/wfg/ - Warframe General

Mag still a cutie edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
> forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


time to complain about the devs over here too? okay then.

first for sasha

1st for Nyx has THICC HIPS

we all know who the real waifu is


It's the LCLEM



Like how most of the shitposting went to the shadow realm. Keep it up.

nth for...Fencing buddies!!!

how do you see a dude in a top hat and be like "yeah, that looks good"

Nobody mention the fucking guide this thread!

Sasha puss when

Loki playing Moonaro with Trinity's helmet when?

I wonder what shit frames play on the piano.


/aco/ thread.



Observer looks like a decent game, hope it's not shit


i am conflicted
Stone and Brass or Corroded Copper?

>catalyst alert on ps4
>in-game chat is down so can't get taxi'd

As if playing on ps4 wasn't suffering enough.

you mean the literal decomposing clitoris that comprised the majority of discussion in the last thread?

i think we would like to all put that behind us...


Goddamn this guy is talented, thank god he's actually drawing stuff that interests me this time and not Nezha castration/mpreg.

Damn Limbo's good at playing the Piano at 10x speed for his Mesa.

What build?


Be honest. Is Update 19 Part 2 a piece of shit?

check my guide for all approved builds

I want lewds from the original maker of sasha.

considering pretty much all aspects of the game got stealth nerfed alongside the official changes, yes

This is good black MIDI, much better than the top results where you can't even hear the notes so it's just a glorified visualizer.

fix the tonkor and we're cool again

Okay I like this Eos Prime armor Baro sold even more now if you black out the energy. (Sucks it makes your syandana not shiny to the point where I took mine off.)

makign zephyr lids

don't forget that this is actually the third time sarg has drawn sasha

ive been around a while, and ive never seen a nyx that ugly


That one is actually a lot better than the other two imo, but I like all of them fairly equally.

i would be more forgiving of the update if 2 things changed:

1. no more shadow nerfs. its one thing to get something changed unexpectedly, its another to not be told about the change.

2. archwing didnt have a turning circle, and instead followed your aiming reticle properly, like the old system.

other than that, the void changes suck, but i didnt do the void to farm anyway.

>goy prime and tennojew

>being poor

Your request will happen :)

You will still load up Warframe either way. We've killed your Trinity and Mag, and you still won't die.

We will take it further. From my understanding, the worse we do, the more money we make.

Sorry, but if it makes you feel any better it's not my Ash.

>tfw picking enemies off with vectis p on bere from one point to another without any major issues for me or the squad
>come out with highest damage and kills done

feels good to actually use snipers for once tbqh famalamadingdong

why do people leave after round 2 though? it's much slower than draco was and i haven't seen anyone stick for 4 rounds so far

>another shit baro

Controlled Infestation companions when?

becca told us it was gonna be shit beforehand so that they could adjust ducat values before he brought anything new/good

Does this offend your sensibilities less, then?

Count your blessings I don't have the Tenno palette, or I'd color everything Mesa-energyesque yellow.

Shit, I really like the gunmetal blue on the metallic surfaces and now need to retcon some other frames.


Will we ever go back to those days of fast?


worst excuse i've ever heard 2-b--h

I... actually fucking love this.


i am here to offend everyone's sensibilities with a 80's neon inspired saryn. enjoy.



It couldn't possibly take more than a day's work to figure out new ducat values. Just make everything 35% cheaper for starters, then adjust from there.

That's actually...not that awful? The fade from orange into violet in some spots actually looks good. Her legs and armor/under-armor look like hot trash though.

Thanks senpai.

She kicks high.

Catch the leg
jam it in.

Since you know your colors so well, what's a good black to use for nyx?

i know. i wanted to use something less bright, but i dont have a lot of color packs :/

that being said, maybe changing it from shitty blue to purple might be an improvement. maybe.

I haven't played this game in ages. Heard they nerfed Trinity again. True or just a running joke as usual?

Does this look like a corset?

I'd say it's about as close as you can get.

I found Stalkers potato.
Did I win?

im just going to hit the random button, fix up colors a bit, and post em. we will see how they work out :)

What do we think of Limbo Prime?





looks a bit plain. if only you could color the rime of his bowler hat, then this would be pretty good actually.

also, bask in the shit that my random button created

Can anyone post Excalibur Prime wearing Targis Prime armor, with default colors preferably?

> Predictions for prime hats.
> Hydroid gets Cpt Barbossa's hat from PotC
> Inaros gets Osirus head
> limbo gets some widebrim shit, think bighat logan.
> Mirage gets that 1halfjoy1halfsadness theater mask thing.
> Valkyr gets a vagina in her face
> Wukong gets a creepy azn demon face.

this, i'm not spending $60 on a pack of mostly shit i got years ago

what i might buy is like a $5-10 pack of the armor/profile icons, but until they make a separate deal like that, DE can fuck off

same phamalamadingdong

They want $60 for that armor? they can fuck right the fuck off.

I dunno, I tend to shy away from black unless it's a leather texture. I also don't have many palettes available, but you can't get more black than the bottom left corner of the smoke palette, which is what I use when I want to hide some of the more vomity particles by setting energy to that color (but it makes some abilities disruptively hard to see, like that one disastrous time I tried a Sonar-spam banshee with it.)

The far top right of the dark blue spectrum in Shamrock or some place in Infested works pretty well for if you want a dark blue, and parts of Grineer can work if you want Dark brown/green. Infested can give a very dark pink, too.

Dark colors mostly stink on metallics, though. Easter palette and the top of the Shamrock palette is good for pastels for those.

arcane vanguard rhino helm is down to 200p, should i buy it?

I have a new Volt Prime.

I am going to mash the random color button the number of times the last two digits of my post winds up being.

Let's hope it doesn't random off the Smoke palette.

>wukong gets an oni mask
thats sort of a given. unkillable Chinese warframe gets a demon mask. whoda thunk it? not that i wouldnt wear it or anything if it looked decent though. it would actually be nice to get a good looking helmet for him.

if DE sold this shit as a side package for $10 they wouldn't NEED to be assholes with everything else.

just a permanent bundle for each prime access Armour that's ever been out that anyone can buy, at any time, that doesn't cost $60 would be all i need.

Nigga looks bald. If Warframe lasts long enough for Limbo Prime to exist for real, I hope they do something to account for the model having a disturbingly small head.

post results fagot. lets see how much green and purple you get.
>random button killed my favorite oberon :(

Oni are Japanese, though, aren't they?

>tfw current colors are based off of what a random click gave you

Don't know if you guys will like it but I thought this was a pretty cool article



Oh boy time for /ss/

yeah, you're right. i goofed :P but i imagine he would get something similar if he did get a demon mask.

feels really
what the fuck have i done to my rhino?!
the gods of fashion frame look down on me today ;_;

It randomed into Easter and, in ship lighting, it actually looks pretty good.

> :P
kill yourself

purple-chrome (sort of) armor is pretty fucking cool, but that yellow. need to avert my gaze from that.

later. after this thread dies/i remember where i left the bleach. cant kill myself if i don't cleanse myself from this earth properly, inside and out :^)


Honestly I would sell the smoke palette for credits if I could, just for that reason.

Nice random, I rike.

anybody want to do suisei with me for lith m1(mag BP) relics? it's much faster with two people

fucking garbage game i wanna kill myself

post your name catposter

I have installed and uninstalled this trash 3 times this week, what's wrong with me?


ign : bixly

i hate this game
why do i play
its the curse
of a shit life

Can someone post Lunaro Tierlist?

Also requesting Cephalon Capture Tierlist excluding primes if possible, thanks.


you are addicted to something you hate. you just had your first experience with crack (so to speak), and now you want more despite how shit it was.

i wont argue with you, its a pretty shit game, but it hooks you.