/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Don't bully the drawfriend edition
>Summary from the latest Live Letter:

>Patch Notes:

>3.35 July 19th

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


hey kid
wanna join my cult?

nth for scenery.




i like drawfriends, i dont get why people dont

nice shot user

Chemo is autistic

Because they won't draw my character.

>tfw ywn join biskois cult

y even live

post your character, ill draw it

I'll draw it for a fanta

Post wet cats

you look oily, stop rubbing so much cocoa butter on

But you already are...


oh ok

i want this c@ to fuck me senseless


>almost leveling up so go do some fates as war
>just dropping my cleaves here and there
>pld flies down on shield oath, provokes and have flash spasms
>he proceeds to do this on every fate i'm in
>mfw this guy rather tank shitty fate mobs than help me kill them faster

Lol palacucks. Either way, dungeons still the fastest way to 60? With 40k exp per fate i'm not sure anymore.


Hey guys. My tablet broke but it's working agian.

Batches of three.

You know gold medals in fates are based off aggro, right?

dungeons you dumb dumb

is this the new ultrash meme

How about ?

Because tank combos don't generate aggro right?


why are you so mad about artists in the thread


I really like this cat, A+.

If you're leveling a tank the only reason to not do dungeons is social anxiety

Actual drawfag here. Batches of three.

Thought so. Time for some sickness purging.

we aren't going to have anymore drawanons

That cat has one of the best butts in xivg history. Good taste.

>tfw wall

>all butts are the same

it's a good cat

this is bait

>This place will never be an open dungeon where all you can do there is read information and lore there all day

nigga u dumb

All cats have the same butts user, same for hyurs and aura since the 3 races share the same wireframe.



go away, squidders

EB when?

B- Be gentle, sir, it's my first time...!

Nice PS3

Where is like half of your torso

>rping in the thread
i want balmung to fuck right off


Th- thanks, I'm poor, so I- I have to put myself to work...

moogle mail cat, noooo


Have they said anything about what to expect in 4.0 yet?

Getting back into the game after BDO turned out to be garbage.

hey mang, i saved this nigga from an evil villain so be quiet

Weeping City is the best place for shenanigans.


can i touch your squidders

good luck paris, nite

How dead is gay me?

It's time to stop

Good night friend!



tfw no one calls you ugly anymore...

You hate ERP but let people touch your squidders? What a hypocrite.

Character and Youtube



How to unlock new hairstyles

Not dead at all

k, lemme see em

You were cute yesterday.

>Have to level Bard to catch up with friend
>Monster Hunter Gen Pokemon Go and Fallout Shelter all came out on the same day

Send help.

Fuck off with this shit already.


Is there an FC on Excalibur?



What are some hot up and coming memes that we should watch out for?

No. Everyone here on excal makes their own or joins whatever they like.


it just felt too weird desu

fallout shelter has been our for a long time though?


the ironic batches of threes

Should I not move there then?

Not on PC

Refines your craft and gets you gear to make things a bit easier.
Fates are suffering.

Why do you need an FC?

But I've been playing it on PC when it released a year ago


Why play an MMO by yourself?

You don't need an FC to play with other people.
see as well.

Linkshells exist.

t.kirito uchiha

Good morning /xivg/

look it's not the same ok

here u go

we posting brudduborunu


This. Friends lists, linkshells, group messenger programs, group communication stuff.
You don't specifically need an FC.
I'm in my own FC, I'm not saying be a loner.