Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

Previous Thread:>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs is out!
-Kiranico and MHX Dex updated

>I have a question! (embed)
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to impregnate meowtress every year of her life until death!

Is it just me, or are there fewer good HH's compared to 4U?
Am I just too autistic about notes?

Zinogre a cute !


As long as they do damage while playing I don't care what they play.

Do you guys know what are the best skills for suppout palicos?

Best place to harvest speed jellies?

Post sluts~

sorry i dont have any pics of your mother

is there any list of notable armor sets for adept gunners in early high rank?

What are some really good early game weapons? Specifically GS, Hammer, and Swaxe.

Who /nohunterarts/ here?

Too lazy to equip them whenever I change weapons and they don't keep.

Is there a list of the required quests to unlock the next ranks and so on?


No way, it's so satisfying to land a Lion's Maw + Ground Slash combo with the GS.

I don't bother too much when I'm using CB. Mostly since they all suck. But if a monster is stunned or tripped and I have 5 phials and energy sword is ready I'll pop it. Other weapons have clearly useful stuff though, like for LS both the counter and max bar are amazingly good. I want to use adept but having both of those would be killer so I'm considering guild to see how they work together.

>Adept Greatsword

Fantastic work, again. Current thread,

>20k normal monies
>10k cat/academywhatever points

am I supposed to have things to spend all this cash on

it keeps stockpiling and this is the first monster hunter I've played

What does gaining points for a specific town do exactly?

I heard MHGen has no G rank and the cooking is all fucked up?

This true?
Also no sub species?

BASICALLY, should I get this game or not?
Loved 2, 3, and 4.

Google mh wiki , find the game you are looking for and then use that page to find the key quests


W R O N G T H R E A D you fuckstick janny


If you only focus on one or two weps you should be fine on money.

The cat points just keep stocking them up , you can then start wasting them on stuff to sell for more money.

>no G-rank
Yes, it's more of a spinoff than a mainline game.

>cooking all fucked up
You now choose a meal to eat and a sauce to apply.
First one determines the health + stam bonuses, second one determines the skills.
You get meals by mixing ingredients together, which you get from certain quests.

>no subspecies
Depends on what you'd consider a subspecies.
If by that you mean a lazy recolor, then no, there aren't any.
The extra monsters are basically stronger versions of the base monsters.
though i'm not too sure about that last one since i'm only hr1 and village 3*

>mod deleted a general


What's a good low rank hammer to work towards?

good job

Asking again since the active thread got deleted???

Are there limits on skill sets for cats? I'm trying to get an assisting cat with either all 3 trap skills or 2 of them and GO FIGHT WIN. I've been cycling through cats for quite a while and I feel like if it's pawsible, it should have happened by meow.

Mods confirmed for retards.

>I heard MHGen has no G rank
>and the cooking is all fucked up
You know how 2* ingredients replace 1 in 4U, and 3* replace 2*? Well, in MHGen the old useless recipes for some reason stay on the menu, so by the end of the game there's like 6 pages of recipes, 5 of which are obsolete.
You filter them by effect, which helps a little.

looks like nobody joined their hub

Fuck you janny dont delete my boast


>You filter them by effect
Wait, you can?
That's pretty damn useful.

More likely OP of the last thread confirmed for retard. He probably got his ass banned for shitposting on /v/.

>Fated 4 ded.

So should I just go ahead and throw away the Blagonga/Rathalos/Khezu/Ludroth LBG's and whip up the Raizex/Diovaldo/Gamuto/Tamamitsune weapons?

Not that Gammoth and Mizu are fucking doable on the regular anyway. Fuck those fights suck


Does Gen have HR village quests?

Literally Purrfect

They deleted last thread because we told them to git gud.

Can we have a shitposting thread no /mhg/?

Only by the primary effect, like Attack Up or Def Up. Not by Felyne kitchen skills. Those are determined by the sauce you pick and are independent of the level of the ingredients.

>4 ears
Im so confused

Yeah, figured as much.
I assume there's still an Explorer sauce?

based cuteposter. you guys make this general happier, atleast for me

That's a ribbon.

Cat Ears are decoration. She's a Wyverian.

Has anyone gotten any streetpass tags yet?

I've gotten none. Seems like everyone is too busy playing pokemon go around here.

Okay now that I found the proper route of playing, it's fun. I just cooked a well done steak!

>real thread deleted because ???

Also maybe we should pick something else to filter by in gen, I keep getting actual gathering rooms

I need an astalos wing if any of you needs help with him

I live in the middle of nowhere.
The only way I get Streetpasses is through one of those relays, and there's no reason for me to take my 3DS along when I go shopping for groceries.

Actually, I'm not sure. Maybe.
There's a "new" category of food, which gives NO fucking buff, aside from more health/stamina. And I think it's basically what previously was drinks. But this time if you want Moxie you get jack shit except the sauce effect.

nope, and I specifically toted my 3ds around today while i was out pokemon going at the park

tfw everyone in this town is too casual for MH

Fuck it. I ended up doing them in the end.

Oh for fuck's sake mod, you frozen waffle.

>Tiggy, Zinogre, Gore Magala and Brachy in 6*
>Lagi-kun, new flagships and Rath in 5*
>Narga is the only Flagship in 4*


damn dude


Just only check the ones with a password?
And I assume the population will dwindle anyway.

Welp, here's hoping it's still in.
I need my secret areas yo.

This is great but why are they thumbnail sized


Would you mind going with png if you have the originals still?


If Zinogre was available anywhere before 5, his weapon would RUN FUCKING EVERYONE'S SHIT IN

Same thing with Tigrex, who's weapons are top 5~8 EASILY. Greatsword is #4 due to overall damage output.

Brachy's always a fucking busted weapon choice too

You know what MH4U did right? The ability to cook entire fucking stacks of raw meat IN TOWN.

Is Aerial style the best for GS until you can get Critical Draw and Focus?

should i do gs or hammer

No, the originals were jpegs. Fuck Capcom.

Good weapon for a first timer?
I heard Horn is fun, but I kinda wanna Lance

4U was not the first to come up with that.

So how am I supposed to find that ultimate Prowler? Is there anything I can do to help find it, or do I just have to check each village after every hunt and hope to get lucky?

Also what should I look for for Palicoes?

because you're retarded?

4U stole that from P3rd.

join the GS masterrace and mount any monsters 3 times in a row with Aerial

Click for full resolution

The point stands, why the fuck isn't that in Gen.


What gear/skills should I be aiming for as a low rank HBG user.

Speaking of which.
Can you BUY RAW MEAT yet?

How is it more of a spin off than a mainline game?

The best? I don't know
but it IS fun

Well you later get the ability to request the cook to make steaks for you while you're on quests i think

try lance, try horn, see which you like better. The tutorial quests have a weapon section that goes over the basics of all the different weapons so you can feel it out without committing resources to it.

This is my first MH
I really liked it
So ill be coming here


It's not like you craft right into final stages of those weapons. Their tier 1s and 2s aren't much better than other stuff available at that point

But you can KINDA do that, you shitter

P3rd was the PERFECT GAME in terms of being convenient as a motherfucker though.

1 slot for Unlocked HR Turns.

Come get your shit done.


Compare LBG...

Is there a point to gathering as a hunter now, besides for charms/relics?

I'm curious if there are any large monsters that'd fit in Deserted Island Area 4. I think it's too cramped for a conventional fight but it has a really great creepy/spooky factor that would make for an interesting fight.

>not just RUNNING shit

Putting your Palicos to do something else

...with CB. Now, tell me which one is the thinking man's choice.

How is Blast in MHX?

The element numbers seem really small.

Thinking of going for the airship hammer.

So with the cats, it seems like you can have a lot, would I be missing out if I just stick to one?

Like the damage numbers, elemental/status values used to be inflated too.
If you want the 'old' numbers, multiply by 10.

Any suggestions for a good HR7 armor set? That's somewhat easy to make? Or a skill set that is good for dualsword/longsword/switchaxe user?

I got to HR7 but am still using old LR armor so I need something new.

Area 4 is the cat village map. It just also has a cave full of mining points as well. I've never seen a monster go into a cat village map and in like 400 hours of 3U I've never seen one go into area 4 both deserted island and moga forest exploration versions.