What should I do with my 225 bitcoins?
What should I do with my 225 bitcoins?
Give me one.
Give some to me so I can buy steroids
But it isn't August.
>inspect element
Invest in $URRE$
Convert all to doge
Try to cash them out for real money
Stuff them up your gaping ass?
URRE sounds like a good idea.
It's REEU, ffs
wow i just did the math
if 200 people gave me $500, Id' have $100,000
>simple math
Are you just going to ask 200 people for $500?
#URRE$ lets do this Veeky Forums.
Buy some hand soap and clean your nails you fucking degenerate.
convert to Trumpcoin
At first I got jelly bacause that seemed like a lot but then I converted it into USD and it was 135K and I relaxed because thats not much.
Any non jelly nigger replies
Manipulate prices on alt coins and start a pump and dump group with us.
Impling someone with 224 bitcoins is dumb enuf to bother with scamcoins
Go fuck yourself
Cash them in and re-invest, not in meme coins this time.Bitcoin is becoming useless because all the darknet is switching to monero because its not traceable. Re- invest into literally anything, its better then bitcoin at the moment.
You are a fucking moron, people do it all the time. Put up a buy or sell wall with a decent amount of BTC then do the opposite since you will scare people or give them fomo when they see a large order.
Also having 224 bitcoins doesn't mean shit.
Give me two
I need a startup, give me just 1 bitcoin and your address. I will give it back with interest.
also buy gold
provident metals accepts bitcoin
>cash out for gold or silver and resell during elections
This photo is old and your IDs don't match.
this is a trollplay thread. why is it still front page on my board?
give me 1 and hold
Hold. You only need 21 to be part of the new 1% in the next 10 years. 225 will be mogul tier.
pls give me one and change my life
Give me a few to play with.
Can you even cash out that much?
I doubt you can just go into Circle and withdraw 150K
I can cash them out in USA for 5% fee and give you USD in cash
Can start from 1k via middle man, if you're interested you can reply
i'd love a grand to throw into the production budget for a movie im making
if you want a production credit on it i'd love like 2 btc
buy blackcoin with them.
hold them. bitcoin is going to go to 30k per coin
Please pump XMG(magi) please please please. It's the new potential whale pump.
Thats like having 24 million dollars
This is the only answer.
Deposit it all on LaraBOT on telegram. Totally not a ponzi, i swear guiz
Donate to the Bernie Sanders fund
Cash out for physical metals like gold and sell in a few weeks. I believed provident metals exempts bit coin but I could be wrong.
You likely hav eenough money to leave the crypto community and become a bic boi.
20% stocks, 40% bonds, 30% gold, and 10% XMR for good luck.
>trying to give good advice
>no real estate
Friendly reminder non bitcoin cryptos are all scams
Bitcoins been increasing in value recently, does that mean my 225 bitcoins are worth more?
they're actually worth less because of supply and demand
Nice mental gymnastics
>Value of thing increases
It actually decreases because you own some shitty altcoin or whatever the fuck
You sound like a woman
lol it was a joke in response to your joke "bitcoin has increased in value. are my bitcoins worth more?"
glad to see you can pick up on obvious social cues.
Rose $10 in the last day, current value would be around $141091.12
I just kicked out of the house, no fucking reason..
Im so mad as fuck, hope u can help me further.
If digits, send me some
you should use some of them (at least 1 btc) to day trade before the price shoots up to the $1000's again
Sent you 0.01BTC
>mfw I own 227 bitcoins
>Mfw I weigh bout 227 lbs
Implying I'm a manlet
Implying the halving effect of the 2nd bitcoin halving isn't going to happen real soon sending the price into orbit
pump a coin out of nowhere for lulz. Like 10000% just to fuck with everyone.
About a year ago I thought monero looked decent but the name was Mexican cartel chainsaw no head cancer so I dismissed it
It's the scamcoin flavor of the month soon to be forgotten like that autistic 90 lb faggot coin
A year ago btc was like $220 I'm not complaining
Trading is gambling
It's retarded
The smart thing to do is buy and hold
This board has that one guy spamming the same cringy pics with the same non paragraphs gibberish "when will nocoiners learn" and I cringe every time he comes around but he's right
The safe way to buy bitcoins in 2012 was to go to the and MoneyGram that shit, or was it western union
All I can remember is it was snowing when I walked out of cvs after buying a fair amount of bitcoin for $11 apiece
Hold on to your bitcoins, kids
Somebody ITT earned one bitcoin a week with a shitty budget Radeon 7850 back in 2012
Nobody on this entire board posts pics as cool as this, ever
You're all faggots who post pics of stupid Lambos with bread on top of them or some other cringy bullshit
Why won't you post something that details how you're a smart person who could see Bitcoin was going to be big someday?
reddit bitcoin is cancer
bitcointalk is third world shitskin non-english signature-spam cancer
Veeky Forums is that guy who posts the same cringry pics
I am basically the only person on the internet who deserves to be rich when Bitcoin orbits
Someone needs to see the sun
>Someone needs to see the sun
The graphics card I used to mine those bitcoin cost me about $180
The bitcoins I mined (and still hold) are worth about $26,000 today, even more a couple months from now
Before Veeky Forums existed the /g/ meme was to "mine bitcoin"
Sometimes memes pay off
/Pol/ is basically meme'ing Trump into the white House
Boards filled with faggot.scamcoiners who want you to think bitcoin is old hat
Same with kike banks and other faggots who want to distract you from bitcoin with bullshit buzzwords like "blockchain"
A friendly reminder bitcoin is a noble adventure, but like always, there's kike bankers doing their best to either ignore it or make it look pointless
Do you think jews weren't the same people writing lies about adopt Hitler in the 1930s and early 1940s
I think they're pretty much fucked
Bitcoin will replace their usury
Donald Trump will replace their globalism kike world order
Sorry goldbergstein, you lost this war
Hahaha top kek
>switching to monero
A friendly reminder that bitcoin was, is, and will be the only crypto currency worth investing in
Theres a trillion bitcoin devs and and a quadrillion people holding bitcoin that won't let it fail
Bitcoin is open source and has the smartest developers working on it
It might take time, but any shitty scamcoin that has slightly better attributes than bitcoin will get worked into the code
Have you ever watched star trek, the next generation?
There's this alien species in this fictional universe called the BORG, and they easily assimilate weaker species into their collective
Basically if any shitty scamcoin like medical headless cartel "muh privacy" monero or some shitty scamcoin with a 90 pound Russian autist had any traits that bitcoin was even semi-desirable the bitcoin devs could easily work that into the bitcoin code
But they dont, at least not anytime soon, because it's not a priority, and bitcoin works just fine as it is
Don't fall for flavor of the month scamcoins
This has been a public service announcement
Just was offered my dream job in the UK. Live in AUS. I need to make $700 in 4 days for the plane ticket but i have only have $140. Any ideas on how i could make the remaining money in the next 4 days? thx
Donations are welcome. Please
Do a good deed and give a few out to the beggers
A shitposter and a cuck
I give it a 15% you're white
Fuck off Ahmed
Read this post you unwashed shitskin piles of shit who don't even belong on the internet
You were better off fucking goats, murdering your neighbors for trivial reasons, and generally being wastes of space
But now us white men have to read you gibberish nonsense posts online online on a regular fucking basis
If the united States military wasn't so cucked for Israel and non-whites I'd beg to join and "accidentally" kill you shitskins while I'm in your shitty third world land
The us military has been cucked for a long time
When Mr. Trump is president things will change
Send me some and I'll remember you on Christmas and send you back what I've earned.
>meow meow, meow meow meow, meow!
donald trump is an antibitcoin subhuman, but his attempt to stop remmitances to mexico will pump the price too since people will use bitcoin to send money to mexico.
Seriously. Save my life by donating 0.4 bitcoins. Anyone.
Begging with cats should be my new bitcoin website idea.
Niggers and communists
Faggots who think their scamcoin has a future
Pro-tip: it doesn't faggots
Bitcoin is the only crypto and no amount of Jewish communist press will ever change that
Also donald Trump is our next president
Sorry kikes
You lose on both fronts
Us straight white boys just win this time
Take your Starbucks, your retarded beard. Goofy glasses, and your fat pretend dyke gf and go write your pretend story about your bitcoin has failed and Hillary is bound to win
You borderline suicide pile of shit
get some finger surgery
You seriously have this thread up for a fucking week just so you can wave your crypto-dick?
>people proud about owning large amounts of unrecognized fake currency
Only on Veeky Forums.
What shod I do w them tho
hmm let me think, 2 options
sell them now while they are worth something or....
hold onto the sac TOO THE MOON
Hold half.
Sweet you have almost $150k in bitcoins.
How does it feel to be a poorfag?
> tfw 26 and have 500k in assets
>Bitcoin will replace their usury
that's true, bitcoin does eliminate the demand for loans. just to be clear how does it do that again?
>inb4 blockchain smartloan dapps decentralized loanchain contracts
wow, 225 btc and still this desperate for attention? >>r9k
lol assets
Good thread would OP again
>What should I do with my 225 bitcoins?
fix your crooked ass finger, f'am
Shove them up up your ass one by one
I was seriously thinking of spending some of my coins on roids , spending like an hour in the gym a week and getting huge
Look at guys like sly stallone, been on steroids since rocky 2 back in like 1980 still looks great
> (OP) (You)
>Shove them up up your ass one by one
I think the meme is convert them to pennies first then shove them up your ass
You can't shove digital 1s and 0s up your ass you stupid fuck
What do I do to become filthy rich like you and beat international jewry, m8?
>inb4 get rid of kike gf, starbucks etc.
get rid of kike gf, starbucks etc.
Sand nigger
Bitcoin is the last white man's one and zero
All the savage brown people think.x coin is the future
Naturally their their IQ leads them to their slaughter
The white race always prevails, whether it be physical or the intellectual.
This triggers the kike (jew to you and me) who thinks he's somehow superior to the goyim
We have a subtle chuckle while the kike thinks he remains in control of banking and finances
Am I allowed to bump my thread and trigger kikes this quickly?
Jesus Christ someone contact the ADL kikes are being shoved into ovens
Nah fuck that I'm a pretty dumb guy I'd just put a bullet In these heebs and throw some dirt over em
Fuckin kikes and their persecution fetish
When will they really get holocausted for real
Fuckin yids