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@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Illidan (Inactive)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)


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the pally and character i was on today are ally, why?
4 of my 11 100s are horde though

what the fuck is

People who felt like making their own hugbox instead of joining NFA.

i could help you horde side for blood infusion

NFA is dead

thanks for the offer, i have 2 characters left to do it on but both are ally. plus one still needs some primordial saronite

>tempted to resub for prepatch early
>no idea what I'd actually do though
>know I'm just going to end up logging in for garrison tables everyday again

So do you tip people to help you get it done? I've always wanted to do the Shadowmourne legendary stuff but that one part puts me off completely.

>tfw back on mm hunter most likely
How do i stay still in a class >.>

you do know that garrison missions are getting the heavy nerfbat, right?

Are you sure you didn't mean literal who is dead?

The pre patch is in two days just resub and mount farm or something. Get your bank sorted since you'll be able to sell all of your transmog gear after the patch comes

Who wants to RP tavern hopping on Moonguard?

no i didn't have to tip or anything, just threw up a group in legacy raids and waited for people to join
the first 2 were the retards though, then the good players joined
they were all nice about it, i messed it up a few times and said if they wanted to leave go ahead but they stuck it out
then again i tried on my 2nd character this morning and had no one join in ~25 minutes
the questline is pretty simple though, everything else is very easy to solo and i got to the ~6 week farm final step in a few hours total

Wait for the Demon invasions to unlock or start like 2 weeks before that so you can comfortably level any alts you might want to play during Legion.

meant for

>a dead, well established guild has 4 more people online than a guild that formed 8 hours ago

whoa keep me updated :O

>going to have so much bad space in 2 days
I am so fucking keen


Make sure to hug a gnome today!

i've never even heard that realm name

Is there a way to get Weak Auras to play nice on the beta? Whenever I enable it I get kicked back to the character selection screen once I enter combat.

Okay..I'm a super fucking slowpoke, but help me out here.

I just caught up to all the WoD stuff and they story doesn't make any fucking sense. In HFC, you end up rescuing Grommash from the legion and instead of killing him, you let him decapitate some dead body. Whatever, that's fine. But then at the end, after you beat Archimonde, Grommash and that dranei bitch are basically arm in arm celebrating? wtf? When did they become okay with each other? Didn't Grommash orchestrate dranei genocide and specifically kill like the main dranei dude? But everybody is just like yay, he picked up Gorehowl!!!! And then Khadgar is just like...peace out and that's it. Am I missing some crazy shit that happens in the legendary quest or is that really it? I'm only on part 2 of that but I can't imagine too much of that story overlaps.

>nfa has 757 members
>literal who has 30~
On an average, literal who is STILL more alive than nfa...

>sup y'all it's me ya boy Asmongold

Grom didn't do shit, he was a literal who the entire expansion

I moved there in Late BC/Early WoTLK but quit in Cata

Came back in MoP to this empty shell

Do shamans still have thunderstorm in legion?

nope, that's seriously it with grommash. he says fuck you to gul'dan, gets chained up, and we help him out. he did nothing to account for his attempted genocide and invasion of azeroth besides not side with gul'dan.

time to afk in elwynn

>didn't do shit

He could have gone with Durotan and not helped the Iron Horde

No one knows. Just typical Blizzard shit. Grom was a good boy he dindu nuffin

they gave up on the expansion early on so they could put more time into legion

How jealous are you

>They said that about Cataclym
>They said that about MoP
>They said that about WoD

>first clan contacted by Garrosh
>he could have not helped the Iron Horde


Do I have the best looking character here


>No Garrosh I will not be a part of this madness

fuck no

nah, WoD was literally them trying to push out a whole expansion's content in a year
and it didn't fucking work because there's a certain amount of time that they can't cut down when making a new expansion

his other option was to do the same shit that happened in the main timeline and look how well that turned out

Who the fuck cares. That was all in an alternate timeline. It literally doesn't matter.

Gay autistic dindu nigger orc stop raping draenei women

Does it feel like we missed an entire zone's worth of lore and story? That's because we did. WoD is an absolute disaster; half of the content planned was cut. Don't question the lore, it's an alternate universe anyway. It literally doesn't matter. It's almost over now. Never look back.

no thats me

yes :3

they don't need to try anymore, they could shit in a box and it would still sell millions

hello, I just got my account back after it got hacked and banned. I bought members and made a worgen dk on darkspear. I'm sort of a Death Knoob. Any advice I can have, or friends I can make?

>cboy thinking xe is good looking

don't try to learn your classes that in depth right now, the class changes for the next expansion go live in 3 days
wait til then and figure them out more

Cata and MoP don't feel like arcs that got cut short somewhere

I mean Cata is pretty much just Deathwing popping out of a hole in the ground and all his buddies getting uppity and we smack their shit and clean up the mess

I'm still wondering what's supposed to happen to the other Azeroth. They legion in the other timeline is still well aware of them yet the Alliance has no clue they are coming.

That's pretty shit then. The end of Nagrand with the Thrall/Garrosh fight was more satisfying. and alternate timeline or not, thats not an excuse to not have some sort of finality. If anything, all the more reason to go batshit crazy with your story since 'it doesnt matter'

Oh well, thanks for the answer.

Thanks user

I kind of like it honestly

you play alliance

are orcs dindus or more of like savage mongolians

heh, i like your description
and i see what you mean but i think he's talking more about the 1 year+ content drought at the end, always promised as making content for next expac

>other Azeroth

there isn't one

Orcs are illegal aliens

Dindus since the writers always make something bad that they did not be their fault

If orcs were mongolian they wouldn't have been cucked by the humans for so long

>I didn't read WoD's introductory lore on Blizzard's own website

When Garrosh met Grom, he used Kairoz's daggers to show him visions of the humans enslaving orcs and told him that "this is our future unless you invade Azeroth"

Grom is innocent he was manipulated by the eternal hellscream

Where the fuck are you in this mess?

>being a sissy faggot that doesnt like big bara orcs
Nah you should be deported, i like orcs better than you ;^)

Jesus christ that entire picture

was checking garrison on my nefl soon to be gnome hunter gimme a sec

Different timelines, different legion, different everything.

If the fucking upper management in the horde and alliance has learned SOMETHING they will disintegrate the dark portal and ignore that timeline forever.

>grom did nothing wrong fags exist
he literally tried to kill off an entire race to fuel the portal

Is the inn always this packed? I thought mg goldshire was a meme.

its real, depends on the time of day as well, few hours ago it was packed

Yea it's literally the whore house of WoW no memes, all of ERP happens there

>He tried to kill a race i like boo hoo, he is evil
>I am totally justified in wanting to kill an entire race cuz i am a hateful bigot
brain cells burning as we speak D:

>different legion
actually, about that
there's only 1 legion, throughout all worlds
this has some strange implications
like we know there are multiple velens
but there's only 1 KJ, 1 Archi
so when they joined the legion, did all the versions of themselves merge into 1? what if someone left the legion?

Am I fucked then? Do I need to roll a doggo?

>content for the next expac

thing is most of it ends up a stuff you only do on a character once, like zone questlines, or stuff that gets made redundant by other content (leveling dungeons by level cap dungeons, normal dungeons by heroics dungeons, heroic dungeons by mythic dungeons or raiding, etc)

>different Legion
nah, Blizzard's lore is that there's one Legion across the infinite multitude of timelines
which is pretty dumb if you ask me but I'm not in a position to change it

yeah and what about timelines where it's Kil'jaeden or Archimonde that gets the vision from the Naaru? where's the alternate Legion-aligned Velen been this entire time?

well most people want futa/shemal erp among other things

If you want to play the game then go to a non RP server, if you want to keep avatarfagging like you are stay there

>If you post your character once, it's avatar fagging.

>Oh shit, I'm sorry.jpg

The description of the male draenei's MRP is "Looking down on other races" and the females is "Always looking to make some friends." Wat.

If the legion exists outside of time that means there are INFINITE draenors for them to go fuck up and bring to kill everyone.

Blizzard can't fucking cherrypick space-time continuum rules and expect nerds to not be angry.

>INFINITE draenors for them to go fuck up and bring to kill everyone.

yes, that was Kairoz's plan you fuckwit, learn to pay attention

he wanted an Infinite Horde to combat the Infinite Legion

How can people unironically play like this?

all of this is so degenerate. i want to be a part of it

Dis...is the futa corner...Hic!

But if the legion exists outside of time, and the twisting nether isnt a plane, but rather a non-dimension, then the bronze dragons should be able to completely block their attempts of an invasion.

Main timeline is supposedly the "true" timeline. Unless we are supposed to get invaded, but then why would the bronzes fight it?

None of this shit makes sense now. I hope they forget the other timeline exists and just go back to killing demons.

none of the dragonflights have been able to do shit since Deathwing was killed

well, it's too late now. unless they completely retcon all of WoD the lore will be completely fucked till the end. this is how I imagine lore works at blizz:

>a couple of employees looking at all the books, games, comic, etc lore and thinking what should be next and what would make sense and fit the lore
>metzen busts in through the door
>metzen leaves for the whole next year

bronze dragonflight doesn't/didn't fight the invasion. Quite the opposite actually. They ensured that it happened.

My understanding is they only step in with time anomalies, which implies that the opening of the dark portal and subsequent invasion was intended to happen.

why does it say "UK" instead of "EU" in the OP

EU is not officialy supported by blizzard after brexit, it's UK now

am i being memed

> @ Illidan (Horde)
> @ Illidan (Inactive)
i-its not about my ego at all guys!

>EU token price more than China token price
what happened

There is no EU anymore, it's just the UK and the Caliphate of Cuckmany with its vassal sates

but it is?


NFA's been dead for fucking ages, m8

Yes, you are. Friendly reminder that EU server are not even located in the UK, hence why server time is one hour ahead of the UK.
Also reminder that we have english, french, russian, spanish, german servers.
Because OP is an idiot.

t. the last nfa member

NFA is inactive, my man

>want to play the game
>remember how shitty it is
>remember blizz still expects you to pay for this
>repeat ad nauseam



You must have a very bad memory huh