Who was villain here?

Who was villain here?

The Lombards.


Whatever idiot thinks of history in terms of good/bad guys

Persians were enlightened






the winning one

I like the irony that Persian intermezzo period decisively broke the Arab caliphates for good.


How much impact did Eastern Roman/Byzantine and Sassanid Persian courts and cultures have on Europe?

Not much desu, or there wouldn't have been a split.

He said culture, not religion.

Which is a facet of culture.

Not the tangent I was shooting for at all, try again buster.

The tangent you wanted was how the Greek East and the Latin West had been separate and mistrustful of each other for centuries, right?

The plebs.

Still not what I was talking about. See: , dunno why you keep talking about Christian schism or whatever.

>Whatever idiot thinks of history in terms of good/bad guys

>Byzantines and Sassinids didn't team up to destroy Islam in its infancy

What could have bee

Aren't there actual verified sources of Byzantine and Sassanid courts corresponding with each other to try and align their armies together in mutual war effort against the early Caliphate's military?



The Avars because fuck those guys

[spoiler]in reality there were no heroes or villains, just different interests[/spoiler]

>Alans retreating to the small enclave in the Caucasus
>Knowing the fate of the East-Iranian states in Central Asia
As much as I hate passing these moronic moral statements on historical peoples, something deeply saddens me about the demise of Scythians, Sarmatians and the other independent Eastern Iranian states.

Turks because they are Turks.

Sarmatians descendents survive on in the Iranian plateau and parts of Tajikistan. And Poland if you buy into that theory.

I was referring mainly to the decline of autonomous Eastern Iranian peoples as they either fizzled into obscurity or were absorbed, assimilated and interbred by the incoming waves of Turks and later Mongols. I'm well aware there are living descendants of Sarmatians scattered around Europe and Asia. Hell, there are many millions of Pashto speakers conversing in that language this very instant.

>And Poland if you buy into that theory


Iranians in Central Asia and the Steppes mainly *disappeared* due to decimation and mass slaughter at the hand of the migrating Turkic tribes and incursions of the Mongols. At least the Tajiks and Afghans Iranians are still around.

Hello Glendale

Do you have any proof of a concentrated policy by Turkic people to eliminate Central Asian Iranians? I find it much more reasonable to believe that ethnic groups in the Central Asian steppes would often assimilate into migratory groups if they had no chance at resistance. Look at this especially in the context of the fall of the WRE and post-Antiquity where tribal confederations consisting of a blend of ethnic groups dominated Central Asia. Would Turkic or Mongolic warlords really be opposed to nomadic warriors from ancient and warlike cultures joining their hordes, especially if he recently suffered a loss of man-power?


I think it's reasonable to say that the Iranians either were absorbed into the invading tribes (Slavs and Turks) or migrated West and were absorbed into the native populations (Spain, France, North Africa).

Widespread destruction of Iranian cities and urban centers is pretty well documented and acknowledged by this point universally, user. Didn't help when you have figures like Genghis Khan and Timurlane wholesale butchering Iranian peoples in Central Asia by the hundreds of thousands.

>Would Turkic or Mongolic warlords really be opposed to nomadic warriors from ancient and warlike cultures joining their hordes
At this point, most of them like the Persians were settling more comfortably into roles as artisans, writers, poets, polymaths, painters, engineers, and artists. I know there's a few noted cases of Turkics in particular making use of Persians as administrators but the warrior culture of most Iranian peoples seemed to petter out at this point which is the nadir of Iranian warriorship in Iranian history I think.

Hell on top of that you had shit like Merv or Samarkand, can't remember which, surrending peacefully to the Mongols after Genghis' son demanded they give up if they wanted their lives spared and making a deal with local ruler of the city only to murder everyone in their and enslave the survivors.

The Semites

Descendants of the Alans I mentioned in my first post, whose presence in Eastern Europe and Asia waned heavily from their Sarmatian origin.

It's tricky to connect the destruction of cities to the destruction of entire ethnic groups. Yes, there were cities east of the Aral and Caspian seas, on the banks or near the Amu and Syr Darya rivers that were built by Central Asian Iranians and many of them were destroyed and later resettled by Turkic and Mongolic peoples. But one must always remember that:
-All large urban centers tend to be relatively multicultural or at least multiethnic and this must be especially the case in Central Asian cities during the centuries following the fall of the WRE. At the time of the Mongol Invasion, I don't think cities would be as congruent with ethnic identity as it would have been in Antiquity.
-Most populations only had portions living in walled cities. Central Asian peoples in particular tended to be either nomadic, semi-nomadic or migratory should the circumstances for sedentary living change.
>Genghis and Timur
I think it's safe to say there were no more major autonomous Eastern Iranian communities in Central Asia at this point. I think the destruction of the old East-Iranic identities is what laid the tombstone for the Scythians, Sarmatians and the rest. To connect with your point on the prevalence of Persians in Turkic society, I'd say that many people of East-Iranian descent found it useful to learn Persian and assimilate into one of the respective cultures. During the Achaemenid and Hellenistic periods, the divisions between the western-most Eastern-Iranic peoples and the Western Iranian Persians began to fall, so it's not like someone of Bactrian or Kamobjan descent would suffer culture shock in Baghdad. Now the Sarmatians of Eastern Europe did not have this luxury and were probably "pettered out" by what said.

Do you ever come to a point in which you think to yourselves that spamming every thread (you) go into with "JEWS LMAO" isn't quite as funny as you thought it once was?

Actually yes. It was too late though. They had clubbed each other to death.

me on the left


>arabs havent even united into a tribal confederacy yet
>but they are the bad guys, because 1500 years later an arab will fuck my mom


>kutrigurs (bulgars)
>utigurs (bulgars)
>onogurs (bulgars)

What did she mean by this?


White croats and croats. They took our (serbian) seaside


They claim land that isn't theirs.
They backstab those that help them
And they helped out the ottoman empire and saved them from ruin in their early days

Sorry libcuck my mom isn't a cheap whore like yours and never fucked a sand niggers or a niggers.