess i'll go back to lol
this is blatant self insertion so you can imagine getting plowed by broski, fucking disgusting chariot
Retard spotted.
what the fuck chariot
KOF is shit
Smash, I guess?
fox is losing to yoshi
im down at evo with a smashfag friend and he just explained to me the smash 4 players are finding literally random kill setups in pools because people figured out there's a 25% of being put in an untechable state when you get hit above a certain amount of damage
also hmu i'm going to the catherine side tournament tomorrow
Not Kings fault that the K can't QCF+B or D
I'm not really excited for EVO this year. Hope the new announcements will make my excitement for fighting games shine again, right now it's at its lowest.
theres a war starting @ turkey RIGHT NOW guys
rip european /fgc/
is that smash in the background being needlessly loud?
i opened evo1 out of boredom and some fag killed himself then the crowd made stupid noises
how is blade arcus even a real game, this looks so trash
Does the power of nothingness make you cute
>the balance in Melee is so fucking garbage that smash autists are getting hype over a character beating fox in pools
>Be President Erdogan
>Go on holiday
>Military takes over while you're gone
Pretty embarrassing desu
Standard fair for Smashers.
Who's commentating the tekken stream I need to know this?
I'm really happy for Alex too, but what happened to his marks?
>make shitty redesigns
>sell original desgins to stupid cucks for 6.00 usd later
Capcom loves you too
Drawing triangles on his shoulders is a lot of effort please understand
bro we gotta let everyone know just how hype and passionate the Melee scene is bro xD
Anakin and Rickstah
>fgg shitting on people from here/discord losing
>when they don't even go to locals or tournaments
>and who suck at fighting games
>no alex marks
go on...
Than you
they still lost tho.
Hi ghodere
>fgg retaliate criticism by saying "p-p-post cfn" as if online play is a good way to judge skill level
ghodere is out already?
rip our dreams
First to 5 me in SFV right the fuck now, I'll stream it and expose your bitch ass.
go on...
the servers aren't even up my man lol
servers are down, retard
Newsflash: discord/fgg players are fucking trash at fighting games, yet they act and talk like they are well pro and shit.
Classic SFV player
Why is Sin in KOFXIV?
In before transexual twist.
Punk ass bitch trying to duck me I see.
what was the fix
>I didn't know of livestreamer
dude, thanks.
just, thanks.
>tfw can't find the source
why not?
>james chen
fuck my life
>Current year
>People still don't know of livestreamer
>People still use Twitch
Artist name is literally in the first pic you giant retard.
at least it's not skisonic
is there a CvS2 stream?
>downloading some botnet just to watch streams
lmfao yea fucking right kid how dumb do you think I am?
>Take away Seth + Mike and give us Ultrachen
Ah bloody bastard fucking shit
yea skisonic is just shitting up the other stream
I'm not retarded, I just searched sadpanda when it is instead of the cancerous tumour that is Fakku
can you open two livestreamer streams at the same time on different windows?
>KSK dropped Alex for braindead Mika
>posted from a botnet browser
>my botnet is less worse than your botnet
lmfao FOH kiddo
Smash players don't wash themselves. This we know. But SFV players? Dirty mongrels. Wouldn't let them lick my plate when I'm finished eating. And they would. They don't know any better. At least the black ones.
Nigga what do you think I'm doing right now?
Literally who's commentating on srk3
>this Josie cosplayer getting in the frame to give the commentator ears
Ghodere has always been humble and nice to everyone, it's funny that he lost to a Nigerian prince but don't trash him personally
Most people accept they're trash, but we do have people who can beat the majority of fgg
Like your "boy" redblade
What are you on about tripfag?
It's up to your media player, not livestreamer. If you enable multiple instances in your MP, you can.
>fighting games general /fgg/
>military coup edition