>Castle Addresses
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>Castle Addresses
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Tharja a best
Azura a shit
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Thanks for posting 2nd best dori.
Cynthia is cute.
Best daughteru imho.
I agree that she's a cute daughter, but
>marrying Shitmia
Best Aether Morgan mother.
Peri a best
I adopted her in my headcanon.
I like Effie.
She makes me happy.
Is Ash going to win the League?
Was Effie considered strong in the JP supports?
I love Severa and so do you!
Do people here like Charlotte?
Yes, and reading her supports was always fun because off all the silly stuff she did with her shehulk strenght
That's her entire gimmick yes.
Thought her gimmick was being a big eater
>implying /feg/ ironically like her
Two whole gimmicks!
>Sorry Chrom but I've already fucked a majority of your family.
She's a strong, feminine big eater
Why ironically? She can fuck and cook in exchange for money and status. She is quite a good bitch if she stays loyal.
Which kid do you like to have her pass her physical glass cannon genes onto?
Seigboring or Solel?
You surely wouldn't do the indignity of trying to make Forrest not a wimp, would you?
She is a big girl
I like Hana
If we're talking gimmicks, what's the gimmick of Hinata's son (who I can't be fucked to remember the name of)? He seems too bland to even have one.
I wouldn't curse either of them with Charlotte
That IS his gimmick.
If I take off her armor, will she die?
I've never picked Hisame up, nor Kjelle in Awakening.
mondo futsu
I don't think so, no. Test it with Sophie and find out.
>not "it's your turn now"
Some people do. I'd say a larger percentage like her for her body.
I do. My conquest waifu.
I like gold digger characters..
NA, Battles please. Will battle back.
He's the teenager who acts like an old guy, in contrast with his dad, an adult who acts like a hot blooded teen-aged shonen protagonist. Asugi even calls him Gramps.
So Chrom said Nohr and Hoshido were fabled kingdoms.
So the entirety of Fates is just a story to tell Ylissean kids to go the fuck to sleep? It's all one big paper mario joke to them?
Also, pickles
Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with my pretty wife! I`ll never let anything hurt her or make her sad! Every second spent with her is perfect! I want to stroke her soft hair and give her little kisses on her cheek! We`ll have each other forever and always! I love Felicia!
>cynthia op
it's probably on par with european knowledge of formosa in the early middle ages or whatever
they know fuckall but that it's wonderful and far away
ah fuck hes the pickle guy
I wonder if that mean the kids play Hoshidans & Nohrian instead of Cops & Robbers, then. Suppose that explains Corrin, really.
I want to stroke felicias hair as she sleeps
>/feg/s two worst posters within seconds of each other
Please kill yourselves.
How much does an unopened CE of Fates cost?
Literally this
Who is the other one? i only know Feliciaanon
I actually dont mind him that much. he's always been pretty friendly to me
What's wrong with Sumia? She and Cynthia were among my top 5 buttsluts.
I don't know who Richter is, but I agree on the other faggot.
Why doesn't Nintendo let us marry all the bitches and have many rank S supports?
Le funny french man trying to sneak back into /feg/. Castle code is identical. Report and ignore.
muh monogomy
Because they ain't pimp like ATLUS
>not marrying Cutethia
low IQ bitches are da bes
Don't touch my daughteru, faggot.
I guess most people assume she's canon for Chrom and their supports are fucking boring.
I found her Robin supports kind of sweet. It's nice to see them reading schlocky novels and light erotica together.
Fuck off back to not Smash Chrom.
I want to fuck her stupid.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish with that poll?
fuck you chrom ill fuck both of ur daughterus
Are you seriously okay with these attention whoring scumbags? Let them know they're not wanted so they can fuck off. They're constantly making /feg/ worse.
They already know they're not wanted here.
I voted no just to be contrarian. I expect many others to do the same. I hope you enjoy your useless metaposting poll that will undoubtedly get nothing done.
So why don't they fuck off?
you mean stupider?
1-2 grind prologues before tackling next chapter in conquest
3-4 just tackle the next chapter as is
5-6 grind whatever prologues/naturally spawned challenges in revelations before getting back on fuga's wild ride
7-8 just tackle fuga's wild ride, as is
9 back to awakening
>guy tries to avoid being called out so he changes his card
>attention whore
Ironically a lot of people hate Sumia for that reason. Mainly Chromfags.
>funny /v/ fish
No argument? Nice job faggot.
>still types like an autistic retard
>identical castle code
Because that kluck knew people would recognize him. Fuck off you apologist faggot.
fuga's wild ride?
absolutely awful defenses and relatively low growths
people got cucked by chrom as well
don't forget her canonical support has her becoming a queen by baking fucking pies
also her marriage CG is weird
here's another reaction image for you
If he wanted to get recognized, then there would be no reason to change his name and avatar. Why are you so paranoid?
>Chromfags mad that their autistic lord has shitty supports with the girls
What else is new?
>this samefagging
You can stop shitposting now.
Sumia's growths aren't so bad. I'd compare her with Kaze, honestly.
Stop fucking metaposting
Jesus it should be bannable at this point
>backtracking because you got caught samefagging
Kill yourself attention whore.
>inspect element
I'm so convinced by a screenshot that took you 20 minutes to produce.
Guys I need help on the Shin patch for FE4
So I'm on chapter 2 (?) of the second gen, and I'm having problems keeping Shanny/Patty alive. Within the first three turns, one of the two dies from not being able to move far enough away from the enemy. Going to the left to get away from the oncoming enemies gets them trapped, and they can't clear the enemies in the south out fast enough to get through without getting killed from behind.
what do I do to get them out alive? do I just go without them until I can get corpul and the valkyrie staff?
overall they're not unsalvageable, but speed and skill isn't going to get her kills unless they're on archers who are surrounded and can't defend themselves
and honestly, kaze is also shit
I want to catch her when she falls.
Remember this?
TharjaAnon probably faps to it daily.
They're both units with solid niches. Kaze is built to take care of mages and can debuff, Sumia is kind of similar in that she beats mages and myrmidons with ease. Sumia's low strength is somewhat salvaged by how absolutely broken pair up is too. She also has the Beast Killer to take care of horse units.
>equip gunter with a daikon raddish so he doesn't soak xp as often and so that I can use him
>he waggles it
This reminds me of that really disappointing /feg/slut video.
Oh yeah, that's pretty much all RNG BS. You just gotta hope you get lucky.
Why is Hana such a cunt to Corrin?
Why is EVERYONE in Hoshido such a cunt to Corrin?
Find a better fighter.
Protip: You can't.
This figure catches her character perfectly. A shallow slut who's most prominent feature is her body. True neckbeard baito.