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First for dragon slaying

waifus, lore, harmony

how do I turn down sharpening or what ever it is that makes it look like I've got some film grain on?




First you have to turn your hud off

haha who /fightingoffintensedepression/ here
or /nightlynightmaresthatkillyouinside/

or /dailythoughtsofsuicide/



Just go kiss an elf

You need to cheer up friend
/fightingoffintensedepression/ and /nightlynightmaresthatkillyouinside/ here

why ;d

Enderal hype

Well I'm two out of three so does that count?

stop playing your waifu game and get a job

Hello grey skin you're actually getting better however you're still elf scum
tfw I only sleep 5 hours a day kill me tesg

stop shitposting and get a job

>yellow eyes

second for dragon riding

and ur a racist!

why the fuck do they have such huge heads
wonder what bodytype rxkx is playing with

the iris is actually red.

>tfw I only sleep 5 hours a day kill me tesg
That's gonna be me when I start working.

I'm pretty sure I'm physically incapable of going to sleep before like 02:00.

P.S., can someone recc me a pair of gloves/boots that would go well with this armor?


hahaha jokes on you I have a job, 40+ hours a week and I'm still fighting the urge to slit my throat when I go to sleep

plain UNP is just pretty small clones

It's been a long time since I slew dragons. Maybe it is time to create a character that will do so again.

Get a long coat and rename Mistel to Motoko

I still haven't watched GitS even though I know I should

>doing a quest mod
>having fun and exploring a new land
>suddenly encounter a typo
>have a fucking seizure
>uninstall mod
>throw computer out the window

>using a bow
Is such a thing even practical?


Hey guys, just downloaded almost all the adult mods I need (SOS/Sexlab/FNIP etc. etc.) but I need a mod that will trigger the animations and let me sort through them.

I forgot one so can anyone recommend a good one utilizing the Sexlab framework?

Not in full plate it ain't.

No :)
Sexlab is shit

Not me. That stuff is a pain in the ass to deal with. Just like, stop thinking about being depressed. You'll feel way better.

Merchant guild mod soon


Does snake ever sleep?

post butt

Or you could bring him back

Yes, but only a few hours.

it would be amazing to be where you are right now and be able to hold an entire hour without memories invading my head and reminding me what a terrible place the world is and that there's nothing worth living for

if you're not there yet, keep fighting mane you've got so much to live for

he sleeps with yarti enough, so yeah

why does he never smile?

A-user that's lewd..


I don't care if it's lewd, I need to see that ass and feminine penis.

>he sleeps with yarti enough, so yeah

Good one Jo.

Those gauntlets go with the robes really well, are they the steel ones?

I've been looking for a good match myself.

No you don't get it mang, I'm there. I was where you were and then I just kind of gave up the whole "I'm depressed" act. Worked like a charm for me.

its ballad time

I've been meaning to get him made into a follower actually. I tried to make a big ol' .rar file with all the bits needed but I dunno if it will be helpful since I might have messed up or something.

I want boipcbutt 2

hahaha I lost my entire reason of existing and every day I wake up I ask myself why

it's not just a depressed act user I just don't have anything beneath some unsourcable base desire to not kill myself its all I continue to be but thanks

yeah those are vanilla Steel plate with vanilla robes, I experimented more with the Vigilant-added robes and they look better but I keep crashing

:v pls no the shippers will talk.

>Talk to cat
>He spouts some broken English at you
>He attacks you, so you kill him
>You collapse for no apparent reason
>When you wake up, you're in some random cat's house and everyone is telling you you're a cat and you agree with them.

Vigilant is one hell of a drug.

what we're only going to bang some drums and blow some horns

You're in for some shit.

I mean... if you say so...

As long as you keep telling yourself it's not an act then you're going to be stuck in that role forever. You don't need a reason to exist, you just need to keep walking the trail until you find a reason. Reasons will come, I guarantee it.

That was last week, first one, at least.

I AM, however /wasgoingtotakecutepicturesbutsuddenlylostthewilltoplay/ while not paying attention when looting a bandit camp along the way to the hot springs and suddenlA NEW HAND TOUNCHES MY BACON ...motherfuck.

whats with the crappy res buy a new monitor toaster fag

why do you do nothing in your screen shots

Oh, fuck. That's Vaermina. Am I in Quagmire?

Where? I want it.

Also post little trap butt

does this mean, between Galena and Ylfa, Galenca brings home the becon?

Because I'm bad at it and still trying to learn facial expressions. My screenshots used to be way worse. Hopefully I can move on to fancy outdoors stuff later.


Merchant guild is supposedly in the works.

alright, what mod is the drum playing animation from.

Praise be to frost resistance!

Puppeteer Master

It's a vanilla animation.

that's a cute dunmer

I prefer her with no expressions desu. I love my little emotionless boipussi.

my band is better than yours!

Use TFC to get a better angle, most of your shots always look like they are done in third person.

Zora Bright-Star is N O T for evil



>necromancy guild

His other band has dancers tho!

[sensible chuckle]

Well, she IS an artisan that does custom weapons, armor, enchanting, and potions, so maybe?

But on a scale of 1 to drunk, how yes are you?


Thanks for the tip. I'll work more on my camera angles.

Yeah just in general this mod looks pretty good.

more like The Cringe.webm



>no lute player

Shit band, wouldn't even raise my tankard to them.

There's no film grain there

If you want to reduce sharpening do it in effect.txt if you can edit in the ingame menu. Also disable Lumasharpen if your ENB comes with SweetFX

And praise be to absorb. Dodging this shit ain't easy in this tiny little shack.

Just embrace the gay its fine


Is playing music not the important part? Why must there be competition?

exactly as you drunk I think I am

You can't play a flute through a helmet silly

You better have fire resistance too


how can one play both lute and fife
competition makes everything better
you just wait and see

>you will never play in a band with Brutus

Why even live?

Oh look its an "user Is In The Closet"




fuck me

>you will never orchestrate a band of followers including Snakestone,Brutus, Haar, and Jo
Why even live?

A feminine Penis isnt gay tho

*episode. Episode ought to go at the end of that sentence.

you should all join up

Easy for you to say

Not with that attitude.

mega this

because it's the movie adaption.

whatcha listening to tesg?