/pgg/ - Pokemon Go General

Imbecile dragonfish edition

Old thread >About the game

>official FAQ

>What is it?
Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.

>Some questions answered
pastebin.com/spEFYmPw (embed)
Fresh with updates!

>Information on taking the spoofpill
pastebin.com/KCVr1HjB (embed)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for valor

Anyone has guide of for pokemon go on nox?
I forgot to save the link from last thread.

Probably the same way it works on blustacks.
It even worked that way on my real phone.

please help T_T


>tfw when you are spoof fagging and only going to places with lure modules.

Anybody know of the walk mod for android without having too root the phone

rooting takes one click stupid goyim.

Kids these days are so spoiled. Back in my day you had to download a program to jailbreak your phones.

I got a s7 and haven't really looked into it

Everything in my town is so far apart except this one cemetery and park that's chock full of stops.

1080p or lower phone with big battery and under 5.2 inch screen.

Does not get super hot.

I want to play 4 hours before hitting 20%

Is there a fix for the 3 paw tracker bug


holy shit thx alot time to rev up my compiling engine

Daily reminder to NEVER talk about or recommend spoofing to anyone else


Moto G 1st Gen (2013), back when it was still manufactured by Google and not the Lenovo chinks

If you install Cyanogenmod instead of vanilla android, battery life is like 10 hours of intense use, 24h+ of light use

so iinstalled the files and i dont know
what username and password to use ,google's? PoGO's?

>python example.py -u myUsername -p myPassword -l "Boulder, CO" -st 5

Is this worth evolving? I'm level 16

I didn't realize he was blocking the #, he's a 311.

need help with this too
what is username and password

na, you will find a better one soon. I waited til 21, found a 375. shit was cash

i still dont know but i tried with gmail (pogo account) and now i am trying with poke trainer account

wtf after a few hours of playing my starter squirtle is pathetically behind all these others im catching and i cant level him up.. anyone else bothered by this or am i missing something?

caught a charmander and hatched a bulbasaur straight away thou pretty happy, thought it would take ages to get the other starters

>everyone arguing about teams or being a spoof or or not

>not having 3 accounts on all teams and being a spoofers AND walkfag

>not dominating everyone in your sight

The noose is over there boys, line up.

No pokemon becomes useful from catching before you get to level 20+. The starters exist as just a tutorial on how to catch a pokemon, but other than that are pointless at low levels. To power them up is a waste of candies and to evolve them is a waste.

Just wait, catch as many of them as you can until you have enough to immediately evolve them to max at level 20+.

so i found out that you must have
1) python 2.7 not 3.4+
2) install all modules like flask_googlemaps geopy and
other module s stated in the 3) previous thread in alink to the reddit
4) install pip run example .py with python 2.7 and
login with a pokemon trainer club accountnot a google account

if you sign in it should say that the PoGO servers are working or not if they are tou paste the ip in your browser and have intractive pokeradar!!!!!!

So level 17

how is my progression?

>rooting takes one click stupid goyim.

There are many legitimate reasons not to root your device faggot

Just because you're 12 and only play games on the shitbrick that mummy bought you doesn't mean everyone else is dumb for not being a shitty cunt like your mother

2 pidgeots tells me you're not power levelling enough

not him but I've caught a Pidgeott, I can imagine him catching two

>get up early to go play
>see this


I evolved a pideotto being the 803

Then went into town and ran into a ??? Pidgeot which turned out to be the 883

okay then you're doing bretty good

I wish electric types showed up when there was a thunderstorm

How do I spoof?

>Anyone has guide of for pokemon go on nox?
install nox
download pokemon
>click the location pin looking thing to set your location before you launch the game, by default its in sydney aus, move the pin and mouse down to the bar at the bottom and select/set should appear

if you have a decent PC go to nox settings>advanced and allot the emulator more memory and cores, set the res you want to use by default
hit the keyboard looking icon shortcut on the side of the nox window to enable the keyboard if it is not already lit, a bar will pop up up top, if there isn't a dpad with wasd on it drag one out from the bar, click save and it will prompt you to set the opacity. WASD to move in the cardinal directions

install pokemon
run pokemon

everything is at this link
you hardly have to do shit all to get it going.

the poke map generator worked fine all this time now its not. Could someone run these coordinates and post screen please; 52.137781, 4.683723

Post yfw the banwave only hits people who travel different continents in a short amount of time

w-what banwave

if that happens then the only spoofers left are the people who are the playing the game normally, they just cant be bothered going outside so noone cares

is the three foot glitch patched yet?

the one that will never happen

Too bad it only works with a PTC account.

I tried making one this morning but they are down. Sad!

Anybody else miss the good old times in these threads? When people would get excited about other people's catches and nobody was bothered by all of this spoofing shit?

Trying to get that maps version of the pokemon locator up and running.

I always enter the information and press send and this is what I'm left with

all this time i tought my phone was too slow for this app but its the fucking game

That was before we realized how shitty this game and niantic were.

It's coming, lad. Niantic doesn't fuck around.

There is no banwave. They can't even fix their shitty servers.

the one that will only affect people warping across continents and the world

Since my location wont work, but yours does, here you go.

mate, what is this and where do I find it

Also isn't it wrong? I got a Bellsprout on the corner of my street then another day an Eevee then today a Drowzee

I just can't seem to hold on to poke balls. I've got some incense and lures just sitting in my inventory because I can't get enough of a surplus I'd feel comfortable using them. It seems like every time I go to a poke stop I get swarmed with mons. Should I try to find one at a nice park or something and just swipe it for a few hours?

Any aussies playing atm? I haven't been able to login for hours.

Thank you so much, user! Now waiting for the Pokemon Trainer Club servers to be back

Its shows what mons are there right now

>good old times
>a week ago

So, the protobuf got decrypted, which yielded a lot of nice info.

I've updated the exp requirement graph, and it's even worse than we though. Who still feels like grinding here?

This is the current locations of pokemon. It changes every 15 minutes or so.

Hey guys I've got lot of frequent flyer miles saved up. Is dratini Lake still the best for dratini?

nope been down all night for me - adelaide

Is it normal if I get errors 90% of the time, after refreshing page?

Fuck this game, it caters to city niggers and fucks over the people who live where Pokemon would actually live.

>bout to head to local community college to walk around a bit
>decide to fap real quick before going out
>no longer want to go

Is this cheating?

I'd try to argue the point is exploration and finding the Pokemon that way, but the radar is so fucked that you can't really do that right now.

I don't know if I want to do this or not, don't want to ruin the fun using all kinds of tools like this but at the same time it looks liek a great way to find shit.

The fuck is "Youngster" achievement? It says I caught 5 ratatta out of 50 needed but that's a fucking lie.

Another bit of info that came out of the protobuf is that eggs stop getting better after level 20, and encounters stop getting better after level 30. So basically there's two soft caps.


So how normie is the game where you live?
Here in Italy it's considered kiddie shit by almost everyone, I have to go out early in the morning to avoid getting judged by people

>one of my first evolved catches was a Haunter and I was super stoked
>a few levels later I catch a Gastly that's more powerful
You were cool for a couple days Haunter, now get in the grinder.

You aint normie enough, bitch. It's time for YOU to get the fuck out.

Where do I find this map generator?

In Denmark it's extremely normie. Tons of kids, teenagers, young adults... yeah. Also many couples walk around and play together.

I found a few Staryus today, and I normally don't see them in my area.

Reminder that grinding right now is pointless, just wait for a bot (there's already one that uses server calls to farm pokestops)

wouldn't it be great if legendaries are found only in places that are really hard to get to?
Like Kyogre/Lugia found somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Rayquaza or the bird legendaries are in the sky or mountains. Groudon on volcanoes.
That'd be amazing.

Well, hasn't it been proven in protobuf that you get max cp pokemons starting at level 30?

see lots of kids playing it here but lots of 20 somethings as well. my non-normie friends think it's immature and below them while my normie friends are enjoying it. see lots of parents playing it with their children too but not many others in the 30+ age group.

Chicago it's normie as fuck. Everyone that's outside is playing it, from gangstas to hipsters to Mexicans.

Whats the site/link?
I just checked out Pokecrew, but it isn't working.

It'd be nice but they'd also need to be limited per person / can only be caught once a week otherwise people that were able to aquire them nearby due to whatever lifestyle they lived would be able to farm them regularly for trading monopoly

Where can I find this map?

Yes, see Even then the graph still looks depressing past 20.

>turn on game
>works fine
>step outside
>lag, crash, unable to login
>walk around for an hour, getting basically nothing done
>come home
>game starts working 10 min later

every fucking time for the past 2 days

Pic related is my team
Should I change something?
I'm entering the Rock Tunnel right now

servers finally down i guess


It doesn't seem to work for USA coordinates right now. Every US coodinate I give it fails while outside that seems to work (only tested Netherlands and China)

No, it proved that you can get "all" pokemon in the wild at 30. I assume the cp still goes up

I'm in a small comune in Lombardy and I've seen all sorts playing. But the game is basically unplayable last 2 days so not seen much.

Doubt it would work for Canada, then.
I found a nice map that shows all pokestop/gyms in my area, was hoping this would give me some love.

where from senpai?
como here

as long as you have flash youre good to go

Good game

guess server shat themselves

people would literally die

>what the girls look like anytime somebody mentions they got a girl's number

Wrong thread.

I wish dark types would show up everytime there's a BLM protest.