Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Totori is my daughter
toppest rape childs
> No good stick sales
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
awww yiss
Does she dress up like this because she knows her parents are not proud? Have cause and effect changed place? DOA is pretty philosophical.
Knee save us. Also i'm impressed that two Americans made it to top 8 in Tekken.
>Akuma grand final mirror match
It shouldn't be like this
Why can't I bind a space button for something in UNIEL?
Laughing tits?
So there is literally no reason to ever upgrade from a RAP V3 SA Kai right?
I'm awful at videogames and Mika is my first grappler ever
How do I recognize I have a window for command grabs? My gameplay is just press and for footsies and do lk mp ex buit
Because stop falling for the keyboard meme you shit.
I play fat white butt
Someone tell me the name of this Rucky Chore cosplayer.
>/fgg/ gets btfo by based nigeria
>snake eyez won his pool ez pz with top tier ryu
>rashid shitposter got btfo
it's a good week to be a man who possess the gene
>tfw you'll never have tits of your own to fan your face on a hot day
Cummy is gonna win evo and save fighting games
awww come here you cute little jumpy thingy, waldstein has free hugs~
Send help, pls.
Is that sexy to you? Derpy as shit mang.
Every now and then I attempt to do Karin's trial 6/8 and I fail every time I think I need to accept that I can't do it
When does Tekken start? I was too tired to finish watching yesterday, anything big happen?
It's a rather mediocre ps3 port.
I hope Josie wins next evo
About 3 hours from now.
>replying to a post with a Cammy picture
Don't do this
anti air damage in sf5 when?
why haven't you guys got the best stage in the game yet? it is a steal for a cool 10 bux
Hey you're not the boss of me. I wear sandals with socks too. FUCK YOU DAD.
"Eyes to the future" - Lightning
best butt
more of you nobodies need to buy ring of destiny. i'm tired of getting poverty stages when my favorite stage isn't the one picked.
the only thing this game is good for
>cuck yourself by paying 10 bucks to look at crapcums logo plastered all over the place
How would I go about changing the artwork on a Hori RAP4? Can I just order my artwork from Tek Innovation? Do I need another plexi?
Is that stadium stage available for a limited time or something?
Not gonna pay 10$ for that shit, gonna buy it at a sale if at all.
*mash a button and juggle this post into 70% damage*
pssh, nothing personal
Yo how does a stage cost 10$ when it's just two directions. I would kind of understand if it was some elaborate 3D stage where you can move around everywhere.
Maybe it has some cool stage transitions.
>hit 1000 LP
>fought pretty much only ryu and ken
If they send me 5 matches in a row with random characters I'm pretty sure I'll lose them all, I have no idea of how to fight the rest of the cast
Not that I know how to fight Ryu and Ken, anyway, I keep taking wake up dps to the face
just block and punish bro
Its so expensive because its for funding CPT money.
It will also get updated with more event content in the background.
Too bad that I dont give a fucking shit about funding the esports faggotry, I just want a wrestling ring and thats too expensive.
Apparently the stage changes based on the curren tournament going on, and a portion of the money goes to the Capcom cup pot
Still way too high of a price
how do i play birdie?
Proest tip.
Walk up to them and then hold back or down back. After getting punished 5 times they won't do it again and then you can finally play street fighter.
Are there any VODs for day 1 of sfv please?
its the kai version, but it should be the same for normal hrap4
pause xx character select
>After getting punished 5 times they won't do it again
DOAX3 fighting games when?
Anyone got the proxy codes for DLC costumes? Non-fight money ones.
cause they know the game is doomed so all they're doing is shitting out paid content so gouge people out of money as quickly as possible
This is really true. Just make sure your punish is big enough that they knock off the scrub shit. Make their little monkey brains realize that the small amount of damage they get from a wakeup dp is not worth the huge risk they are taking most of the time.
Mash st. mk
twitch srkevo1
Yeah, sometimes I walk up to them to grab or do something and for a split second my mind goes "he's going to DP, isn't he?", then I take the DP and go "I knew he would do that, I'm retarded"
I guess I should just play more chill and also learn something else with Mika. Her biggest punish for a missed DP is hp dash hp into ex airgrab, right?
dolphin dive whenever you get enough bar
but as a piece of shit myself, it makes me feel better by being mean to ppl.
SF5 eu anyone?
also can somebody repost that chun li costume from yesterday?
i'm playing sf5 on pc and on a piano bench. am i fucking myself over by not playing on ps4 and in one of those chairs? that's what james chen told me.
Ex air grab will give you the most damage, yeah.
You don't always need to do ex air grab, you can do the two F+HP then follow it up with to go for a reset or ex peach for corner
>for corner
for corner carry I mean
For 6, you have to just frame and input everything as fast as possible.
>Its so expensive because its for funding CPT money.
Please give an exact info to what of the cpt is founded and how much of the profits goes towards it.
Also seriously? Does capcom already know sony wont give 500k next year and have to scrap a pot together now for next year?
anyone have the evo schedule link that adapts to your time zone ?
Ok, thanks
I really need to practice this, I'm just punishing with target combo into peach and that doesn't really do much damage
I really like playing Mika but I don't know any of her tools aside from doing a really poor impression of Fuudo and just walk up with and
so, how do I unlock paid costumes with the proxy trick? I've already got all the colors and fm from survival, but can't find anywhere explaining how it is done
I dont know how much it is and I dont care.
10$ is simply too much.
csgo, league, dota 2
all these games have community sites that can track upcoming and current events scheduling to the minute
why can't the FGC do this
Ha it's just like with the evo """""charity""""" that sends skisonic to school.
Honestly, just put it in the training room where they DP on wake up and practice punishing it.
It'll help.
imagine if capcom just used their usual inhouse custom engine
no 8frames and no other bullshit
this. you'll be surprised how much spending 5 minutes straight punishing DPs will help.
What's the chance we'll get something cool at the end of EVO finals
Like a Akuma trailer
Why aren't you playing Pokken? It's getting actual free updates and the gameplay is far deeper than SFV. It also has waifus if that's what you're into.
It's happening
You're probably better looking to punish with into (or just if you're slightly further away) and getting the irish whip because that can lead into a lot of damage with dropkick + ex peach or a reset.
In neutral, st. mp, (charged) st. hk and cr. hp are your best tools I'd say - at a lower level the drop kick can lead to tons because they'll most like press buttons after it and you're +2 (if they DP instead you can exploit that).
Akuma is already out in the game that matters.
>wanting capcom to embarass themself by giving people a side-to-side comparission bewteen ue4 games
The "it's just the style" excuse won't fly with Akuma because he looks just like in sf artwork in tekken.
Tekken is trash and even Akuma can't save it from dying in a month
You realize those scenes are many times over larger and better funded right?
they specifically did SF4 akuma, notice the super bar in that game
you know that you're a joke, right?
Waiting for NX. The 4th character better not be another fuckig Pikachu, Mewtwo or fire mon.
Akuma looks dumb in tekken.
Those jaggy arms arent all that impressive iether.
Well we're getting
So I'm guessing it'll be a Gen 7 Poke to coincide with Sun and Moon. It wouldn't surprise me if we got them before Empoleon and Scizor.
>having capcoms cock so deep in your throat
>good looking
lol kid make place for a real artistic masterpiece