>t-top 1% of the playerbase isn't decent, you're just bad compared to the top 0,001% h-haha
Ok silverfriend.
nth for Sion master race.
Best ship
xth for lying about your rank on /lolg/
>i'm challenger btw
I guess I was lying for a year and a half then!!
Who is the most attractive male champion?
My vote goes to Vladimir or maybe Yasuo.
>I just get off on the domination, I don't think Vayne and Vlad love each other
>posts loveydovey pic
Alright Vladfag.
>Not being an LCS player that posts on /lolg/
>being so mad you shit up the next thread on the first post
You couldn't just let it drop, huh?
Nunu rework when?
>le ebin vlad ship
>senator armstrong
why do i even bother with these threads anymore
>5v5 Teams
>not being arcsecond
The rest aren't even fit to be his toilet.
>use past tense in a post
>people point out you're discussing the past as if you made a mistake
also ranked teams still exist
Can you post the full comic to that?
I want to cover Lissandra's posterior with instantly freezing semen just to piss her off
silver players are legitimately unable to comprehend diamond and higher players exist
for them they are mythological beasts and everybody who claims they are is lying
best girl
Yeah, it has nothing to do with silver players pretending to be higher elo online just to troll, I'm sure. :^)
>Or should I say, Plat?
Boar whore mains where?
yes you're the best girl
by your metrics it's better to be silver than plat since apparently plat players lose all the time in silver, that's why they're plat
There just aren't that many decent kinky arts of them senpai
Will correct that as soon as fevermeme opens commissions
Or if you know any similar artists let me know?
>take a break from last season after playing placements with one of my bronze friends
>end up in silver s5 and dont play afterwards
>play this season
>climb back to plat
>it seems everyone somehow got worse and angrier
>slowly climb to diamond 4
>stuck here for the last 3 weeks
>start to wonder if maybe i peaked
Is it just me or does support just not seem as impactful as it used to be?
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>I don't like your build.
>Do something else.
>lol No.
>But m-muh elo!
>So? Don't care.
That's nice dear.
>stomp a game
>only get 22 lp because the enemy team was low-mmr shitters
As you post in basically every thread i'm awake for, I changed it to porcelain rod because it makes it actually hard (huehue) to complete a line.
Also what are you doing in London fampai?
I could give you some advice as a local if your intrested
to play bingo?
>Velkozfag yesterday having a breakdown over the fact there was ONE plat player on the enemy team and he shit all over him and his team
>today trying to play the silvers > plats spiel again
>when some sort of freelo gets nerfed hard and you're getting people divisions above you in your ranked games who's MMR is suddenly plummeting
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Are plats giving out free (You)s today, again?
this patch is the absolute worst
top better be ranged or darius/yasuo
mid is swain/vlad/azir
bot lane is ashe or lucian with a bitch ass ranged floaty AP support
jungle is the only thing with variance
who would've expected a shitty nonsensical ship would have almost no art
you need to be niels tier manipulative to get your awful ships to relevance. no matter how much you try this will never be the new zac riven, sorry to tell you
At a friend's while ex-gf's parents are over. Will promptly move to spurdoland after.
I hate this elo dick measuring. As we saw in the Vlad rework, dia and above can have horrible analytics.
Are they plats? :^)
>See Shyvanna buffs
>Fuck it lets revert them all and give her a baby buff
Why do this
Shyv is cancer, it's better off this way. Rework her, her design is too cool to be so insanely boring to play.
I just want to play dragon waifu without letting my team down
Why are these threads so fucking dead.
17 IPs, are you kidding?
itd be nice if dragon form gave her powerful abilities like a fireball/breath with actual damage or some shit instead of negligible aoe
One day, user. One day.
then ask riot for a rework
i dont see how anyone could play shyvana. her entire kit is basically press W and run at people
what her ult should be
what her ult is
>oh look a gapcloser
>woo i have 15 more armor and mr how exciting
>Going fast and punching people to death is boring
What if her Dragon form had a cleave on all autos instead of just Q?
what if her ult was unstoppable
What if her dragon form gave her the range Jhin has?
im feeling a gnar mechanic coming in
Deja vu! I've just swam in this place before
It's got plenty of art, just not very much good art. The fanfiction is pretty nice tho.
>back when /lolg/was good
everything has plenty of art when you consider all the shitty art
the only thing that matters is decent art, and vayne x vlad has none and the few it has was commissioned by you
so nah
it's dead in the water
What if her ult let her fly and she could just path over walls?
Lulu is MINE. Face me in duel!
I've only commissioned one wtf
>Making changes to Nidalee when shes still gonna be dumpster tier
>Gp untouched
Alright lol babs
After playing Splatoon I feel like League would benefit immensely from a lore event where two factions go to war, the playerbase chooses sides, and the winning side gets like bonus skins and shit. The winning faction could even get a new item like the old Ionia versus Noxus match.
Build triforce/frozen mallet shyv. It's fully functional, though no hec of course. 4k hp killing machine can't be all bad though
Gave it a shot
and that's like 33% of the art it has
im just saying
you're trying real hard to force it like zac and riven was forced but you won't do anything forcing it here, go to tumblr and start scamming artists if you want it to take off
What if her ult was like sions?
>League of CC.
I love Lissandra! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
But user we've been making passionate love all night
If only...
I would die a happy man.
Except went over walls.
Why can't I stop browsing this shitty site? I could probably be a piano virtuoso by now if I spent all the hours I spend in Veeky Forums practicing interesting skills like music or drawing.
And what do I have to tell for all these hours? What interesting or cool experienced have I had? That's right, absolutely none. I'm not a better person at all, I'm not a more interesting person, I haven't developed any skills at all. It's basically a slow suicide, slowly wasting my hours in this earth for no real reason.
That is NOT sejuani man, but i respect your pick
>25 minute queue for a 20 minute game
why even bother
>12 inches
>the Starchild
every time
There's already enough people on tumblr shipping it and I cba making a tumblr.
Plus I don't really want to force it, it's just that shitposting is hella fun
Should I make a tumblr and rp as Vlad???
If Vlad got a heartseeker skin it would seal the deal.
That's why you don't go in til the first round is blown on other assholes. She can kill a cc mage before they have it up again unless they have a janna or somebody lame like that just waiting.
I miss cinderhulk days.
Any good machine-themed skins?
>Rammus isn't best friends with Blitzcrank in the lore anymore
>Rammus' entire lore is that he lives in the desert and eats bugs
I see him more as an arclight type of guy
Male heartseeker skins don't sell that well
>Tfw rammus is actually the god of the desert
The old lore still exists, in an alt universe.
The summoners removal retcon just moved us to another universe.
The entire Battlecast line and Mecha Zero Sion
>multiverse theory headcanon
What's the lore on the Battlecasts, anyhow? Why are most of them Void champs?
>mechazero Sion
Despite turning into a train, MZ Sion is shit because you lose out on COOWAAAARRDS
>tfw plat player stuck in elo hell gold 4
help my teams are so bad
God that image is depressing. And her cosplay is pretty good
Viktor taking over the world, pretty sure the mecha and plusefire lines are made to fight them.
Vel'koz's body is a construct in the first place, guess Viktor just made him a new one?
>still no office lady skins
what is riot doing
Karu, if you truly are plat, you should shotcall the randoms you get to victory.
Or spam Sona, whichever is easier.
Vayne would hunt and murder the shit out of that edgy faggot
stop soling Vayne with your disgusting rape fetishes
>Viagra almost has as many kills as YOUR ENTIRE TEAM.
Damn son. Damn.
My question is... how did this game even go on for 45 minutes? Surely you guys had respawn times THAT long? :^)
He's called THE VEIGOD. He was not bluffing.
I think FINESSE IS FOR THE WEAK and his dance make up for it. Your gripe is valid though.
>Noxus high command was unwittingly built on the Immortal Bastion
>The Immortal Bastion was Mordekaiser's ancient fortress and crypt
>Mordekaiser is allied with the shadow isles, but currently stalks the slums of Noxus
>"Mordekaiser is not to be trusted Hecarim"
So when do we get Noxus vs Shadow Isles?
*Riven felt her sins crš¯”˛wling on her bš¯”˛ck
xth for excuses
I kind of want to know how many stacks he had now.
>spoiled rich sjw prude
>deserving anything but to writhe and scream in anger while tied in a sexy karada and orgasming on the chiseled porcelain rod