Who here /psychopath/?
try r9k
I really hope not.
But sometimes I feel the urge to spam $REEU shill threads all over the board.
plz halp, anons.
im also psytopatik i kill my mom when she didnt give her good boy chicken tendies
Try r9k
Literally me
Ops forgot pic related
(did I?)
How can I profit off of psychopaths?
What do men/women without conscience want?
Like honestly or self diagnosed
Psychopathy is a meme
Probably, but I've never really looked into it. I'm not sure that knowing that I was or wasn't would actually change anything about my behaviour.
Give a shot
It might make you more subtle
Really narrows it down lad
How do I know if I am one or not?
Nobody actually. Probably a whole bunch of edgy sperglords who have self-diagnosed themselves because it makes them feel special.
>I live by my own rules! Society doesn't own me! Outta my way sheeps, I'm a psychopath! Toot! Toot!
t. special snowflake
Psychopaths don't self-identify.
This is a slightly better answer