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Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X

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1st for Tornado




he finally got it kek
kill urself


They did a pretty good job with the 29A it looks like pure sex.


If you don't think bears are the most aesthetic thing you can get the fuck out of my face, cyka.

If you don't use the following skin for your Su-27, consider suicide.

>tfw the SU-27 in DCS is the first major production model
>tfw killing F-15C's in it

Best plane.

>Based skin
>Based planefu

rotary wing supremacy

Sukhoi wondered, "What would literal sex look like in aeronautical form?"

Thus, the Su-27 Flanker was born.


Y'know what pisses me off every time I see that?

Look at how fucking accurate that tracer fire is. Compare that to the accuracy of autocannons and machine guns in DCS.





>you will never be a flanker pilot





>blueflag admins are so upset over the BMP incident that they even took out the crewable, stationary ZSU guns
>the slightest hint of a skilled ground commander intervening in muh airquake is unacceptable to BLUFOR babbies


>blue fag is salty about russian bmp taking out their """"""god""""" plane
>removing CA from blue flag



Why live?

Fuck you all this is a Flanker thread now.










Flankers are great looking planes but with their proportions they always look like this to me.


>the tight-lipped cucks at leatherdaddy simulations are in charge of the single most interesting naval jet of the 20th century

god save us

It's not VEAO


a russian a10 would just have 4 rocket pods

>Play Blue Flag for the first time
>First life gets memed on by what im was told was Red on Red.
>Second life gets taken away by a lag spike on rotate
>Third life gets taken away by god's plane at flight level: pluto
>Forth life gets memed on again by "killed by: Death"

i got one kill and it was AI. Is this what they call fun? good GCI tho

>god's plane at flight level: pluto

hearty kek, blue flag is fun at times, infuriating others.


>park right outside enemy air base
>perfect position to place KUB site
>landed, powered down so they can't see us
>drop the crates

>can't unpack
>wingman accidentally took a radar instead of launcher
>we both get removed by a single huey

one job

rip helis

How would they see you with power on?

Wingman took off and killed a enemy kub site that happened to be right next to us

Entire enemy team saw the tracers and I was too dumb to bug out afterward

I'm sorry friendo :c

At least I removed that enemy Kub.

What's the best way to practice combat flying in a fighter in DCS? Make up my own scenarios, dl some user's scenario, etc

make me Top Gun, user

Read and watch Art of the Kill.

Practice. Join up with some people instead of play on your own, there's lots of groups that teach as well as ops.


>get hit in f15
>oh good wings are still attached i can make it back
>hydroaulics leak out
>cant control the plane anymore

G-gods plane




I was actually watching it a few minutes ago

Yeah but if I join up what if I have to wing with a fuckin furry


Then wing with a fuckin furry. If the heresimeter reads greater than 40% then shoot it down before disconnecting and finding another group.



>breezys a cuck


>pissing people off
well done

>Air refuelling is easier in BMS than it is in DCS



which plane do i vapowave next

Mas Su-27

i already did that one :(



It is.

What the fuck is this with all the commie lovers in this thread? Go to 2ch.hk and jerk each other off there, they are fucking ugly.

>Commie lovers
No, friend. Slavboos

I'm a slav, and I hate slav planes.

Slav =/= slavaboo

I know that, but slav planes don't look good to everyone.

That's alright a lot of people here like them, however.

>More evidence to support Furries driving newbies away than shitposting

>people do retarded upside down refuelling
>i-it is much easier in BMS
>DCS is a realstic and complicated sim for pros!
>as close to reality as possible!
get out

But I joined cause I like furry.

will having mistrals make the memezelle useful at all you guys think?

is everything a meme to you?

The Gazelle will honestly never be SUPER useful in DCS just because of the way missions usually go. Doing recce is never really important, no mission will ever really involve attacking ground troops in a manner that wouldn't be suicidal for the SA342L.

sure, why not

I was thinking it may be able to serve some sort of niche role being the only DCS heli with actual a2a capabilities, but ya I know what you mean

The gazelle might start being useful when people start making missions which involve having a recon element. Something which has been missing for quite awhile now.

>implying you need to do anything for Ivan to ban/kick/globally-mute you

You should know better.

I know I'm just taking the bait, but what the hell are you on about?

Su-33 is probe and drogue, which is something that's not even in BMS. Mirage is the only full DCS plane that does it, but right now it's a nightmare because the tanker is constantly changing speed last time I checked.

F-15C and both A-10s I find are significantly more difficult to refuel than the F-16 in BMS. They're very, very touchy whereas in BMS once you make contact the plane seems to stabilize and holding position is extremely easy. You've also got a much easier to read light system to guide you in holding position.

I'm still not exactly sure what you're trying to say, if anything. All I'm saying is that refueling in BMS is easier than DCS and that's not a minority opinion. Supposedly BMS is more in line with how easy it "should" be but that's anecdotal as far as I know.

I can't really talk about probe and drogue because I know less about that and don't do it much in DCS because it's kind of broken on the Mirage. Even if it worked perfectly fine, it's apples to oranges. There's some interesting posts on F-16.net where a Hornet driver talks about it and the F-16 guys compare notes.

There are plenty of aircraft that are only useful in appropriate missions, it's just a shame that there's a pervasive 104th style attitude that any mission where the player can't fly whatever they want is bad.

Some of the best modules are even less 'killy' than the Gazelle, Huey & Hip in particular.


To which patch do you have to revert to try Mig-21 demo?


Anyway, yeah- the Hip and the Huey are rad as fuck, but they can do something much more useful in DCS than the Gazlel can- that is, transport. Even if you're a masochist and use the vanilla mission editor features, you can make missions wherein a Huey or a Hip moves soldiers around, soldiers who will then go on to kill things and accomplish objectives. You can sling load things, which can also be used by mission editors for objective stuff. With user scripts, this goes much further, with various vehicles and SAMs and shit being able to be deployed and to have a major impact on a battle.

Meanwhile, the Gazelle's main thing is recon, which as far as I'm aware isn't supported at all by the mission editor or through user-made scripts. So this means you can't really do recon in singleplayer missions. In multiplayer, you might be able to do some neat stuff like acting as an airborne forward observer for a combined arms player directing artillery fire, or as an AFAC for strike aircraft, but that's hampered by the fact that there's no good way to get precise coordinates on a target location with the gazelle (short of looking at it with the viviane, lasing it for range, then going to the F10 map and drawing a line on the right bearing and of the right range to a position and using that as a rough ballpark for the coordinates). You also can't really mark anything, so AFAC duties would be full of a lot of talk on.

I own the Gazelle and I fly it a fair bit (mainly because it's new and it's another helicopter, and I'm a big chopper fag), but it's just not super useful outside of dicking around IMO.

I really want more fidelity Russian or European fighters.
As much as a meme as it's considered to be I really want VEAO's Typhoon to be good.

>start dcs
>it crashes
>connect to server
>it crashes
>fly around
>it crashes
>do nothing
>it crashes
Not even FSX crashes this much wtf?
>inb4 communist apoligists blame it on my toaster

I love DCS but it is a piece of shit that crashes constantly. I'm hoping to get an SSD when I start my new job and I hope that'll help

Your country is a shit if it haven't intercepted a bear.
Post your country intercepting a bear.

>doesn't provide logs

can't help you f4m