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hana song

Teeeee Reysah!

ana amari r34 when?

>transforming in and out of sentry is faster than reload
proven to be not true

but I do it anyways because it allows me to move just in case

Reminder that the Reddit overlords found more voice files.

7th for the most dangerous enemy of all in Overwatch, the tickrate

Dump Reddit phoneposters

>reaper is a Lakers fan

Don't forget to kill Mercy.

Reddit proving to be more useful than Veeky Forums yet again

Who's that "CRAWLING IN MY SKIN" character in Overwatch?

I feel no sympathy for tracers

what a stupid question

>tfw just going for achievements and getting golds

Trust the shooter is just as dangerous.

I want to get junkrat stuff what's his best:

PoTG Animation:

I hate the Reddit community, but goddamn they're useful sometimes.

Don't forget to protect your Mercy.

>Admitting to mistakes

Blizzard has been a terrible company for years now, but they regularly make games that fill niches.
People wanted a casual moba so they could feel like they're a part of that big LoL craze without actually learning even the most basic of game mechanics.
We got HotS.

The only digital card games out there were either MtG or trying hard to be Magic, so they scared away a lot of casuals.
And then Hearthstone.

TF2 has been dying, to the point that only a small percentage of its previously huge player base keep it alive.
Overwatch is to make up for the lack of TF3, and to make the games fast enough and without any real commitment (outside of the tacked on competitive mode which was clearly not supposed to be a main feature this early on) to ensure it grabs the casuals who thought TF2 was too hard to learn everything.

That's Linkin Park.

>Skin: Joker
>Emote: The juggling one
>PoTG animation: The Riptire one

Mercy is my greatest ally

Skin: any of his non legendary one
Emote: Puppet or vaudeville
PoTG Anim: Rip tire

>There are people who will say this mercy is bad because her team is dead

>there will never be an Asuka recolor for D.va

admitting to mistakes is a horrible move for any large company to do

Scarecrow is GOAT, though.

I love you........

>PoTG Anim
>Not Flying


Anyone who has more than 10 hours on reinhardt is my nigga

>Genji appears, I instantly die
>killcam shows Genji reflecting our Bastion who just kept shooting at him
>head back out, finally reach the front lines again

>tfw you finally get POTG as D.va

Why would you want to hide junkrats expressive face?
although i admit scarecrow is pretty cool

I have 10 hours on reinhardt but I swore to never use my shield

Your Tracer glowing on his killcam implies you just blinked forward into his projectile.

>Mercy rez makes her essential regardless of how bad the character is otherwise

>Lucio is still the best general healer

>Brass Balls is DPS monster plus heals

>Ana slightly edges out mercy in healing but isn't as consistent over a match
>Has more strength in healing denial and stuns than an actual support role

Why can't blizzard just make a burst healer?

Go on and fight, battle brother.

that sounds like it would be garbage

Just got home from work and about to play. Anyone up to group and do some matches?


If I blinked forward into that projectile it would've hit me prior to bursting and done 15 damage.

ana is a burst healer, she can dart, cancel with her greande, then dart again for a total of 325 heals

>play d.va with 31% weapon accuracy
>94 percentile top 6%

are d.va players bad at aiming

>team's mercy refuses to heal anyone but our pharah
>pharah literally cant land a single rocket

>not a burst healer

Lucio is a burst healer


user pls

you have infinite bullets, I no longer care about hitting shit



You weebs can try all you want, you'll never land a finger on her.

>Team decides to go four Ana one Roadhog because its just quick play man XD
>Literally one Ana ever even looks at me when I call for healing and they miss most of their shots and have to throw their grenade at me for healing

Fun stuff

>doing less damage is okay because lolinfiniteammo

>he needed to wait for buffs to get POTG and unlock achievements as D. Va

>actual support role
>providing debuffs as well as buffs doesn't put you in a support role these days
Is being a dedicated healer the only way you can be considered a support?


here you go

Just a game man. Chill.


>there's no way this is true
>33% accuracy top 5%
then again, only like 10% of people are even rank 60 so I shouldn't be surprised at how awful most people on this game here

Oh that reminds me of something I had happen a while back, I was playing Mercy.
>soldier 76 just hangs out watching you heal people
>give him damage boost and he just keeps watching you instead of shooting anything

Presuming you meant to quote He means there is basically no penalty for spamming into a crowded area or choke point when you're not focusing down a single target. It doesn't meant they can't hit targets when they need to but spam/suppressive fire is counted as missed shots.

most d.va player are shitters that can only get eliminations off other players efforts and that act like they're top shit

>quick play
>expecting people to be serious
Play comp.

on this game are*

How will you respond when Sombra has an instant kill backstab and a stealth ability?

I never used D.va in the first place. I had 4 minutes on her.

Morrison wants that Ziegler ass

By maining her.

>Genji My Halloween costume? Cyborg ninja.
Grey Fox skin when?

16 on Rein, 20 on Hog.

Even tanks gotta get their selfish on.

I play Rein for comp though, mostly.

what even the fuck is d.va's face paint

why does she have it

Is le tricky hook man easy to get good with in non-organized comp?


Hope Blizzard thinks of how to do a different kind of stealth character. I don't want another spy.

>his MMR is so low that he was able to get 4 kills with a single use of her ult
>his MMR is so low that he was able to do well as D.va
I had her defense matrix achievement for a while now. If you're able to get 4 kills with a single use of her ult, your MMR is complete trash.

>Attack as Tracer
>Do really good pestering the Mercy and killing shit left and right
>Guy: You're a good cutie, are you a gril
>Me: Sadly not
>Guy: A skirt can fix that

Okay, fess up, which one of you guys was that.

On a side note

>Pick Tracer again
>0-2 losing
>Pick Zarya (my main)
>Turn tables
>3-2 with a long last match on the final map

I love Russia.

Is there anything more satisfying than giving them the govnastein for a team kill

When you actually fight people that aren't retarded shitters, they actually get away quite often because they know Dva's 168 point blank DPS cannons turn into 10 DPS when they back up 3 steps and run

>just use your rocket boost lol

You mean the skill that I already blew off ramming + melee to get into range on someone?

Dva isn't scary at all in her current state unless she's chasing after someone who's completely unaware of her presence and close to dead. At least the PTR buffs make her much better at absorbing damage and hiding her giant critbox more often

same as tf2
shoot them as they try stupid trick stabs

>playing Soldier 76
>doing well
>landing successive headshots
>Mercy damage boost
>suddenly my accuracy tanks

I-I'm sorry, I swear I usually do better than this.

>who is zarya

Which heroes are the most fun and rewarding to play?

All the movement-centric heroes are the most fun IMO. Tracer and Genji mainly.

The one with the most satisfying gun is junkrat.

>Riptire kills 4+ enemies


Probably reapy, you can pop those troublesome tanks and make game changing plays while defending your Reinhardt/mercy and making sure no one gets the monkey dick

McCree and Tracer feel pretty satisfying for the time investment.

Zarya is fun if your team isn't potatoes.

Seconded. Zipping around the map is just a blast.

A good hero. D.va, on the other hand, should not be picked outside of PTR right now.
Lucio is probably the most fun.

cheers m8

Zarya for me.

Getting rewarded because the enemy team won't stop shooting you is good.

>tfw D.Va players try to defense matrix my cannon

>zen getting buffed
>get the best zen skin
It's time for harmony.

Was bored and I doodled this.

He was probably getting off to you healslutting for everyone else. What a cuck

Which weapons/abilities go through Defense Matrix?

>There are genjis out there RIGHT NOW who don't know where the nearest health pack is

I like it

>mfw sombra will be a stealthy mexican qt3.14

Fun to play? Mei if you like to piss of people left and right. Rewarding? Tracer I guess, I've never really liked her game style and her voice is awful.

>playing comp
>enemy team tries to go 5 D.va 1 Lucio to contest the point
>I'm constantly at 90+ charge
>absolutely melt them
>they finally whittle me down after two straight minutes of me killing them over and over
>come back with my ult and trap them all just outside the point
>we capture the point as they're helplessly watching

Anyone got the smug widowmaker picture?

Got Sunyatta yesterday too