Comfy mermaid edition
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Comfy mermaid edition
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I blame the mesmers
Are you sure you actually saved? Are you playing on experimental?
>Save several times while getting a bunch of shit done for my base.
>After four hours I finish and save to head off to bed.
>Return to find I am back to square one.
Words can't describe how much this hurts me and my soul. How the fuck did it not save any of my progress? Is there any way to fix this?
Says early developmental build is that the experimental?
Well the game in general is still in early development/EA. If you're in the experimental builds it'll have [experimental] next to Subnautica in your Steam library.
I just checked and I did opt out of anything doing with the beta but that doesn't solve my issue. Still I found it out it remember one my oldest saves and not 20 saves I did before hand.
Which Seamoth design that wasn't used would you want in the game and with what differences/specialized functions compared to the default Seamoth?
3C looks comfy.
Probably 3C or 3B
3B or 3D, however the design they chose is probably the best as far as following aesthetic is concerned.
>can't keep a thread alive edition
3B. I get the appeal of the one without the bottom but its not comfy enough for me. Plus quad engines and stream lined design is great.
Those should all be different variations of the Seamoth that can be docked in the moonpool and in the Cyclops.
Alright think about it for a second...
If these people don't use animals for shit anymore then that likely means the bio engine is only designed to take plant matter.
So when you feed it fish it's not humanely euthanizing them first or something its literally just grinding them up or melting them down.
3D or 3E, whichever is most eggman
Oh well. Fish don't feel pain anyway.
Yes we do
Get back in your tank, Peeper.
Aren't fish overly sensitive to pain or something
youre welcome in /indie/
The Reapers came and devoured the posters.
The lack of updates is not helping
Don't be silly. We're all here, down among the creepvines. You should join us, user. Its very comfy down here.
The comfiest
Reapers don't live in the Kelp Forest.
Be strong and patient. Better a late and complete thing than an on-time and half-assed thing.
Speak for yourself. I'm down here among the bloodkelp. Its cold and lonely down here.
weaponized mesmers when
>The Cute fish was originally the crash
>people think it's too cute to be a kamikaze fish
>replace it with another cute fish
>Tfw cant chance fov cuz pirated
True sufffering.
>early access
His ancestors are smiling upon him, can you say the same?
>Indoor stuff out in the water
Explain this wizardry
Both pics are mine, and it's magic I ain't gotta explain shit
This show is so much like this game I wonder if there is any relation.
Anyone else watch The Deep?
>Against lethal guns
>Makes a gun that shoots fish into other Fish.
>Its okay because the fish are violent
This is like saying it's okay to shoot gun lobbyists with a gun that only shoots babies of gun owners
They deserve it now if only could shoot stalkers then I would be happy.
Anons, how do I deal with Sand Sharks in the early game? Still scrounging for decent fragments and it's taking me a few days in-game because these guys are so aggressive. I'm probably doing something wrong, aren't I?
Sidestep and jab em with your knife, that usually makes em fuck off for a few
Juke them out on your seaglide. If you're good not even the reaper can get you
You can literally outswim them with a circle strafe while retreating. They're also not nearly as damaging as you expect.
They're also more interested in fish than in you, so go find a patch of red grass and go ham.
You're going to hate tiger plants a lot more than sandsharks when you really get the farm going.
Why is this game so fucking scary even in creativr mode. I have cyclops but I'm scared shitless about all those deeper places where suddenly I'm at 700m and cant see for shit. Plus everything is so fucking dark all the time even during the day.
The lighting on the vehicles are so shit I hardly even notice my lights are even on.
So the fragments how the fuck do you pick them up? One build I just picked them up but they seemed locked now. I tried a laser cutter and it didn't do shit.
Scanner. They're supposed to eventually be debris models, so you scan them for data, then collect any still usable material, currently abstracted to 2 titanium exclusively.
thanks m8
Cuttlefishes when?
Mesmers took their spot.
>Warning: Passing safe page.
What's the worst that can happen
We should've stayed on /v/
And deal with all the shitposters? No thanks. It's also the weekend, all of Veeky Forums gets slow on weekends.
He says "WITNESS ME!"
Please help me find Cyclops fragments. I have a base on Grassy Plateaus, right next to the wreck with NS2 poster inside, and am scouring nearby biomes for fragments. However, so far I only have 1/3 Hull and 2/3 Bridge (?), plus some other 1/1 fragments.
I can't find the rest, nor I can find Seamoth Upgrade Station fragments. I've been to the floating island, to Kelp Forests, to Shallows and some deep chasm near the plateaus that goes below 250 and has lots of those blood oil trees.
I also went to Koosh zone, but heard DOOK DOOK and got the fuck out of there.
Two more questions - how do I scan wall flower pots and the poster in that wreck and where do I find LED lights?
The Mountains also have Cyclops fragments. The pots can be scanned in the island bases.
What the cyclops needs is a floodlight mounted on each of the cameras, and you can toggle wether it stays on when the camera is deactivated.
Mushroom forest and mountains were where I found all my pieces
Yeah, I did already. I am talking about those wall-mounted pots with tiny plants inside the wreck. Are they scannable at all?
Hull and bridge are in Mushroom Forests and for the engine parts, skirt the top of the ridge between Mountains and Floating Islands.
Those ones, I don't know.
Please come soon, update
I don't know how much longer we can last
I stopped my first playthrough a week ago after getting my cyclopse and cruising around a bit. user had told me the update would be here any day now.
I'm drowning.
Thanks, found the bridge and hull. No sign of engine though. Also found my first Leviathan and it promptly snuck up on me after I deemed it to be far enough to not notice me.
I am thinking of building a second base inside the caves. What should I use for power? Sandshark-powered bioreactors or nuclear? How quickly do they burn through rods?
Play SOMA for now (TPB and magnet links are your friends). It has nice underwater aesthetic and a relatively good plot that, however, hinges on main character being a brain-damaged liberal arts major.
>10 pages under the sea
>all of those updates that were meant to be done in june
>It's now halfway through july
And here I thought I could trust the subnautica devs
page ten thousand leagues
A lot of horror stuff does, unfortunately.
15 minutes to page 10 is pretty fast. Also Veeky Forums has plenty of shitposting too.
Could we make a /sub/ steam group seeing as the general is slow as shit in between patches? I asked this a few threads ago and didn't get a response.
Well if one isn't made by then I'll hop on it after work tonight.
>tfw alcoholic
/indie/ could be a good place to go while we wait for the update.
They're always looking for new games to talk about
Sounds like a plan.
If that doesn't work out
>cruising in moth
>bump into little shit on the way
>10 percent health left
>guess I better get home
>ooh silver
>bump into peeper
>seamoth explodes
I guess I deserved that.
So ded not even a bioreactor could use the corpse.
It'll revive after the patch. In the meantime
Rest in Pepperonis, /sub/
For when the thread dies
>tfw drunk and playing this
everything is 10x scarier fuck
We're not sunk yet.
Anyone else want them to go back and work on this and put it in?
What is supposed to be the scale for that thing? It looks way bigger that it probably should in the pic. Also i remember someone in a previous thread saying they took it out because it's too hard an enemy to escape or fight?
It's actually smaller than a Reaper Leviathan, length-wise. Their reason for not working on it anymore was "it was too overpowered", hilarious how the people who made it couldn't figure out how to nerf it. Here's the best video I've watched that shows off the Scarab in action.
>it was too overpowered
have the screen shake as it's about to surface. Give 3-5 seconds for the player to get out of the way. Doesn't seem that hard It'd be cool as fuck to see those things out in the dunes. Even when the terraforming gets taken out they could just have tons of sand and bubble particles show up when the thing breaches to give it some realism.
I thought this was supposed to be a bottomless abyss. I mean, I kinda wish it was since this is way more fucking terrifying.
And that's exactly the best way to do it, either a screen shake or a low growling/screeching sound and a cloud of sand like the Sandsharks make before it erupts out to attack. If it hits you directly it can be a OHKO and damage from a glancing blow like what the Reaper does, and if it attacks the Seamoth it grabs it and holds for a few second before releasing it without doing much damage.
If it grabs another creature it could drag it into the sand. Imagine luring a Reaper over it.
There's a surprising amount of land in the void. Not quite sure why it's all there
get back there and post more pics