Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that chinamen are the scum of the earth and to dodge if you see any [] in pregame lobby
>get galactic azir skin
>hes been gutted
but why senpai
Can anyone give me a good reason why Nexus Siege exists? It's so much shit.
What about Karthus top?
Best marksman coming through!
xth for Cass smut (soon)
Describe your life in one League related image.
>when your team of boosted animals shitpicks champions they never played before and feeds
>all four of them
anyone wanna duo ranked on euw? plat v right now, i play all roles because im pro
add me : pontos
I want to feast on Trundle's smelly troll cheese!
Also Twitch I guess.
it's fun as fuck if you're a late game champ or waveclearing mage
you get full items in 10 minutes, it's great
Quick,How do i meme with mordekaiser?
Breast waifu
>build black cleaver on Illaoi
>one Q does 35% of enemy laner's health
This feels illegal.
can I play ghostblade into TF at low ELO?
Hyper carries need a shit early game to make up for a fantastic late game
Either git gud like a real main or move on like a fotm bitch.
Pic related
>the only artist that draws cassie frequently is shit
You enter champ select and these two are locked in on the enemy team.
What do you do?
Play because they probably blow and are only picking it because muh meta
so its pretty much confirmed now that tsm's 6th place last split was all yellowscams fault right?
>this will never be me
what do you think it smells like in there?
Stormraiders, build straight AP, rocketbelt into the back line and mash face on the ADC.
That's it. That's all you can fucking do Mordekaiser has no ebin meme builds like AS Braum or one shot Hecarim he is a living meme build.
>now the highest banrate of all the champs in na lcs
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee leave him aloneeeeeeeeee
Yes, anyone that disagrees is either from EU or a yellow$cam fan
Just go bot lane and put an adc mid. Shit they'll do better than birdman at this point alone
There's always excitement in the air when a new champion reveal is imminent, so I decided to make my own for fun. I spent most of the time drawing his face, especially the hair, and that's why the rest is a tad sloppy looking. I hope it's alright though. Altogether I spent a good 2 hours on it. Without further delay I bring you King Alaparos, the Crown of Noxus.
Lore: Alaparos was born into Noxian royalty, youngest son of the King. But his elder brothers often teased him for his age. This enraged Alaparos. Finally deciding he had enough, the young prince assassinated his elder brothers without hesitation, and his father and mother as well. Within time, he became the unchallenged King of Noxus, murdering anyone who gets in his way.
Gameplay: Alaparos is an immobile, melee bruiser/mage hybrid. Can be played either toplane or midlane.
P: Bloodlust - Alaparos gains a shield made of his enemy's blood whenever he deals 30% of their HP within 4 seconds
Q: Beam of Hatred - Alaparos shoots a beam of pure malevolence from his scepter, a long linear skillshot that deals AoE magic damage
W: Subjugate - Alaparos's next 3 basic attack deal bonus mixed damage, the 3rd one snaring the target
E: Hell Fire - Alaparos lights all nearby brushes on fire, granting him extra vision in those areas for 25 seconds
R: Family Reunion- Alaparos summons his horde of murdered family members back from hell, which will slow enemies within the targeted area and deal huge mixed DPS.
Jesus christ. I forgot this image existed.
>its a coach only lets quas play maokai episode
Every single team.
>that picture
how the fuck do you make Taric edgy?
Just got aviator irelia from a reroll.
How is this skin?
Yep and also because Biofrost is doing god's work.
he plays illaoi all the time and played gnar (?) last game too
taric is that you?
Talking about the new champion seems like he will be the least hyped champion in a while. He's going to come at a bad time now that league is dying.
Everytime I am low
how about you do it yourself, faggot
What's the source user
are you an actual girl?
Is it one of you fuckers that keeps commisioning Futa ZyraxLissandra art? I'll fucking slay you.
Team Blue vs Team Orange
It's okay, the splash is cute, it reminds me of best pokegirl.
>he still watches lolisports
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums soon?
Yeah, but you're not invited.
>reasons not to: muh pro play
fuck off riot
>mains Taliyah
>retarded avatar name
>le ebin earthbender
>mostly defeats in match history, a few games were you got carried
Holy shit dude, climb yourself
>tsm and fox didnt lane swap
K, what mastery and build do I get, trinity>botrk?
tfw not part of /lolg/'s inner circle
One Outs is pretty good
>It's ok when people feed in your games
>but it's not ok to argue why they're doing it
This gets me every time.
Trinity, if fed yomuus, if even bork, if behind tank. Tank after second damage item regardless
Never mind, not like it fucking matters cause she got banned.
Talon aka I'll take those LPs you're holding, they are wasted with you
>game in general is dying at record speeds
>EU LCS is beyond dead
>NA LCS would be likewise if not for TSM and their fans
Remember not to shittalk TSM. They are literally the only thing keeping this shit game with some semblance of life.
welcome to irelia
did you really take a photo of your computer screen?
>Be silver slob
>Match up with mostly golds and plats with the occasional diamond in normals
>Business as usual
How do I translate this shit into ranked? I play average against golds and plats, yet when my silver teammates feed uncontrolably or have no idea how to teamfight, I can't carry.
Post match history.
i got a call from my mother asking where i had been
apparently i had spent 5 days straight grinding out elo
So um, i've been stuck in draft for 3 minutes now. everyone's picked their champ everything and the game's just not starting
Did rito fuck their servers again?
>game in general is dying at record speeds
[citation needed]
Chances are, those fags aren't 100% serious when playing normals.
Why am I only getting 18 points per win?
>/lolg/ claims that frozen mallet is shit and should never be bought
The bigger your win streak, the more lp you tend to gain.
You've lost too much lately
Post ashe
>I'm a smurf!
>Lose lane.
>Top pick Vlad into Annie.
>Loses lane.
>Mid Morgana.
>Bot ADC complains of LAG
League of Legends
Yeah thing is, is anytime quas is on maokail the team loses
Yo, I've listened to the entirety of this song
What the fug is going on?
It is shit and should never be bought. Just buy a phage
> mid morg
> ever losing lane
/lolg/ is one person now, you heard it here folks.
It's situational, and isn't very useful on many characters, however, if you need to chase people down, it's good.
>I shitpost on Veeky Forums instead of gitin gud
It's good on Warwick. Other than that, eh.
Phage is only good for chasing. What if I specifically need the enemy to be slowed for the sake of landing a skill shot combo.
She did. Hard. She also never put black shield on anyone but herself.
user, I am good.
>tfw I can't stop making one trick accounts with really good names that I never play again.
>tfw Taliyah has a crush on Ekko
>I am good.
That's what they all say
I buy it on Tank teemo just to troll top laners
Buy a rylais then
>talking about the game
>in a game general
>is bad
Vlad can actually be defeated by an adequate Annie.
I want to cuddle and protect lulu.
It's core on Shyvana and teemo, its useful on Yas, yi and ww. It's vastly underrated
How is it TSM is the best team in NA and they struggle this much against one of the worst teams
>buy a Rylai's
What if your champ doesn't scale well with AP?
>tfw want to learn Talon
>can't into super squishy assassins having to go knee deep into enemy lines to fuck niggers up
>That's what they all say.
Who is they? Everyone? Including you?
Yes, I'm fully aware. Hence the, "picks into."
The problem isn't frozen mallet. The problem is the item is built on champs that are usually not picked, and for good reason.