Fighting Games General /fgg/
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toppest touhou
lets hear it for our boy D.P.O. fighting daigo in sfv
Wow, SF5's costumes cost more than SG's DLC characters did?
>5 posts early
Is it wrong that I'm watching Pokken only because Persia is my thickfu?
That's a touhou not a fighting game.
wtf my boss just askd me to stay after work i Hope ur happy ASHHOLE
How do I get into 2hu lore
There are Touhou fighting games
is that jiyuna?
sg's characters cost money?
>Someone calls out McRibs shitshow
Uhh Uhhhh fuck smash
Each costume gets 10x as much value than buying things from shitgirls though.
Is daigo washed up?
in with thicc
Would you let a smash player babysit your child?
hey bud this is a fighting game event no one cares lol
Where is that new Chun-li costume from? Datamined?
he's on autopilot
are you going to post a link to the mod or what
>is someone who lost to Lupe Fiasco washed up
I think you know the answer, bruv.
Give source or I'm knoccing you down kiddo
don't those retards already have their own version of EVO or something
I hope this gets posted every thread
Her hair is so pretty. I want to touch it.
Tbh its karma for what they did last year
¡Es un hombre!
Is Lord Daigo done for the day?
Holy shit normally I'm not one of those twitch chat memers who complains about sellouts but holy fuck evo is taking it to a new level right now.
It's in the game files, capcom promo with adidas.
Why is Miko in KoF?
Done for good
It's a work in progress by BrutalAce.
They have about 3 versions, yes
>This nigga will never post the link, but will just tease us
Just stop being a faggot
It's Smug
i want to rape her...
They have an ad every two matches and it's annoying the shit out of me.
>Terrible time slot
It has had a channel designated to it the entire day and you have to start running all the games at the same time to get them finished.
You're not gonna put the finals of it on the last day because then there are two of the same game (relatively speaking) which isn't good for viewership
I think Pokken should've been first to end and have smash before KI but that's only moving the finals 4hrs which is negligible
>I am growing stronger - Daigo
What does BST in Daigo's tag stand for?
reported to capcom
i want chun li to lock her thighs around my neck with my face buried in her pussy while she casually curls a 50 pound dumbbell and reads a police magazine reaching down and scratching my head every now and then
big stupid turd
Bitches Still Trippin'
I am literally about to drop my character for this mod
Big, strong, thicc
Holy fuck, that Poison cosplay bitch looks gorgeous.
Dacid doing what he does best and ruining commentary
I want to be a cute girl.
Why is life so unfair?
Beast TV
beautiful samurai tiger
Tr4sh should've replaced Melee's sunday spot desu
how much longer is pools running tonight
you could try to become one
i'll help you
Benis Small Too
FYI, the Japanese read from right to left
Fuck sfv but shit like this is way I don't like this bitter faggot and his dead game.
i want to blow a rasperry on that poison's tummy
which one?
2 bongs and 15 bings.
Pray for Smug
This guy
Same reason why Polnereff and Rambo are.
karin is sick
longer than that
it goes until midnight pacific time
She's alright looking
Nage is such a memer
oh shit that's right i was thinking east coast
shit i started drinking too early
what happened to him?
but Melee brings in the highest viewer count and has the highest amount of autismo's out of any game. It also brought a fair bit of hype last year so It's easier to deal with Sm4sh being before it
terminal attention whoring
too many dabs
Apart from Ino, Sol and Millia hardly any have it as a core mechanic. Sure you use it but its not like you cant do shit without it. Ky for example doesnt really need IAD to be effective, neither do Faust, Leo, Chipp, Bedman, Axl and quite frankly Zato.
borne scrub trasher
/ss/ doujins of him and King when
Left looks like she's been losing weight to pull off that Poison outfit and she started super confident but now that she's out in public she's losing that self esteem and I could make her feel better by fucking the shit out of her in the bathroom
So left
>dem thighs
Oh god. Thanks Capcom.
our girl
He met a man who could duff harder than he could
They''d probably watch it get streamed at 6am. I'd expect Sm4sh to do better among random viewers
Holy fuck these are two of the ugliest Asians I've ever seen.
Explain to me how the fuck this is related to fighting games
typical /fgg/ user right now on revelator playing elphelt Kappa