But have no idea where to start or what exactly the purpose of Trumpcoin is
Intrigued by the idea of investing some shekels in Trumpcoin
X-coin are memes, do not take seriously.
Were they not saying the same things about Bitcoin? I'd only put into it something I'm not too concerned about potentially losing. Like 50 dollars or so.
Fuck Tht $URRE$.
Why not invest in McDonalds, then?
You can have something real and you probably won't make any money either way.
I might do that too.. Why not Trumpcoin
Invest wherever you want, just remember that when he loses the election they'll be worth less than nothing. As to their purpose, there isn't one. Although I hear whoever made them donates to the Trump campaign.
Lol Trump is not going to lose...What gives you that idea to begin with? And let's say he does, who cares if I lose 50 dollars?
Yeah, you're right. He'll be the first candidate in history trailing at this point in the campaign to win the election. What was I thinking.
Boy you're dumb.
>leading in new polls
Sounds like you're the dumb one
I wish there was a way I could wager with you on the outcome desu
>buy bitcoin through coinbase or circle
>trade BTC for Trumpcoin on an exchage e.g. c-cex, yobit
basically trumpcoin is a cypto coin developed to support Donald Trumps presidential campaign, the hope is that Trump voters and crypto traders alike will support the coin and start a revolution in campaign finance. Apparently "yuge" announcements are coming up that will significantly drive the value of the coin up. NO ONE knows the future. do your own research use your own judgment. hope for the best.
thanks man. Sounds complicated but I'm a complete newb. I will do more research
Wanna post that link, friend? Because every single new poll has Clinton still ahead by a slightly smaller margin.
I'd take that bet.
Not gonna do the work for you. You can look up the La Times/ Reuters polls, m8
How can we set up this wager?
>implying trump won't overtake her
I think she's up .3 on reuters but I know he's going to win in a landslide. He will win. Because in order for him to lose more people would have to vote for Hillary and that just isn't going to happen. I know the media wants you to believe that.
Looking at Reuters now, says Hillary is ahead 46 - 43
Same as every single other news site. Seriously people, have you ever heard of confirmation bias?
Ok who gives a fuck. If you want to bet me let's do it.
I'm asking about Trumpcoin
Botcoin was the first, it was new abd revolutionary. Now the cryptocurrency market is flooded and people are fighting over how Bitcoin should work after Satoshi went MIA.
Why do you think Trumpcoin will do good when Dogecoin and Litecoin are doing poorly?
They say its purpose is to fund a PAC. No proof of that yet.
Oh you're delusional, multiple major independent polling organisations are all controlled.
According to how the PAC supposedly works it's going to tank after the elections
People are supposed to buy Trumpcoin to fund a Trump pac thus driving up the price eof Trumpcoin. Once it ends this mechanism disappears.