About to lose my promos edition
About to lose my promos edition
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xth for fertile yordles
Special Forces
Hey I was about to make one :^(
Breast waifu!
I-Is lol dying?
why cant the game find enough players even in low divisions considering it should be aeound primetime in eu
>rengar still has 3 passives
Are there any other champions other than Riven that give the same kind of "illusion of skill" as Rengar?
How do you stop enemy morganas from sucking any fun you want to have playing support?
> fun
> support
I want an autoattack based support, is there any? Except maybe leona, fuck that
but desu, all of his skills are weak if they aren't empowered
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Play bard and suck the fun from someone else's lane.
I'm going to commission a Vlad husbando pillow and hump the porcelain rod every night.
Did you complain about gangplank pre-rework too? Because he had a free movement boost passive that didn't require a minigame, and he could double it with the push of a button! And his 4s cd poke tool slowed you as well.
But most importantly, he was much more fun to play than the current piece of shit we have.
Toy Soldier
They probably have shitty MMR or are dropping with people with abysmal MMR to get that feeling of stomping a lane like those body builders who go to the literally small town to feel huge.
Or you could have really good MMR but who are we kidding you're probably trash
Choose a champion you like.
Got one?
Now pick a song that you think futs them.
Is that supposed to be ranked?
If it is then it's the magic of #dynamic
Bets are open.
Great, as long as it gets you to stop posting about your dumb crack pairing here
Ayy he's in my league
*fits them
>start launcher
>fiora is looking at me like a slut
give me that skin so he wont show anymore
I am likely to post while doing it since it gets me off tb h.
Rip Turkey
>Our support was auto filled
>Says give him mid or he just runs it down mid
>We give him mid , mid goes top and I go supp
>At 1:30 Ahri runs it down mid after nothing has been said in game, running into leblanc's tower and giving up first blood
>His duo jungler partner gets caught within 30 seconds every time he spawns after 16 minutes.
>We lose
>I get these monkeys while the enemy get 3 Master players on their team
Diamond 1 was a fucking mistake.
>29-33 team kills
>we lost top inhibitor, 2 mid and bot towers and got the first two towers of all lanes
>min 21
How did this happen?
>Riot makes a game mode similar to SotA
>Its even more fucking boring
how is this possible
Isis taking over Turkey now?
Military Coup
Back to back happenings.
LoL is a fundamentally boring game since the travesty that was season 3 changes
Not Isis. Just plain ol' pristine military coup
Nexus Siege sucks
>be a former fiora main, back in early S6 and most of S5
>Diamond II one tricking fiora
>fiora got nerfed, began to J4 and Shen top
>few months later, Diamond III
>friends say "wow theres a new fiora skin wow it looks so good! best one yet!"
>i really liked project and nightraven fiora, i get excited
>see pool party
>i dont like how slutty she is
>be dead inside
The skin looks good, i'll give it that. But I just wanted something badass for her, like Project or Nightraven.
Ah the usual.
Nice choice. I would have picked a Johnny Cash song, though.
Ghooost Riiddeerrss innn the sskkyyy
I love Lissandra!
She's so soft and QT!
Also, who ever you are, stop trying to be me
>irelia has no downside in early game
>irelia has no downside in mid game
>irelia has no downside in late game
What the fuck is this champion? How can someone justify this bullshit? Why did they have to buff her twice/thrice in the same patch when she was just fine? What kind of mongoloid was behind these buffs? Daniel Z. Klein?
It's not hard to be you, man. You just have to bash your head with a rock reaallllyyy hard until you stop functioning normally.
Why is Nexus Siege so fucking shit? It is boring af not even fun for the winning team.
You had only one job rito.
funny you should say that, I was actually looking for the controversial song johnny cash performed in a prison where he narrates the way he shot his wife with a rifle, but couldn't find it
her kit just doesnt have any counterplay.
>cc her!
>run away!
low cd gapcloser
true damage
>out damage her..?
wtf scarra
this skin sucks
Just cc more
norms on NA anyone?
Yorick Mori
Oddly had an Irelia Mid who got fed and she couldn't 1v1 me at all.
I didn't know you wanted to be Jinxfag or WE WUZ KANGS m8.
Its not like its super great, I mean sure its got good damage if your a tank, and good tank if you go damage, but thats how things used to be. You used to have to have that to be top. Now its one or the other. Or shen who just melts everything, who made that rework, hes fucking amazing now.
foiled u again
These lyrics what the fuck
who are the farm junglers that can actually carry?
shyvana, amumu? who else
Yorick is th counter to her though, you cant go in because the ghosts and the poke in lane and he sustains, ect.
Sex game online, there seem to be quite a few now.
>Shen who just melts everything
Uh, what?
>new ryze rework is already a failure
>new game mode is the most boring and uninteresting shit mode possibly ever conceived
what the fuck is riot doing?
At least the two of them engage in convos on the general (sometimes) than just being a nuisance.
I would Sjokz
invite me ign imthem
I guess that explains why when people see me pick Yorick they don't pick Irelia. Guess it makes sense since after you get Black Cleaver your armor shred with your autos and ghoul autos fuck people up who all in like Irelia and Riven
shen (trust me it works)
>nexus seige
>pick gp
how could riot fuck this up
I`m the gold 2 so i`m between the higher ranked players there. Also i`ve won pretty well recently and my mmr is somewhere above avg
Don't know if it fits her but that's all I can think of
that's exactly why I thought in Ahri
It's a visual novel with a hentai ova
Honoo no haramase paidol my star gakuen Z
His q gets people down to half in lane in no time, then you can just taunt and remove their AA, until you win.
Then in the rest of the game you can 1/2 anything but the top in 1 combo, and if anyone else is around their dead. Its pretty great, havent had that much fun top since mundo was popular and I could just walk around without problems.
When will Ekko drop a rap album?
She ended up trying to 1v5 multiple times lategame and we just barely won.
Anyways post your best Vaynes.
shen jungle sounds fucking awful
Q is hp based, it melts them pretty fast, then the AA stop the damage, along with shields. The dash jumps walls.
Havent tried it but I dont doubt it works.
Shen is not immune to poke or retaliation.
Also, missing your taunt is really crippling.
Shen is good, but that's just because Bruisers are back in the meta. However, he's no damage machine.
im not STUPID enough to fall for this b8 nice try
What do you mean online? It's right here on sukebei.
Ill post results in my games and you can ask how it does.
I play it whenever i get jungle, if not i play graves. hes really strong. Since his Q does BONUS DAMAGE TO MONSTERS he can full clear on his first clear. His ult is insanely good for baiting enemies and counterganking, and his entire kit sets up ganks and kills really well.
I have yet to lose a lane with the shield spam. I guess a ranged would beat me, but how many melee can beat a ranged that they cant get to. Thats why Vayne and twitch top work in lower tiers.
But yea in just trading you cant beat him unless you keep hitting him past his minion wave, which you should lose then.
>best vaynes
I have yet to be with a good vayne
whats ur ign
Team Pobelter or Team Huhi?
>About to lose my promos edition
>Already giving up
And that why you'll end up losing
no matter which, you get Team Shitter
Are you sure you are not just a fag?Like really what do you usually masturbate to?
Fortunately I have another game left apparently
We started off 5-0 and then threw away our lead at a dragon fight I initiated instead of giving up and it all went downhill
When will nusona be available on LCS?
Don't mind me, just giving Luluposter a duplicate image error.
k ill try it later tonight.
I just wanted a more badass skin for her, I don't see her as sexy I see her as strong and unbreakable.
You already know who it is.
Don't you mean with?