Is it incorrect to use the word "nation" regarding the United States? I think "union" would be more accurate...

Is it incorrect to use the word "nation" regarding the United States? I think "union" would be more accurate. This isn't some smug Voltaire meme attempt to say a country isn't actually what its name is or anything, but rather an attempt to put aside post-Civil War stigma against sectionalism to find some truth (the pic is not what I believe, just an example of this kind of thinking I found). just take a look at the Merriam-Webster definition of the word:
>a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory

>united by common descent
Certainly not. Even in the US's first iteration (the thirteen colonies), I believe the Southern states were predominately of Scots-Irish stock as opposed to the Anglo-Saxon north. And this is even without the succeeding century of massive European immigration.

While what we now know as "Americans" have existed arguably since the early 17th century with the foundation of Jamestown, the component parts of the American union have mostly had long histories independent of each other. For instance, while Jamestown was first being settled, one could go to Spanish New Mexico and eat at a restaurant or sleep in a hotel. Hawaiians are an established ethnicity with, of course, a long history outside of the US. It, Texas, and California all existed as independent countries for a time and this is still widely recognized by the people living there today. In fact, I would say that all of the current United States have actually had a very small amount of common history together.


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Now, the difference between cultures in the US is far less marked than it used to be, but there are still clearly defined differences between US regions. If you think about it, there is actually very little that holds the US together culturally. Respect for the constitution and fairly similar political ideology being one of them, as well as a few "national" dishes that are actually overwhelmingly outnumbered by regional ones. Americans, depending on their culture, will enjoy different sports, listen to different music, wear different clothes, practice different inherited traditions from their European ancestors, and approach the day-to-day drudgery and challenges of life very differently from each other.

While it carries much political stigma to say this, especially on Veeky Forums, it is important to recognize that the United States have no national language, and to join the union there is no explicit requirement that a state must be a primarily English speaking one, and many have been admitted when this was not the case. The US southwest did not last very long as a solely English-speaking region, and it is perhaps an inevitable consequence of the US's size and the history of these states that they would not remain purely Anglophone, even factoring in proposals that illegals HAVE TO GO BACK or BUILD WALL.

>inhabiting a particular state or territory
How can a nation inhabit a specific state or territory when it is a federation of states and territories? Putting the contentious issue of state's rights aside, US states are still members of a union. They are not provinces, they are not federal administrative divisions. If every state in America besides Wisconsin became another country or became part of an existing country, and Wisconsin alone carried on the name of "United States of America", it would be an absolute laughing stock. On the other hand, if Germany invaded and annexed all of France all the way to the Pyrenees, leaving only a small Francophone buffer state in the mountains the size of Switzerland, people would still call it "France", its citizens would be recognized as "the French", and nobody would ever question it.

What are the implications of this?
>The US is not a nation, it should be referred to as the "American nations" plural perhaps
>"Nationalism" as an ideology in regards to the US is a very confusing use of the word. What we think of as nationalism in America is really more of a sort of nativist federalism
>the use of the phrase "the United States is" instead of "the United States are" in historical or other humanities should be completely disposed of, as it plainly defies reality and grammar to make a political statement about what the modern US should be

>Is it incorrect to use the word "nation" regarding the United States?

Nation nowadays is so fucking mangled by the modern languages to refer to state entities.

The United States as a nation concept is weaker than that of say France or England but it is assuredly a nation.

Is the United Kingdom not a nation then? Is the concept of British and the people who believe in it mere fantasy?

You're right thought the nation of the United States is very weak compared to many others especially in the Old World but to say it isn't a nation is just wrong.

>70~80% of white Americans are Anglo

>everyone in the US speaks English and partake in Anglo cultural mannerisms

>US government jerks off to any Anglosphere cooperation

If I had to divide the US into multiple nations it would be four distinct nations.

Majority of the US would be one Anglo nation, one black nation one Asian nation and finally the native Ameircans.

>Is the United Kingdom not a nation then?
Many, if not most of its own citizens do not believe it to be such and I actually fairly rarely hear words such as "the nation" or "national" used in relationship to the whole UK. That's just what I gather as an American though.

>70~80% of white Americans are Anglo
Bullshit. I'm not going to pull out self-reported ethnicity statistics because Americans tend to just choose the most "interesting" heritage they have for those, but white Americans look nothing like Englishmen. I'm also sure there is at least some truth to the "most Americans are Germans" meme.

meant for

Southerners definitely have a claim to being a nation of their own.

>one Asian nation
There isn't really such thing as an Asian-American identity. They just integrate into white American cultures while retaining very few Asian cultural traits such as riding their kids hard on schoolwork. Plus they are very few in numbers.

Historically probably not, but contemporaneously I'd say so.

The thing is though it comes down to. If a subset of X consider concept Y to be a nation then is it or is it not?

If it isn't but for some other subset of Z considering concept A to be a nation it is a nation then is there some arbitrary number of requirement?

Do you need to have 600 years of history before you're a nation? Do you need 1 million signatures on your nation petition to be a nation?

The problem is Americans haven't really settled down to "become" a nationality. Since independence it's just been wave after wave of different immigrants and growing territoriality at a colossal rate. Nobody has ever stepped in and said that nation-building is now over so we just continue operating in 19th century "give me your tired and huddled masses" mode.

jesus christ america, this is why everyone hates you. You're provided with a great, well explained idea of different nations within the US based on settling patterns and you immediately go to "nah, gotta do it by race'

The historian's witticism has it that the Civil War was fought over a point of grammar, whether the correct wording was "The united states are..." of "The United States is. . .."

But even before that Marbury vs Madison established the supremacy of the federal government.

Fuck New Englanders. They're the worst people In all of America.
>Obnoxious sports fans
>Dialect that no one understands
>Most overrated history
>"muh JFK"

Literally by nuking it and Ireland you'd be doing the world a favor.

>70~80% of white Americans are Anglo

Top bait.

>The largest ancestries of American Whites are: German Americans (16.5%), Irish Americans (11.9%), English Americans (9.2%), Italian Americans (5.5%), French Americans (4%), Polish Americans (3%), Scottish Americans (1.9%), Dutch Americans (1.6%), Norwegian Americans (1.5%) and Swedish Americans (1.4%).

You mean they've been Anglicized. I'm going to pull a statistic out of my ass and say that probably more than 50% of Smiths in the US are former Schmidts.

The American nation is bound together by allegiance to the US Constitution, because it is true that it is not a "nation" in the traditional sense of the word.

Not only is there not an official language, but American English sounds alot different depending on where you're from. Ever been down south?

The vast majority of that remaining 43.5% are people who report their heritage as American, ie Anglos and Scots-Irish.

New England master race reporting in.
If the Union does fall apart, this is where you're going to want to be.

>You mean they've been Anglicized

Not even that, really. We speak English, but American culture is not English culture. It's a blend of many things, including English (not even the biggest part), with its own unique aspects as well.

>people who report their heritage as American, ie morons


>Scots Irish is now the same thing as Anglo

No, fuck off, no self respecting WASP northerners would identify with the lowly Ulster and Mick niggers. If you wanted to call the British, then fine, but not Anglo.

Althoug in some other countries that are entirely composed of lower classes they can mix and it reaches downright comical dimensions, like in Australia where they had to invent the "Anglo-Celtic" moniker to explain the fact they're retarded convicts heavily tainted with Paddy shit blood. It's on the same level of retardation as identifying as "Mongol-German".

Also their food sucks and is nothing of note.

Far less retarded than petty segregation of British whites, which is the whole reason the Irish were such ghetto niggers in the US in the first place.

Irish were and still are ghetto niggers thanks to their genes.

>still pretending to care about this shit

t. Baraigh O'Bama, proud Irishman

t. Schlomo Goldstein

Well I don't think many of the people who identify as ethnically American are in the North in the first place. And as someone who's ancestry is Pennsylvania Dutch, I always found it pretty funny how much Anglos have historically hated the Irish when they both have plenty of Celtic blood in their veins,

Cool map, bruh

Ireland has higher wages and standard of living than America though


Not only does it have a retarded name but it would likely be the worst shithole in the history of the US.

Also pic related, ethnic Americans are a Southern phenomenon

This map would be cooler if the states were drawn to more reflect the culture of the people in them, and if they didn't have absolutely retarded names.

Which ones have different cultures?

How does a white Anglo-Saxon descendant American differ physically from a white Anglo-Saxon Englishmen?

Body fat percentage.

Most of them. These states seem to be drawn more to geography than culture. Nothing in the Midwest or Northeast really has anything divided by culture, I don't really know enough about the South or West to comment on them though.

I don't think immigrants will change the language of the country as a second generation immigrant myself. My parents and every immigrant friend of theirs didn't (except for a few exceptions) teach their kids their country's language. My parents lived in the states for five years before I was born and learned english and made sure I grew up in an English speaking house.

>And before: Build a wall Pedro
They came here legally


These are definitely culturally homogenous, more or less.

Lower IQ and fat.

>"most Americans are Germans" meme

How is it a meme? It's a statistical fact.

American obesity rate is 32.6%, UK's is 29.8%. American avg IQ is 103, UK avg IQ is 100.

Salt Lake, Shiprock, and Ogalalla don't really make any sense and the Northeast is even screwier.

That's not physicality.
Obesity is literally almost as bad in the UK as it is in the US so still not telling me anything.

Salt Lake makes perfect sense actually. Those regions are all western, mountainous, with similar ethnic makeup and a strong Mormon presence. Utah and Idaho should be a single state even outside of meme maps, honestly.

New Scandinavia is just part of the midwest, or called the great lakes region

>New Orleans

Fuck no, Cajuns were considered redneck white trash in New Orleans. If a Cajun somehow got wealthy and educated enough to become a New Orleanian he would just pretend to be Creole.

Here's a question- are the cultural differences between US regions less than the difference between Americans as a whole and Britons?

Another good question- is the difference between, say, Southerners and Californians any lesser than the difference between an Englishman and a Scot?

>are the cultural differences between US regions less than the difference between Americans as a whole and Britons?
A Southerner, a New Englander, and a Californian are closer to each other than they are to a Briton.

>is the difference between, say, Southerners and Californians any lesser than the difference between an Englishman and a Scot?
The valleys between the Southerner and the Californian is the same width as the valley between an Englishman and a Scot, the latter valley is just much deeper due to history. Split Cali and Dixie apart and let them develop on their own and you'd see just as much of a difference.

Well southerners are black/white, speak mutilated English and are largely protestants, while Californians are mostly Mexicans, Salvadoreans or some other beaner variety, speak mutilated Spanish and are largely Catholics. Plus Some Chinks and Jews for flavor.

So yeah the differences are gigantic.

On that map Mormons are split in half between Salt Lake and Shiprock.

I guess you can't beat the large separate institutional and political histories that separate the constituent british nations.

What is shocking is that Scotland has all of this separate representation (on account of its very own separate history) but its population is just over 5 million.

The Atlanta metro area has a population of 6 million, it seems crazy in some sense that Scotland is smaller than most US states and yet has all this extra political representation as a nation.

That's some like a ratio of 1 Scot to every 17 Englishmen, so every Scot must have a lot more influence in the British system than any given Englishman.

Class brings a whole other separate element into this.

The global upper-class intermarries frequently in between nations now, they probably have a national type of identity less and less as time progresses.

Majority of white American Southerners are Baptists/Methodists.

Which are Protestants.

I don't consider myself a Protestant.

>this isn't a smug Voltaire meme attempt
But it was

Well if you're a Baptist/Methodist, you're a Protestant...

America is a union of four main nations.
>southerners (white)
Plus irrelevant peoples like Cajuns and natives

>pretty funny how much Anglos have historically hated the Irish when they both have plenty of Celtic blood in their veins,
I don't see what's funny desu. While the Anglos did add race into the mix in the nineteenth century, it was the cultural differences of the irish that made the anglos scorn them most of all.

>the south
Whoever made that map needs to be thrown into a ditch and burned alive

Well yeah and that's understandable considering how shit-tier Irish culture was. But nowadays that argument is pretty moot and anyone who still rails against the micks inevitably brings it down to race.



Only 5.2 million out of the 320 million people in the US are American Indians. So yeah they're pretty irrelevant.

Because most white European descendant Americans don't identify with their Scottish/English/Welsh ancestry and simply put "American" when on censuses. Combine those with Americans who actually identify as English-Americans or Americans of English/British descent and they are larger then German/Dutch descendant Americans.

Well duh but that's like saying Mexico doesn't have a Spanish culture because it's evolved and mixed in its regional culture


I would show you the most (visually) attroitious map I have ever seen if I knew how to download an image off google docs on my phone.
Nonetheless, gaze at the horrible neon contrasts in horror!


Is this really a subculture anymore? Haven't they dispersed so far to be pretty much indistinguishable from most people in that area of Louisiana?


>Riverside called out as a state capital

riverside mothafucka

If people call themselves 'American' when asked their nationality, then an American nation exists. It's as simple as that.

You have a retarded view of nations as perfectly homogeneous entities with absolutely no genetic, cultural or linguistic (TRIGGER WARNING) diversity and a single unified history going back forever, which isn't true of any modern nation. You could use the same arguments to argue that any nation on Earth doesn't exist.

>he doesnt want to be in Texas

Fuck u 909er

New-Orleans and Baton-Rouge are almost indistinguishable from the rest of Lousiana. But Acadiana, the area around Lafayette is still quite culturally distinct. The french language is stil a sizable minority there with something like 15 % of the population. And the cajun culture is the norm instead of being mixed with the southern culture like in the rest of louisiana


There is wonderful word for it: Federation

>jesus christ america, this is why everyone hates you
hm, wasn't aware America was a person that could hold opinions and post about them. Actually, it seems almost /pol/-tier to me to make generalizations about an entire country based off one poster, but I guess that's just my shitty American education amirite?

>But even before that Marbury vs Madison established the supremacy of the federal government
>judge who works for the federal government decides that federal law is supreme, and previous federal law makes this ruling binding
meme of the century

You may as well say abrahamic if you're just using lump terms to describe religions by origin rather than belief

Abrahamic would refer to everything originating from Abraham, ie all of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Protestantism refers to those sects who split off of the Catholic Church during the Enlightenment period, like Baptists and Methodists. You can be as autistic as you'd like about it, but the fact of the matter is that if you're a Baptist or a Methodist, you'd going to be considered a Protestant.

Where do you live? Hapa in SoCal here and there is definitely a distinct Asian-American identity, although you probably won't know about it much unless you live near LA or SF.